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Job Transition Workshop Series. James Atkinson, CDF Steve Kraus, SPHR Deacon Dan Parker Bob Priest Shelly Trent, SPHR. Today’s Topics. Job Search Correspondence: Cover Letters, Thank You Letters Using Good Grammar, Language, and Spelling Business Etiquette . Job Search Letters.
Job Transition Workshop Series James Atkinson, CDF Steve Kraus, SPHR Deacon Dan Parker Bob Priest Shelly Trent, SPHR
Today’s Topics • Job Search Correspondence: Cover Letters, Thank You Letters • Using Good Grammar, Language, and Spelling • Business Etiquette
Job Search Letters • IF you need to MAIL a letter, use a standard business style format and 8 1/2" x 11" bond paper. Don’t use plain photocopy paper. Do not send a hand-written cover letter. • Even when submitting online letters, you should: • Address letters to a particular individual, and use his/her correct job title (never “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Sir or Madam”). • Never photocopy a letter; each must be an original, signed. • Make paragraphs average in length. • Always send a letter with a résumé, never a résumé alone—even when applying online.
Job Search Letters • Check your work carefully for grammar and spelling. • It is a good idea to have someone else (who is a good writer) proofread it. • Use your computer’s spell check and grammar check! Don’t rely solely on that, however. • Don't plagiarize letters out of books. One employer recognized a thank-you letter he received had been taken word-for-word from a text he was familiar with.
Unsolicited Letter • Letters sent to employers like a “cold call” • Not really applying for an opening • Just sending letter to see if you “get a bite” • Not usually effective
Cover Letters • Purpose is to get person to READ the résumé. • Use your cover letter to answer every requirement in the advertisement. • Personalize your response as much as possible. • Direct your materials to specific individuals, not "To Whom It May Concern," or "Dear Sir/Madam." If the advertisements do not show a person’s name, a quick phone call can provide that. In a blind ad, address your letter to a specific position title, (e.g., Dear HR Manager or Dear Hiring Manager). • Try to write to the person who will make the hiring decision.
Cover Letters • Sixty percent of executives believe the cover letter is either as important as or more critical than the résumé. • Be wary of suggestions to use gimmicky attention-getters, overzealous or desperate-sounding phrases, and exaggerated praise of the employer.
Cover Letter(aka Letter of Introduction) • Opening sentence should announce its purpose and give the reader a reason to read on. Executives and HR professionals get many letters and emails everyday. Make sure they know what your letter is about right off the bat. • If someone mentioned the job opening to you, be sure to use his or her name in the introduction: "I am writing to you at the suggestion of John Doe, who told me you may be looking for an office manager." • If you're responding to an advertisement for a job, say so in your letter: "I am applying for the car sales position advertised the Daily News and would like to tell you about my qualifications." Recruiters like to know if their ads are read and how you heard about the job.
Cover Letter • Demonstrate your knowledge of the company. Use that employer research!! Not only does this show that you have a genuine interest in the job, but it also indicates that you have initiative—a quality that is highly sought after in candidates. • Explain your current situation. Are you finishing school or in a full-time job? Can you begin work immediately or are you available after a planned vacation? • Explain why this job interests you. Let potential employers know what you have to offer. Do you have any special abilities or knowledge that you could build upon if hired?
Cover Letter • Briefly elaborate on one or two key points to draw attention to your resume. Give details about the most relevant parts of your work history for this particular position. • Don't rehash your resume. The cover letter should generate interest in the resume, but not reiterate the same points. • Quality in a cover letter is vital!Never just say, “as you can see in my resume,” and then point out what is there.
Cover Letter Recap • 1st paragraph Explain why you are writing; identify the position and your source of information. Indicate in summary form your strongest qualifications for the position using a series of phrases. • 2nd paragraph Outline your strongest qualifications in more detail and show how they match the position requirements. As much as possible, provide evidence of your related work, community activities, and academic experiences and accomplishments. Refer to your enclosed resume. • 3rd paragraph Optional. Convince the employer that you have the personal qualities and motivation to succeed. Relate your interests and qualities to your knowledge of the company. • 4th paragraph Request an interview and indicate how and when you can be contacted. Suggest that you will call at a specific time to discuss interview possibilities. Thank the reader for his/her consideration.
Cover Letter Samples • Let’s review a sample handout
Thank You for Interview Letter • 1st Paragraph • Show appreciation for interview • Name names of those with whom you met • Express continued interest if it exists • Middle Paragraph(s) • Provide info not offered in interview or re-emphasize material covered • Supply requested information • Last Paragraph • Offer thanks and anticipate future contact
Thank You Letter Sample • It was a pleasure to visit with you and to meet the members of your staff. I was pleased with the opportunity to get a closer look at (name of organization) and to hear of the many ventures being undertaken. • (Add information not covered in the interview) In reviewing the interview, I was aware that we did not discuss the area of ________. I would like to add that my latest employment provided an opportunity for development of some expertise in the aspect of___.
