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The Urinary System

The Urinary System. Components of Urinary System. 2 Kidneys 2 Ureters Bladder Urethra. Structures within The Hilum. Renal Vein: Renal Artery Ureter: most posterior. Internal Anatomy of The Kidney. In longitudinal section Cortex Medulla. The kidney is protected by three coverings:

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The Urinary System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Urinary System

  2. Components of Urinary System • 2 Kidneys • 2 Ureters • Bladder • Urethra

  3. Structures within The Hilum • Renal Vein: • Renal Artery • Ureter: • most posterior

  4. Internal Anatomy of The Kidney • In longitudinal section • Cortex • Medulla The kidney is protected by three coverings: 1. 2. 3.

  5. Draining System Within Kidney • Each pyramid drains into • Minor calyx • Minor calyces join into • Major calyx • Major calyces join into • Renal pelvis • Renal pelvis drains to • ureter

  6. Internal Anatomy • Rugae & Trigone • Rugae: folds of bladder mucosa • - more prominent when bladder is ?? • Trigone • - No rugae (smooth) - Post. Corners= openings of ?, ant. Corner: opening of ?

  7. Histology of the Urinary System

  8. Renal Tubules • PCT • Cortex • Simple cub. epith. • Loop of Henle • Cortex & Medulla • Simple sq. epth. • 2 limbs: ? • DCT • Cortex • Simple cub. epith. • Drain into ??

  9. Types of Nephrons Cortical Nephron JuxtamedullaryNephron

  10. Renal Corpuscle • Corpuscle = tiny body • Located in ?? • Fx.: bld. filtration & • urine formation • Composed of: • 1. Glomerulus: • 2. Glomerular (Bowman’s) capsule • Double walled cup (simple sq. epith.) • One side: surround the capillaries (Visceral) • Other side: continues with tubules (parietal)

  11. Renal cortex: Urinary space Tubular pole Proximal tubules Distal tubules Peritubular capillaries

  12. Collecting ducts

  13. Juxtaglomerular apparatus

  14. Ureter

  15. Layers of The Bladder • Mucosa • Transitional epithelium • Submucosa • Muscularis Layer: • 3 layers of smooth muscles • Adventitia: loose areolar CT • serosa: layer of peritoneum covering superior Surface only

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