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基 于生态文明理念的城镇化发展模式与制度研 究 Good City Models under the Concept of Ecological Civilization. 2014 年专题政策研究项 目 - 项目介绍草案 2014 Special Policy Study - Draft Implementation Plan. 课题负责人: 中国 城市规划设计研究院 李晓江 (报告人) CAUPD , Li Xiaojiang ( Speaker ) Hans van der Vlist. 1. 3. 4. 5. 2.
基于生态文明理念的城镇化发展模式与制度研究基于生态文明理念的城镇化发展模式与制度研究 • Good City Models under the Concept of Ecological Civilization 2014年专题政策研究项目-项目介绍草案 2014 Special Policy Study-Draft Implementation Plan 课题负责人: 中国城市规划设计研究院 李晓江 (报告人)CAUPD, Li Xiaojiang(Speaker) Hans van derVlist
1 3 4 5 2 进度安排 Time Table • 项目实施方式与分工Project Implementation and Division of Work • 中国城镇化研究与问题识别 Chinese urbanization research and problem identification 项目背景 Project Background 研究框架 Research Framework Contents
1. 项目背景 Project Background 1) 城镇化是现代化的必由之路 Urbanization is the only way to achieve modernization 2) 中国中央政府提出: Chinese central government promote: • 生态文明建设总体方针,转变发展模式; • Overall policy of ecological civilization construction, change the development model • 以人为本,四化同步 • People-oriented, Synchronization of Four Modernizations 3) 中国环境与发展国际合作委员会设立“基于生态文明理念的城镇化发展模式与制度研究”课题 CCICED set up a special research and policy supported research of “Good City Models under the Concept of Ecological Civilization”
2.中国城镇化趋势与问题识别 Chinese urbanization trend and problem identification 2.1中规院近年来的城镇化研究工作 CAUPD‘s Recent Research onUrbanization 1)本国家 “十一五” 重大支撑课题“城镇化发展速度与质量测评” The key supporting research project of the Eleventh Five-year Plan --“Evaluation of the Speed and Quality of Urbanization Development” 2)住房和城乡建设部《“十二五”中国城镇化发展战略研究报告》 Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD) - Research Report on urbanization development strategy during the Twelfth Five-year plan period 3)工程院重大咨询项目“中国特色新型城镇化发展战略研究” The key consulting project of Academy of Engineering – “Research on the development strategy of New-type Urbanization in China” 4)中财办“中国城镇化道路、模式和政策”和“优化开发区域城镇群布局与形态” Central Financial and Economic Leading Group Office “The Path, Mode and Policy of Urbanization in China” & “Optimizing the Distribution and Morphology of Urban Agglomerations in Developed Regions” 5)全国20个县(市)的城镇化调研 A nationwide survey of urbanization in 20 Cities. 6)广东省、山东省的新型城镇化发展规划研究 Research on the New-type Urbanization Development Plan of Guangdong and Shandong Province
2.2城镇化发展的趋势判断 Estimate on some major trends in urbanization development: 1)关于城镇化发展速度与水平的判断:速度放缓,到2030年,城镇化水平在65%左右; Estimate on the speed and level of urbanization development: The speed is slowing down, urbanization level is about 65% by 2030; 2)关于城镇化发展的区域转移判断:经济增长的中心向中西部转移,中西部城镇化速度加快; Estimation on region transfer in urbanization development: The focus of economic growth transfer to the Midwest, urbanization rate accelerate in the Midwest; 3)关于城镇化发展的层级判断:50%以上的城镇人口聚集在县级单元,县城与小城镇吸引力增强。 Estimation on the development of urbanization level : More than 50% of the urban population gathered in the county unit, the attractiveness of the county and small towns enhance.
