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The American Legion Warrington Post 240 8666 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL 32507-2639 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED. Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385. The Victor’s Voice. FOR GOD AND COUNTRY NOVEMBER 2011. Post 240 website: www.americanlegion240.org.
The American Legion Warrington Post 240 8666 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL 32507-2639 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 TheVictor’s Voice FOR GOD AND COUNTRY NOVEMBER 2011 Post 240 website: www.americanlegion240.org Commander’s Corner November is a busy month with Veterans Day Ceremony and Open House with the Famous Amos, then we have the Thanksgiving Singles Dinner with the Sailors. Thanks to the people who won Turkeys from the SAL Turkey shoot during Oktoberfest and donated them to the Post. We are going to fry 6 turkeys and bake 2. Mike Holdener is donating one baked turkey and one for us to fry. If you want to help with the Singles Dinner, please see me. To help ensure we have a good turnout for New Years Eve Party, Tickets are available in the Lounge now. It will be Reserved seating again for $15.00 a person or $25.00 per couple. Thank you Stu Baker for stepping up to be the Post Chaplain for the rest of the year. Please come out to the Post and support the Lounge and the Post. We are spending more money than we are making right now, so please support the Post. RUMORS! These are what causes riffs in any organization and usually work against those who volunteer their time and energy to promote the Post. If you don’t want to help make this organization survive, then stay on your barstool and stop complaining out loud about those who give their time to make us the best Post in Florida. Contrary to rumors, I’m not closing the Post and making plans to sell it. If the rumor mongers knew anything, they would know there are rules in place to prevent that from ever happening. Come to your meeting and help make us a great Post. For God and Country Jimmy Lee Martin COMMANDER Jimmy Martin 982-1947 ADJUTANT Michael Munoz 292-1464 1ST VICE COMMANDER Michael Munoz 292-1464 2ND VICE COMMANDER Vacant 3RD VICE COMMANDER Bill Eastman 457-8419 FINANCE OFFICER Hal Eyerly 944-7741 HISTORIAN Chuck Krahn 458-0530 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Jake Taffaro 251-987-5848 CHAPLAIN Stu Baker 341-2208SERVICE OFFICER Randy McGhee 698-4171 ALR DIRECTOR Richard Raborn 380-4814 SAL COMMANDER Jimmy Martin 982-1947 HOUSE COMMITTEE Phil Gist 456-2914 Al Rogers 455-2741 Ron Woolsey 453-6969 Michael Holdener 291-6922 John Wyers 453-6735 LOUNGE MANAGER John Mille 455-6111 1st Vice Commander – Membership has slowed just a little bit. We aren’t looking that bad, but it could be better. For those who think it is a joke or funny to wait to the last minute to renew all you actually do is hurt your Post. This is one of the main ways this Post generates revenue. Not only that but gets recognition at the Department and National levels as being a good Post or the best Post. Enough of that, either you get it or you don’t. Please get involved in the Sponsor an Active Duty Member this year please. Cost is $25 and it pays for their fist year as a Legionnaire. This is good not only for the Post but our organization which we represent. Also support the Visa Card Raffle. For those that don’t understand the concept of why one person wins, please feel free to talk to me about it. Do not sit and downgrade something we are trying to do good for the Post or members. If you want to see a change go to a meeting and voice your opinion. Otherwise SHHHHHHHH. For God and Country Mouse LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Kim Edens 229-444-0869 CHAPLAIN Linda Mackin 455-5392 SAL - The SAL currently is at 36% paid up Membership. If you haven’t paid for 2012, please drop your money in the SAL Box next to the Pop Corn Machine. I have updated the SAL Roster and will be sending out a letter to all SAL Members. Thank you Mark Seaman for conducting the Turkey Shoot during Oktoberfest. Jimmy lee Martin Acting SAL Commander Greetings Riders, Another month has flown past; our poker run on the 24th of September netted us a profit of $800.00 which we donated to the Homeless Veterans of Pensacola. I would like to thank everyone who participated. We plan to participate in the Veterans Day Parade downtown this year on November the 11th and would like as many of the riders as possible to join in. Our next Bike Night will be on November 17th at 1800. We will be having another spaghetti dinner that night. Hope to see you all there. If some of the riders have not been receiving emails from me and would like to receive them, please give me your latest email address so I can send them out to you. For God and Country Richard Raborn Director Auxiliary President - The ladies did a good job at Oktoberfest even though the turnout was very small. Thank you all that donated the cakes we could not have done it without your help. We voted two new members in at the last meeting Rachel McElhenney & Mary Gilbert, welcome. Lounge Bingo is going strong, so a big thank you to the volunteers and callers. Veterans Day is 11 Nov- let’s remember they are the reason we joined the Auxiliary so please come out and show your appreciation to them and to say Thank you for serving our country. Thanksgiving Day Dinner for the Troops will be 24 Nov we need volunteers to help prepare food, if anyone can help please let Jimmy Lee or myself know. Children’s Christmas Party will be on Saturday 10 Dec. from 2-4PM. We need volunteers for this so please let me know if anyone is will to do so. Kim Edens