Thank You Letter Sample • Paragraph to cover information unsatisfactorily presented in the interview: In reviewing the interview, I feel that I did not accurately answer your question about travel, schedule requirements, etc. I may have conveyed hesitancy about travel, or extra working hours or other special considerations. Your subsequent explanations and descriptions of the job helped me realize that I would find the situations mentioned to be acceptable.
Thank You Letter Sample • I was most impressed with your organization, especially in the area of quality control. • As I understand, you will contact me within a month regarding further consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you again for the interview.
Thank You Letter • If you are interviewed by multiple people, send EACH of them a thank-you letter, but NOT the same one! • They will probably compare them, and no one likes getting a “form letter.”
Letter Layout • Do not put all of the letter at the top of the page like this slide looks; center the whole letter so there is an equal amount of white space all around it.
Letter Format Your street addressCity, State ZIPDate letter is written Address just the same as it would appear on the envelope. Greeting: Body of letter. ______________. Normally, about three paragraphs. _______________. ___________ . _________ ______________________ . ______________ . _______. Closing goes here, Sign Your Name Your Typed Name
Follow Up • No matter what job search strategies you choose, follow-up and record keeping are important for success. • Maintain a careful record of all interviews, thank-you notes sent, referrals made, and follow-up actions. • Job seekers who fail to maintain this information often lose valuable contacts as well as credibility with prospective employers. • Follow up within 24 hours!!
Proper Dress, Language, Etiquette, and Other Factors • Interviewers make judgments about you in the first few minutes that could impact their decision to hire you. • Your handshake, eye contact, body language, posture, listening skills, clothing, grooming, and accessories tell them a lot.
Language: Commonly Mispronounced Words • Supposedly (NOT supposably) • Escape (NOT excape) • Especially (NOT expecially) • Espresso (NOT Expresso) • Regardless (NOT irregardless) • Realtor (NOT real-a-tor) • Often (of-fen, NOT OFT-en) • Alzheimer's (NOT Old Timer’s or All Himer’s) • Height (NOT heighTH) • Hierarchy (NOT hi-archy) • Sherbet (NOT sher-bert) • Ask (NOT Axe)
Language: Commonly Misspelled Words • Congratulations (not congradulations) • Definitely (not definately) • Accommodate (not acomodate) • Privilege (not priviledge) • Professional (not proffessional) • A lot (not allot or alot) • Liaison (not liason) • Frustrated (not flustrated) • Separate (a rat) • Harass (one R) • Cemetery (no A)
Language: Commonly MisusedWords • It’s vs. Its (It’s = It is and Its is possessive) • Your vs. You’re (your is possessive and you’re = you are) • There (place), Their (belongs to them), They’re (they are) • That, Which, Who (people who vs. things that) • Moot vs. Mute (moot = point not worth arguing and mute = silent) • Effect (a result) vs. Affect (to influence) • Appraised vs. Apprised (you appraise value and keep apprised of situations) • Too vs. to (too = also and to = preposition) • Stationary (still) vs. Stationery (paper) • Height vs. Heighth (not a word) • Grateful vs. Greatful (not a word) • Lie vs. Lay (people lie on a bed and objects lay on a table) • Idea vs. Ideal (you have an idea/thought vs. an ideal/perfect version of something) • Familiar vs. similar (not pronounced simular) • The term “i.e.” means "that is“ and “e.g.” means "for example." A comma follows both of them • Site / sight / cite (site=scope; sight=see; cite=quote)
Language: Commonly Misused Phrases • Just between you and I (should use “me” as object of preposition between) • For all intensive purposes (should be “intents and”) • I could care less (should be “couldn’t care”) • It would of been nice (should be “would have”) • Different from (not than)
Language: Commonly Misused Phrases • I did not appreciate you wearing my shoes OR I did not appreciate your wearing my shoes. • YOUR is correct. It shows ownership of the task “wearing my shoes.” Here's another example: • He didn't like me calling him names OR He didn't like my calling him names. • MY is correct. Again, it shows ownership of the task “calling him names.”
Language:Other Misused Words • @ means “each apiece” and not “at” – unless you are writing an email address, do not use @ to mean “at” • capital refers to a city, capitol to a building • lose (to experience loss)/loose (not tight) • supposed to (need the D) • used to (need the D) • Using “like,” “you know,” or “I mean” in every sentence • Do not put an apostrophe in plural abbreviations such as CDs, CEOs, CPAs, SUVs, DVDs, 1980s • Time: 8:00 a.m. is correct; not 8am, 8AM, etc. Use noon or midnight for 12:00 • Piqued my interest, not peaked
Language:Other Misused Words • His/her vs. their • Everyone must bring their own book • Or • Everyone must bring his/her own book • Everyone is entitled to their/his opinion • Your friend wants to bring their dog on the trip. • Or • Your friend wants to bring his dog on the trip. • Each of us have vs. each of us has • Neither is vs. neither are
Language:Other Misused Words • Impact is NOT a verb; it is a noun • Incorrect: “The high price of gasoline impacts me in a very negative way.” • Correct: “The high price of gasoline has a very negative impact on me.” • Less vs. Fewer (use less with mass nouns [clutter] and fewer with count nouns [M&Ms]) • People who vs. people that (“things” are that; “people” are who)
Language:Other Misused Words • Verb usage: • I saw vs. I seen • Taken vs. tooken • No colon after state-of-being verb • Am, is, are, was, were, be, being • INCORRECT: • The winners are:
Punctuation • Colons • Semi-colons • Commas • Quotation marks • Periods and commas go inside the end quotation marks, and semi-colons (;) and colons (:) go outside.
