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Learn about the early Israelites, their belief in one God known as monotheism, the covenant with God, and their journey from slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land through the Exodus. Discover the influence of Judaism on Christianity and Islam, and the development of the Ten Commandments.
Chapter 3 The First Israelites Vocabulary Monotheism tribe Torah Covenant alphabet
The Early Israelites • About 1200 B.C., many great changes took place around Mediterranean Sea. • About 1000 B.C., people called Israelites built a kingdom in Canaan. • Israelite religion focused on one God. • Belief in one god is known as Monotheism. • Israelite faith became religion we know today as Judaism. • Followers of Judaism are known as Jews. • Judaism influenced Christianity and Islam & helped shape beliefs and practices. • Israelites spoke language of Hebrew. • Wrote down much of their history & beliefs & later became known as the Hebrew Bible.
Early Israelites • Earliest Israelites were herders/traders. • According to Bible, they came from Mesopotamia & settled in Canaan. • Believed they were descendants from Abraham. • In Bible, God told Abraham & his followers to leave Mesopotamia & go to Canaan. • There, they would worship one true God & land of Canaan would be promised to Abraham & his descendants in return. • According to Bible, this is why Israelites settled in Canaan. • Abraham had a Grandson named Jacob. • Jacob was also called Israelwhich means “one who struggles with God.” • Later this name was given to his descendants.
Jacob raised 12 sons in Canaan. • His family was divided into tribes, or separate family groups. • These groups later became known as the 12 Tribes of Israel. • They lived in Israel for 100 years before moving to Egypt due to a destructive drought.
Slavery to Freedom • Life was bad for Israelites in Egypt. • Pharaoh needed men to build pyramids, so he enslaved them. • Ordered all baby boys born to Israelites thrown into Nile River. • Bible recalls that one mother hid her son in a basket on the riverbank. • Pharaoh’s daughter found baby and named it Moses. • He grew up tending sheep & around 1290 B.C., he saw a burning bush & heard a voice. • He believed it was God telling him to lead Israelites out of Egypt. • To get pharaoh to release Israelites, Bible says God sent 10 plagues to trouble Egypt. • Plague can be a disease or something to cause problems to people.
Slavery to Freedom/Ten Commandments • Last plague God sent would kill all first-born children—except for those of Israelites who marked doorway with lamb’s blood. • Plague convinced pharaoh to let Israelites leave. Today, Jews recognize this day as Passover b/c God “passed over” their homes w/the tenth plague. • Pharaoh changed his mind & sent army after Israelites. • In Bible—God parted the Red Sea to let his people pass. • When Egyptians followed, water drowned soldiers. • Israelite escape is known as the Exodus. • On way back to Canaan, Israelites had to travel through Sinai desert.
Ten Commandments • Bible states, Moses went to top of Mount Sinai & received laws from God. • Laws were known as the Torah. Later, they became first part of the Hebrew Bible. • Torah described a covenant, or agreement with God. • God promised to return Israelites to Canaan if they followed laws. • Torah explained right & wrong by God. • Most important part of Torah was The Ten Commandments. • Told Israelites to be loyal only to one god—whose name must never be spoken. • Never worship other gods or images. • Belief in only one god became foundation for Christianity & Islam.
Helped shape basic moral laws. Told people not to steal, murder, tell lies, about others, etc. Helped develop belief called “Rule of Law.” Laws apply to everyone equally!!! Do not worship any god except me. Do not . . . bow down and worship idols. Do not misuse my name. Remember that the Sabbath Day belongs to me. Respect your father and your mother. Do not murder. Be faithful in marriage. Do not steal. Do not tell lies about others. Do not want anything that belongs to someone else. Ten Commandments
The Promised Land • It took the Israelites 40 years to reach the Promised Land. • Moses never lived to see the Promised Land. • Joshua took over and led the Israelites into Canaan. • When they arrived the Canaanites were living there. • Due to the belief that God promised the Israelites the land, Joshua led them into battle against the Canaanites.
Walls of Jericho • Joshua led the Israelites to the city of Jericho and told them to march around the City’s walls. • They sounded their trumpets for six days and on the seventh day the Walls of Jericho crumbled. • Who were the fighting Judges? After Joshua died, the Israelites looked to judges for leadership (Military leaders). • Over time, the Israelites took control of the hilly region in central Canaan. • They built walled towns.
The Phoenician Alphabet • One group of Canaanites, the Phoenicians, created an alphabet. • Made writing simpler and helped people keep records. • The Phoenicians brought the idea of an alphabet to the Greeks. The Greeks passed it on to the Romans. • Most Western alphabets are based on the Roman Alphabet.