2.3引导我国城镇化健康发展的重要议题Significant themesto guide the healthy development of China's urbanization 1)国土层面的议题 :地理因素与经济人口聚集 Significant themes in the national level: Geographical factors and economy and population gather 2)县域与本地城镇化的议题 :小城镇与农业地区问题 Themes in counties and in-situ urbanization: Small towns and issues of agriculture area 3)城市发展与生态环境保护的议题 :城市开发建设应注重与本地自然和文化的融合 Themes concerning the urban development and environmental protection: Urban development should focus on integration with the local natural and cultural
2.4中央政府对城镇化发展的总体要求 Overall requirements on urbanization development by the central government 坚持的宗旨 Principles: • 以人为本,公平共享 • 四化同步,统筹城乡 • 优化布局,集约高效 • 生态文明,绿色低碳 • 文化传承,彰显特色 • 市场主导,政府引导 • 统筹规划,分类指导 People oriented development, equitable sharing of the development outcome by the people Synchronous development of industrialization, urbanization, informatization and agricultural modernization integrated in urban and rural area Optimized development patterns, compact and efficient utilization of resources Developing under the concept of ecological civilization, green and low-carbon. Inherit and highlight the characteristics of culture Market-oriented and government guided Overall planning and different guidance are given to different categories
2.5生态文明视角下的城市发展问题识别 Identification of Urban Development Issues from the Ecological Civilization Perspective 问题1:规划与土地利用 Issue1: Planning and urban land use 问题2:城市旧区与建筑更新 Issue2: Urban built-up area regeneration and existing building renovation 问题3:大城市交通问题 Issue3: Transportation issues in large cities 问题4:环境基础设施建设 Issue4: Urban environmental infrastructure construction 问题5:城市住区建设 Issue5: Urban residential area construction
2.5生态文明视角下的城市发展问题识别 Identification of Urban Development Issues from the Ecological Civilization Perspective 问题1:规划与土地利用 Issue1: Planning and urban land use 1)城市总体规划,土地利用规划与环境规划的特征、作用评估 Feature and performance evaluation of urban master plan, land use planning and environmental planning. 2)土地、环境、生态保护与城市发展的协同政策与机制研究 Policy and mechanism study of urban development coordinating with land, environment, and ecological protection. 3)城市空间布局优化与增长边界研究 Study of urban spatial distribution optimization and growth boundaries. 4)土地混合利用方面的分析与评估 Analysis and evaluation of urban mixed land use. 5)规划与土地开发的政策体制与机制建议 Policy guidance and mechanism suggestion of planning and land development
2.5生态文明视角下的城市发展问题识别 Identification of Urban Development Issues from the Ecological Civilization Perspective 问题2:城市旧区与建筑更新Issue2: Urban built-up area regeneration and existing building renovation 1)对城市旧区更新模式的资源环境视角的评估 Evaluating regeneration pattern of urban built-up areas in perspective of urban resources and environment. 2)对既有建筑的能耗与节能评估 Evaluating energy consumption and conservation of existing buildings. 3)旧区与建筑更新的现行政策与机制问题分析 Problem diagnosis of current policy and mechanism of regenerating built-up areas and buildings. 4)资源环境导向的旧区与建筑更新模式研究 Study of resources and environment oriented model of regenerating built-up areas and buildings. 5)旧区与建筑更新的机制与政策建议 Policy guidance and mechanism suggestion of urban built-up areas regeneration and existing building renovation.
2.5生态文明视角下的城市发展问题识别 Identification of Urban Development Issues from the Ecological Civilization Perspective 问题3:大城市交通问题Issue3: Transportation issues in large cities 1)国家层面的城市交通政策综述 Summarizing current national-level urban transportation policies 2)地方政府的交通政策及实施效果的分析与评估(包括交通结构) Analyzing and evaluating transportation policies and performance (including transport structure) of local government. 3)大城市交通与相关政策协调性评价 Evaluating coordination of transportation in large cities and relevant transportation policies. 4)构建绿色交通的体系研究 Study of constructing green transportation system. 5)交通发展的政策建议 Policy suggestion in transportation development.
2.5生态文明视角下的城市发展问题识别 Identification of Urban Development Issues from the Ecological Civilization Perspective 问题4:环境基础设施建设Issue4: Urban environmental infrastructure construction 1)城镇环境基础设施的综合评估(历史欠账多、政府重视不够、资金短缺、供需矛盾 突出) Comprehensive evaluation of urban environmental infrastructure construction (Including: deficiency in previous construction, not enough attention from government, fiscal shortage, problems in supply and demand etc.) 2)环境基础设施建设体制的协调性分析评估 Analyzing and evaluating the coordination of environmental infrastructure construction system. 3)提高环境基础设施生态节能理念与应用技术研究 Study of promoting energy saving concept and implementation technology in environmental infrastructure. 4)提高环境基础设施精细化运行和管理水平研究 Study on Refining operation and detailed management of environmental infrastructure. 5)环境基础设施的体制、技术政策建议 Suggestion to environmental infrastructure construction in terms of institution, technology and relevant policy.