Punctuation • Angela had the nerve to tell me, “When I saw ‘BYOB’ on your invitation, I assumed it meant ‘Bring Your Old Boyfriend’.” • John asked, “When’s dinner?” • What did she mean, Bob wondered, by saying “whenever you get here”?
Punctuation • Hyphens: • ten-year-old car • highly motivated employee (no hyphen with LY adverbs) • hot-headed cop • pre- and post-haircut photo • easy-to-read format
Etiquette • Etiquette is about presenting yourself in a way that shows you can be taken seriously. • Etiquette is about being comfortable around people. • You can show your good manners throughout the job search process. • Be courteous and thoughtful to everyone regardless of position or company. • Show your appreciation; always follow up with sincere thanks. • Make it a point to arrive ten or fifteen minutes early for an interview. • Be very well prepared for interviews and meetings—you are using someone else’s time. Use it wisely.
Etiquette • Always return calls, even if you don’t have an answer for them yet or don’t want to talk with the caller. • Beware of email use (spelling, grammar, and the way it comes across). • A 1997 study by Manchester Partners International says 40% of new hires fail in their first jobs due to their inability to build good relationships with peers and subordinates.
Introduction Etiquette • Introduce the more important person first. You should address your client and say "Mr. Beta, I'd like you to meet our CEO, Ms. Alpha." • Both men and women should stand for handshaking and all introductions.
Miscellaneous Etiquette • By listening to others, you flatter them by showing that what they're saying is important. • Wear a name badge on the right shoulder. • If someone gives you a gift, you should write a thank-you note (verbal, email, and phone are not acceptable).
Miscellaneous Etiquette • During the job search, always answer your phone in a professional manner—you never know who is on the line! • At job fairs -- and other professional settings -- when receiving a business card from someone, take the time to really read the card before sticking it in a pocket or briefcase. Don’t treat the card like trash. • Always turn off a cell phone before heading into any interview or meeting.
Miscellaneous Etiquette • If a company pays your travel expenses for an interview, be sure to only submit receipts for legitimate expenses. (Not parking tickets or filet and champagne dinners!)
Mealtime Etiquette • You may have an interview during a meal. • The fork goes on the left. The spoon and knife go on the right. • Food items go on the left, so your bread plate is on your left. Drinks, including coffee cups, should be on the right. Remember BMW (bread, meal, water). • When sitting at a banquet table, you may begin eating when two people to your left and right are served. If you haven't been served, but most of your table has, encourage others to start. Never begin eating at a round table or small table until everyone is served. • Reach only for items in front of you; ask that other items be passed by a neighbor. Offer to the left; pass to the right. If the bread (or other dish) is in front of you, do not take a serving. Pass it and take yours last.
Mealtime Etiquette • Using a soup spoon, scoop soup away from you. Soup is taken from the side of the soup spoon. • The meal begins when the host unfolds his or her napkin. If there is no “host,” put your napkin in your lap when drinks are served. If there is already water on the table, place your napkin in your lap. • Starting with the knife, fork, or spoon that is farthest from your plate, work your way in, using one utensil for each course. The salad (smaller) fork is on your outermost left, followed by your dinner fork. Your soup spoon is on your outermost right, followed by your beverage spoon, salad knife, and dinner knife. Your dessert spoon and fork are above your plate or brought out with dessert.
Mealtime Etiquette • Bread/rolls should never be eaten whole. Break into smaller, more manageable pieces, buttering only a bite at a time. • Take butter from the butter plate and place it onto your bread plate. Don’t butter your bread from the butter plate. • Pass salt/pepper as a set.
Mealtime Etiquette • As you eat, leave your knife across your plate at the top. • Leave your plate where it is in the place setting. When finished, do not push your plates away or stack them. • The common way to show that you have finished your meal is to lay your fork and knife diagonally across your plate. Place your knife and fork side by side, with the sharp side of the knife blade facing inward and the fork, tines down, to the left of the knife. The knife and fork should be placed as if they are pointing to the numbers 10 and 4 on a clock face. • Once used, dining utensils should never again touch the table.
Sharing Time • What did you learn today that you didn’t know? • What questions do you have? • Is this program addressing your needs?