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Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans. “Protocol of Amendments to the IHO Convention”. Presented by Captain Abri Kampfer Hydrographer South African Navy. Summary of the Presentation. A brief introduction to the IHO
Presentation to thePortfolio Committeeon Defence and Military Veterans “Protocol of Amendments to the IHO Convention” Presented byCaptain Abri Kampfer Hydrographer South African Navy
Summary of the Presentation • A brief introduction to the IHO • A brief synopsis of the importance of hydrography • With respect to SOLAS • A status report on hydrography in Africa • The IHO Convention and the proposed Ammendments
THE INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC ORGANIZATION The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) is an intergovernmental, consultative and technical organization established in 1921 to support the safety-of-navigation, and the protection of the marine environment.
Objectives of the IHO(Revised 2005) • Promote the use of hydrography for the safety of navigation & all other marine purposes to raise global awareness of the importance of hydrography; • Improve global coverage, availability and quality of hydrographic data, information,products & services and to facilitate access to such data, information, products & services; • Improve global hydrographic capability, capacity, training, science & techniques;
Objectives of the IHO (cont)(Revised 2005) • Establish & enhance the development of international standards for hydrographic data,information, products, services & techniques & to achieve the greatest possible uniformityin the use of these standards; • Give authoritative & timely guidance on all hydrographic matters to States & international organizations; • Facilitate coordination of hydrographic activities among the Member States; • Enhance cooperation on hydrographic activities among States on a regional basis.
Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS) Chapter V, Regulation 4 • Each Contracting Government shall take all steps necessary to ensure that, when intelligence of any dangers is received from whatever reliable source, it shall be promptly brought to the knowledge of those concerned and communicated to other interested Governments* *refer to guidance on the IMO/IHO World-Wide Navigational Warning Service
Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS) Chapter V, Regulation 9 • Contracting Governments undertake to arrange for the collection and compilation of hydrographic data and the publication, dissemination and keeping up to date of all nautical information necessary for safe navigation
SOLAS Chapter V, Regulation 9 (cont.) • In particular Contracting Governments undertake…in a manner most suitable for the purpose of aiding navigation: • To ensure that hydrographic surveys are carried out • To prepare and issue nautical charts, sailing directions, lists of lights, tide tables and other nautical publications • To promulgate Notices to Mariners • To provide data management arrangements to support these services
SOLAS Chapter V, Regulation 9 (cont) • Contracting Governments undertake to ensure the greatest possible uniformity in charts and nautical publications and to take into account; whenever possible, relevant international resolutions and recommendations * * Refer to the appropriate resolutions and recommendations adopted by the International Hydrographic Organization.
UN Assembly Resolution A/58/240(2003) • Welcomes the work of the IHO, • Encourages increased membership, • Invites IHO/IMO efforts to accelerate transition to electronic charts and increased coverage of hydrographic information, • Encourages intensified efforts to increase hydrographic capacity in least developed countries and Small Island Developing States.
African IMO Member States Member Non-Member
African IHO Member States Member Suspended Pending Non-Member
Capacity to Produce Nautical Publications & Charts Yes Partial No
African Regional Hydrographic Commissions Mediterranean & Black Sea HC East Atlantic HC Northern Indian Ocean HC Member Assoc member Southern Africa & Islands HC
Southern Africa and Islands Hydrographic Commission (SAIHC) Chairperson: Mr Augusto Bata (Moz) Vice Chairperson: Captain A. KAMPFER Members: France , Norway , Mozambique, South Africa, UK & Mauritius. Associate Members: Angola, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, , Namibia, Portugal, Seychelles, Tanzania & Malawi.
IHO Capacity Building Efforts Received Planned No
THE CONVENTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL HYDROGRAPHIC ORGANIZATION • South Africa became a member of the IHO in 1951 • IHO Convention was ratified in 1968 by SA Parliament • 3rd Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference (EIHC) in April 2005 approved a Protocol of Amendments to the IHO Convention • In the four years since the approval of the Protocol of Amendments, the following twenty-three (23) Member States have indicated their approval of the Protocol of Amendments: • Australia, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Japan, Korea,(Democratic People’s Republic of), Korea (Republic of), Latvia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands,Norway, Pakistan, Qatar, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia and United Kingdom.
Old Structure of the IHO Member States IHO IMO HGE Conference IHO IMO HGE IHO IMO HGE IHO IMO HGE IHB WEND CHRIS Reg Comms Reg Comms Reg Comms Reg Comms Reg Comms Reg Comms TSMAD C&SMWG
Proposed Model ASSEMBLY All Member States Meets every 3 years Secretariat Secretary General Directors PAs Finance Committee All MS; Meets in Assembly COUNCIL 25% of MS (min.30) Meets every year Legal Advisory Group All MS; Meets as required Hydrographic Services & Standards Committee All Member States Meets every year Inter-Regional Cooperation Committee All Member States Meets every year RHC Cartography RHC RHC RHC Hydrography RHC RHC RHC Accredited Non-Governmental International Organizations
Implications • IHO • Approval of Protocol of Amendments to the IHO Convention is an indispensable pre-requisite for the modernization of the IHO • thirty-one (31) more approvals are needed before the Protocol of Amendments can come into effect. • RSA • Membership fees remain same @ 15 937,92 Euro • Enhancement of international standing • Allow RSA to continue to champion capacity building to enhance Hydrography in the region