2.5生态文明视角下的城市发展问题识别 Identification of Urban Development Issues from the Ecological Civilization Perspective 问题5:城市住区建设Issue5: Urban residential area construction 1)住区建设中的土地高效利用导致建筑容积率过高,增加额外能耗,影响住 区品质的问题分析与评估 Analyzing and evaluating problems caused by over use of land in residential construction. (Including developing in high ratio, adding extra energy consumption, and affecting quality of residence) 2)基于生态理念的住区建设中资源、环境效益评估方法 Methods in evaluating resource and environmental benefit in residential area construction based on ecological concept. 3)更加综合的住宅建设应用技术体系研究 Study of a more comprehensive applied technology system in residential area construction. 4)住区建设的机制与政策建议 Policy guidance and mechanism suggestion in residential area construction
3. 研究框架 Research Framework 3.1 项目任务的主要目标 Main Goal 本研究拟紧密围绕中国城镇化的趋势与挑战,重点解决生态文明理念下城镇化所面临的关键性问题。以保护生态与环境、提升城市人居环境品质为目标,研究城镇化模式与制度体系创新等核心问题。在辅以国际视野的研究成果基础上,进行对比分析与经验梳理,打造“望得见山、看得见水、记得住乡愁”的美丽城镇。 This study intends to focus on trend and challenge of urbanization in China, emphasizes solving key problems that urbanization faced under the concept of ecological civilization, which aiming to protect environment and enhance the quality of urban living environment, study core issues like new-type urbanization mode and institutional innovation. The study is based on research achievement supplemented by international vision, carry out contractive analysis and practical experience summary, to build beautiful cities and towns that can ‘gaze at mountains in distance, see water within touch, and remember the nostalgia’.
3.2 项目任务的主要工作内容 Main Content 内容1:城镇化的趋势与挑战 Content1: Urbanization Trends and Challenges 1)城镇化的特征与趋势 Feature and trends of urbanization 2)城镇化的挑战 Challenges of urbanization 3)生态环境视角的城市发展问题 Major topics in urban development in ecological environment perspective
3.2 项目任务的主要工作内容 Main Content 内容2:基于生态文明理念的新型城镇化模式 Content2: New-type Urbanization under the Concept of Ecological Civilization 1)生态文明的理念、目标与准则 Ecological Civilization: Concept & Objectives and criterion 2)促进生态文明的规划协同机制 Planning Coordination mechanism facilitating ecological civilization 3)生态文明理念下的城镇化发展策略 Urbanization development strategy under the concept of ecological civilization
3.2 项目任务的主要工作内容 Main Content 内容3:好的城市案例 Content3: Good City Model 1)城镇群区域生态环境保护与转移支付机制 Regional (urban agglomeration) ecological environmental protection and transfer payment mechanism 2)城市产业向绿色产业体系转型升级 Urban industries upgrading toward green industrial system 3)城市空间拓展与自然山水保护 Urban spatial expansion and protection of natural landscape 4)城市功能转型与生态环境整治 Urban functional transformation and eco-environment management 5)城乡一体的环境基础设施建设 Urban-rural integrated environmental infrastructure construction 6)城市更新理念与模式 Urban regeneration principle and mode 7)环境保护与社会治理 Environmental protection and social governance
3.2 项目任务的主要工作内容 Main Content 内容4:体制机制创新 Content4: Institutional Innovation 1)规划体制(城市规划、土地利用规划、环境规划) Planning Mechanism (Urban Planning, Land Use Planning, Environment Planning) 2)中央政府/地方政府责任与权利 Responsibilities and Rights of Central Government and Local Government 3)政府管理改善与精细化管理 Improve Government Management System towards Fine Management 4)治理模式 Governance Mode 5)资金保障 Financial Support 6)立法 Legislation
4. 项目实施方式与分工 Project Implementation and Division of Work
5. 进度安排 Time Table • 2014年3月,召开课题组启动会议,确定研究大纲、主要工作内容,并分配工作任务 March 2014, Kick-off Meeting, Form the research framework, main tasks and responsibilities, division of tasks. • 2014年5月14-16日,召开第二次课题组工作会议,中国城市(天津、深圳、东莞)实地考察 May 14th to 16th, 2014. The second time meeting, field survey in a Chinese city (Tianjin、Shenzhen、Dongguan). • 2014年6月26日-7月3日,召开第三次课题组工作会议,荷兰德国城市实地考察,讨论报告初稿与政策建议框架 26th June - 3nd July, 2014. The third time meeting, field survey in Netherlands and Germany, discussion on the first draft of report and the policy suggestion framework. • 2014年7月中,形成政策建议框架,邮件方式交外方专家修改 Middle of July, 2014. Form the policy suggestion framework and send to international experts for reviewing through E-mail. • 2014年8月中,完成课题组研究报告第一稿,邮件方式交外方专家修改 Middle of August, 2014. Finish the first draft of the research report, and send to international experts for reviewing through E-mail. • 2014年9月4-5日,第四次课题组工作会议,提交研究报告修订稿 September 4th to 5th, 2014. The fourth time meeting, submit the amended research report. • 2014年10月中,提交研究报告终稿 Middle of October, 2014. Submit the final research report.