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Mikaella Hahn’s Family Timeline . 1927 . My grandfather was born in Seoul. Same year, My grandma was born in Japan, she did get to go to school, instead she went to secret group study and learned Korean from there. 1950 .
1927 • My grandfather was born in Seoul. Same year, My grandma was born in Japan, she did get to go to school, instead she went to secret group study and learned Korean from there.
1950 • Medical Voluntary: My grandfather was a doctor at the time and he volunteered to help injured soldiers, and that’s where he met my grandmother. My grandma was a nurse at the time.
1966 • Mom’s birth, and congress sewage throw incident
1966 One of the biggest Chaebol in Korea, Korea Fertilizer Incorporation was accused for secretly importing Saccharin. Congress opened a regular session to discuss about this case. Instead of imprisoning them cabinet members decide to fine the company. Doo Hwan Kim a member of the national assembly raged and threw sewage on cabinet members.
1988 • Summer Olympic was held in South Korea • It was the first time when Korea was acknowledged to the world, also when my parents got married.
1989 • My parents moved to the states to obtain their doctoral degrees • Both of my parents wanted to finish their studies, so they went to America
1993 • Birth of MikaellaJiOne Hahn • Born in Lexington OB/ GYN in Manhattan. Until 1st grade I went to Montessori School Preschool in Manhattan.
2001 9. 11 • 9.11 terror was occurred whole city was panicked and depressed. I was stuck in school for more than 10 hours, waiting for policemen’s direction. This terror was pretty traumatic for my parents so they decided to move to Chicago.
2005 • Moved to Korea. Avian Influenza, Woosuk Hwang • Somewhere in January my family moved to Korea, and during this time, Woosuk Hwang a professor of theriogenology and biotechnology at Seoul National University reported to have succeeded in creating human embryonic stem cells by cloning. Whole country was so excited about his discovery.
2008 • Moved back to America / First time at public school/ Global Financial Crisis. • After finishing elementary school and 1st year of Korean middle school, I went back to the States by myself and transferred to Central High School, it was officially first year at public school and I was pretty excited about it. While I was attending to this school, many of my foreign students from Korea went back because of Financial Crisis. American dollar appreciated significantly against foreign currency, so some of their parents couldn’t afford it anymore.
2009 to present • After Freshmen year Itransferred to The High School of Saint Thomas More • After Sophomore year I came back to Korea, and transferred to Korea International School.
Resources • http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=102&oid=001&aid=0002703956 • http://info.finance.naver.com/marketindex/exchangeDetail.nhn?marketindexCd=FX_USDKRW • http://pws.prserv.net/Freestyler/Terrorism.htm • http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EA%B5%AD%ED%9A%8C_%EC%98%A4%EB%AC%BC%ED%88%AC%EC%B2%99%EC%82%AC%EA%B1%B4 • http://kr.blog.yahoo.com/sturmgechutz/4177