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NWCG Organization and Branch Coordinator Roles. Dan Smith NASF. Interagency Wildland Fire Governance Structure. Wildland Fire Leadership Council (WFLC). State Agency & Tribal Heads. Federal Agency Heads. National Assn of State Foresters ( NASF ) & Intertribal Timber Council
NWCG Organization and Branch Coordinator Roles Dan Smith NASF
Interagency Wildland Fire Governance Structure Wildland Fire Leadership Council (WFLC) State Agency & Tribal Heads Federal Agency Heads National Assn of State Foresters (NASF) & Intertribal Timber Council Fire Committees Fire Executive Council (FEC) National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) National Interagency Coordination Center(NICC) National Multi-Agency Coordination Group(NMAC) Shared / Joint Staffs Interagency Committees / Groups National Interagency Aviation Council (NIAC) Other Aviation October 2007
Wildland Fire Leadership Council (WFLC)Provides strategic leadership and oversight Department of Agriculture Department of the Interior Department of Homeland Security State of ArizonaGovernor Janet Nepolitano(Reprsented by Lori Faeth) BLMDirector Jim Caswell(Represented by Henri Bisson) USDANatural Resources & Environment Under Secretary Mark Rey USDA FSChief Gail Kimbell DOILand &Mineral Mgmt.Asst. Secretary Stephen Allred(Represented by Julie Jacobson) U.S. Fire AdministrationChief Gregory Cade Intertribal Timber Council Tribal Representative Jim Erickson NPSDirector Mary Bomar(Represented by Karen Taylor-Goodrich) Voting Members DOIPolicy, Mgmt, & BudgetAsst. Secretary James Cason USDANatural Resources & Environment Dep. Under Secretary Melissa Simpson National Assn. of CountiesMendocino County, CA Jim Wattenburger FWSDirector H. Dale Hall BIADirector Jerold Gidner(Represented by Vicki Forrest) USGSDirector Mark Meyers(Represented by Robert Doyle) National Assn. of State Foresters (State of Arizona) Jeff Jahnke DOIOffice of Wildland Fire Coordination Director Kirk Rowdabaugh USDA-FSDeputy Director for Fire and Aviation Management Rick Prausa (A) Red Lodge Fire District #7Chief Harris Gabrian(Represented by Tom Kuntz) Support Staff Italics = Chair (A) = Acting National Wildland Fire Enterprise Architecture Steering Group Judy Crosby These charts are intended only to provide a general picture of these organizations and is NOT to be construed as authoritative or deemed totally accurate. November 2008
Fire Executive Council (FEC)Coordinated Policy and Direction (Fire/Fuels/Aviation) Department of Agriculture(USDA) Department of the Interior(DOI) DirectorOffice of Wildland Fire CoordinationKirk Rowdabaugh DirectorBIA Office of Trust Services Vicki Forrest DirectorFS Fire & Aviation Management Tom Harbour Assistant DirectorBLM Fire & Aviation Mgmt. Jim Douglas Associate DirectorAviation Management DirectorateMark Bathrick Department of Homeland Security ChiefU.S. Fire Administration Greg Cade Assistant DirectorFWS Nat’l Wildlife Refuge System Andy Loranger (Acting) Ex-Officio Members: - Brian McManus NWCG Chairperson Executive Secretary: - Roy Johnson, BLM Assistant DirectorNPS Visitor Resource & Protection Karen Taylor-Goodrich Italics = Chair (A) = Acting These charts are intended only to provide a general picture of these organizations and is NOT to be construed as authoritative or deemed totally accurate. November 2008
NASF Fire Committee12 State Foresters: CO, CA, NV, WA, MT, TX, FL, GA, OK, NJ, RI, MNChair: Jeff Jahnke , COFederal Liaisons: Kirk Rowdabaugh OWFC, Jim Douglas BLM, Tom Harbour USFSNASF Fire Committee Chair Liaison to FECITC Fire Committee These charts are intended only to provide a general picture of these organizations and is NOT to be construed as authoritative or deemed totally accurate.
National Wildfire Coordinating Group Coordinated Policy and Program Implementation Tribal Chair Representative Intertribal Timber Council Jim Erickson DOI USDA DHS Fire Director National Assn. of State Foresters Dan Smith Fire Director FWS Brian McManus Fire Director NPS Tom Nichols Fire Director FS Karyn Wood Chief, Response Section FEMA, U.S. Fire Administration Hugh Wood Fire Director BIA Lyle Carlile Fire Director BLM Tim Murphy FS Fire Research Mike Hilbruner Exec. Secretary Bonnie Bradshaw BIA = Bureau of Indian Affairs FS = Forest Service BLM = Bureau of Land Management FWS = Fish and Wildlife Service DHS = Department of Homeland Security NPS = National Park Service DOI = Department of the Interior USDA = U.S. Department of Agriculture May 2008
Restructuring NWCG 2008 - 2009
Old Governance Teams and Groups Federal Fire Aviation Safety Team Larry Sutton Fire Facilities Team Terry O’Connell DOI Casual Payment Center Kristy Valentine Federal Fire Training Task Group (IFPM/GS-401) Chad Fisher Federal Fire Policy Directives Task Group Vacant Fire Shelter Task Group Tory Henderson Federal Wildland Fire Budget & Planning Team Tom Nichols Federal Wildland Firefighter Interagency Medical Stds Program Kevin Jensen Fire & Air Coordination Team Pete Lahm Fire Environment Working Team Paul Schlobohm Fire Equipment Working Team Tory Henderson Fire UseWorking Team Dave Mueller GACC Chair Advisory Group Pam McAlpin Incident BusinessPractices Working Team Kathy Shelton Incident Operations Standards Working Team Bob LeavertonVince Mazzier Info Resource Mgmt.Working Team Shari Shetler Interagency Fire Planning Team (Linda Mazzu) NIMO Implementation Team Bill Waterbury NWCG Program Mgmt Office Judy Crosby National Burned Area Emergency Response Coordinators Group Meredith Webster National CoordinatorsGroup Kim Christensen National Incident Command/Area Command Group Mike Lohrey National Multi-Agency Coordination Group Lyle Carlile National Interagency Aviation Council Neal Hitchcock National Interagency Fuels Coordination Group Erik Christiansen National Predictive Services Group Tom Wordell NWCG Webmaster(nwcg.gov) Tammy Denney NWCG Training Development Unit Deb Epps Publication Mgmt.System Working Team Allen Deitz Radio Communications Task Group Matt Cnudde RAWS Partners Group Rich McCrea Safety & HealthWorking Team Michelle Ryerson TrainingWorking Team Logan Lee Brown–WFLCRed – NFAEBBlue – NWCGGreen - NMAC (A) = ActingPurple = Full-time Staffs Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center Paula Nasiatka Wildland/UrbanInterface Working Team Alan Dozier Wildland FireInvestigation Working Team Alan CarlsonJeff Bonebrake Wildland FireEducation Working Team Maureen Brooks These charts are intended only to provide a general picture of these organizations and is NOT to be construed as authoritative or deemed totally accurate. April 2008
NFAEB NWCG/NFAEB Merge - 2008 NWCG - 1976Standards & Guidelines IFCCInterior Fire Coordinating Committee FFALCFederal Fire & Aviation Leadership Council NFAEB - 2004National Fire & Aviation Executive Board Program Implementation, Incident Operations IFCC FFALC NWCG - 2008 - Standards & Guidelines - Program Implementation - Incident Operations
The NWCG’s Vision for the future is: The Nation’s resources and communities are protected and enhanced through safe, comprehensive, and cohesive interagency wildland fire management. NWCG Goals NWCG Mission STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES Wildland Fire organizations share common standards and guidelines, which are developed through collaborative interagency processes Provide National Leadership and establish, implement, maintain and communicate policy, standards, and guidelines for wildland fire program management QUALIFICATIONS Wildland Fire organizations share the same interagency certification processes Guiding Principles SAFETY: We believe safety is our core value, therefore, public and firefighter safety is the first priority in all wildland fire management activities. COST EFFECTIVENESS: We believe the wise and efficient use of funds is a high priority, therefore, we will consider and evaluate the costs associated with implementing NWCG’s objectives. INTERAGENCY COMMUNICATION, COORDINATION & COOPERATION: We believe that interagency communication, coordination and cooperation are vital to the effective and efficient use of the nation’s wildland fire management resources, therefore, we will base our actions on the collective needs and capabilities of the interagency community. LEADERSHIP: We believe effective wildland fire management is the result of leadership at all levels, therefore we will provide and promote leadership throughout all NWCG activities. TRUST & INTEGRITY: We believe trust and integrity are inherent to the success of the NWCG, therefore deliberations will be open and transparent and we will honor, respect, and support the decisions of the NWCG. RESPECT: We believe in mutual respect for the differences in member organizations’ responsibilities, missions, and capabilities, therefore, NWCG decisions represent a consensus and are supported by all. EXCELLENCE: We believe in excellence throughout all NWCG activities, therefore, we are deliberative in our decision-making process and are accountable for our actions. COMMUNICATIONS Wildland Fire organizations effectively transmit decisions regarding policies, guidelines, standards, reports, and receive feedback FIRE POLICY Wildland Fire organizations share a common interagency fire policy PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION Wildland Fire organizations share common programs and business practices for implementation of policies, standards, and guidelines INCIDENT OPERATIONS Wildland Fire organizations respond to and manage wildland fire incidents safely, seamlessly, cost-effectively, timely, and efficiently Version 8.8
NWCG Restructuring Concepts & Principles Concepts: Reorganize into an efficient NWCG Support Structure that: • Is responsive in a changing environment • Improves coordination between the various groups • Emphasizes/identifies connectivities • Reduces span of control for NWCG parent group • Reduce burden being placed on agency staffs (ad hoc roles & collateral duties) • Provides organizational support to NWCG groups • Assures sub-group efforts align and fulfill the objectives of the new scope of NWCG • Aligns with new Wildland Fire Governance Structure • Provides better leadership to the wildland fire community • Clarifies roles and responsibilities of the various NWCG groups • Focuses on NWCG strategic priorities • Improves budget and accountability processes
NWCG Restructuring Principles Principles: The designers of the NWCG Sub-structure should apply the following principles: • Support the NWCG Strategic Plan • Reduce redundancies (consolidation) • Identify gaps in current group structure • Be inventive; think outside the box – not status quo • Sub-structure may expand and contract as needed • Enhance communications • Place emphasis on the work that needs to be done, not the structure (where the boxes belong)
Interim NWCG Substructure Leadership NMAC Lyle Carlyle NWCG Executive Board Org Support Branch (Organization Management & Planning, Architecture, Communications, Project Coordination, Publications Support, Administration) NWCG Manager Judy Crosby (BLM) Lyle Carlile (BIA) Backup: Dan Smith, Brian McManus (FWS) Aitor Biidaburu (USFA) Backup: Tom Nichols Karyn Wood (FS) Backup: Tim Murphy(BLM) Preparedness Branch Al Borup (NPS) Policy, Planning & Management Branch Lou Ballard(FWS) Equipment & Technology Branch Paul Schlobohm (BLM) Incident Business Committee Workforce Management Committee Risk Management Committee NRF/NIMS Committee Information Technology Committee Equipment Technology Committee Fire Environment Committee National Interagency Aviation Committee Fire Policy Committee Interagency Fire Planning Committee Prevention, Education, & Outreach Committee WUI Mitigation Committee Fuels Management Committee Smoke Committee These charts are intended only to provide a general picture of these organizations and is NOT to be construed as authoritative or deemed totally accurate.
Branch Coordinators Role • Liaison to committees for NWCG EB • Advocate for committees to NWCG EB • Coordinate activities between committees and branches • Coordinate new activities/tasks to appropriate committees /parties • Budget coordination • Attend committee and NWCG EB meetings • Assure timely task completion • Assure NWCG priorities receive appropriate focus • Minimize organization/process redundancies These charts are intended only to provide a general picture of these organizations and is NOT to be construed as authoritative or deemed totally accurate.