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17 th June, 2014 17eg Mehefin , 2014

17 th June, 2014 17eg Mehefin , 2014. WREXHAM WRECSAM. For your convenience these screen shots will appear on the Wrexham U3A website until our next monthly meeting on 15th July, 2014. Future presentations 15 th July Rhys Morris History of Astronomy in Wales

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17 th June, 2014 17eg Mehefin , 2014

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  1. 17th June, 2014 17eg Mehefin, 2014 WREXHAM WRECSAM For your convenience these screen shots will appear on the Wrexham U3A website until our next monthly meeting on 15th July, 2014
  2. Future presentations 15th July Rhys Morris History of Astronomy in Wales 19th August Treasure Hunt/Meal Wrexham Town/Glyndwr Univ. 16th September A Year or Two in a Mayor’s Life Ian/Hilary Roberts 21st October Money Matters in Retirement Medwyn Edwards 18th November Benefits of Bushcraft Saul Burton 16th December Christmas Lunch Llyndir Hall Hotel, Rossett Please note change of venue for the lunch See next slide for more details
  3. Christmas lunch You will have noted from the previous slide that the venue for the Christmas lunch has changed. It will now be held at Llyndir Hall Hotel in Rossett. Date: 16th December, 2014 Cost: £16.00 Bookings and payment will be taken by Ann Herniman at the July meeting. Payment by cheque made out to Wrexham U3A
  4. Treasure Hunt When? Tuesday 19 August (Start between 1.30-2.15 pm) Where? A pleasant walk around town with plenty of places to stop off for a rest/refreshments From? Start/finish is at Wrexham Little Theatre Meal The Treasure Hunt is followed by a meal at Glyndwr University (5 for 5.30 pm) Cost £11 (including meal) Sign up at the desk in the foyer to join us
  5. Members’ Handbook 2014-5 Contains information on group activities, the speaker programme, officers, contacts etc. Pick up your copy in the foyer today if you have not already received it. Please note: Correction to the Handbook Quiz Group meets second Monday of the month and not the first Monday Annual Subscription not yet paid? Cheques to WrexhamU3A can be paid in the foyer or posted (with application form) to: Wrexham U3A PO Box 2257 Wrexham LL11 0DE
  6. Visits and Events 28th June National Arboretum and Wightwick Manor FULL (Waiting list applies.) 16th August Manchester Ship Canal. 14th September Ludlow and Berrington Hall FULL (Waiting list applies.). 10th / 12th October Norwich and Sandringham FULL (Waiting list applies.) £250 double/£155 single by 31 July. NEW VISIT NEW VISIT NEW VISIT 2nd December Tatton Park Christmas Visit Cost £30.00 to include entrance, three course lunch and travel. The theme is “Nutcracker” SEE MARGARET HADWIN SMITH IN THE FOYER FOR FURTHER DETAILS. Cheques to Wrexham U3A.
  7. Group News Poetry Group - has been established under the Leadership of Valerie Williams Meets on the first Monday of each month at 2.00pm Contact Val on 01978 756614 Reading Group 2 - has been reconvened under the Leadership of Chris Cripps Meets on the second Wednesday of each month Contact Chris on 01978 265458 IMPORTANT Family History Group Will all members please contact Pam Dean if they are attending the Annual Meal on Friday July 25th as numbers are required by Glyndwr University
  8. Canal Walking and Wittling 19th June Caldy Valley Park and Ride to Telford Warehouse 17th July Primrose Way to the Queen`s Head Future walks: 18th September, 16th October; 20th November FURTHER DETAILS FROM JUDITH DOLBEN
  9. Gardening Group 4 Future Programme 9th July 10.00am to 12 noon A visit to Maureen and Helen`s Gardens to see the plantings 13th August10.00am to 12 noon Meeting at Wendy and Alan`s home. 10th September 10.00am to 12 noon At Sue and Rod`s for a plant swap Further dates are 8th October and 12th November No meeting in December
  10. New Groups Art Appreciation This group will hold its first meeting on Monday 14th July, 2014 at St. Margaret`s Meeting Room ( entrance to the left of the Hall) between 1.30 and 3.30pm. Contact for the group is Mary Woolley Knit and Natter Group This group will hold its first meeting on Tuesday , September 23rd at the Cunliffe Arms, Jeffreys Road at 2.00-4.00pm. Members are asked to bring along their current project, any knitting patterns and books. Please see Pam Dean if you wish to join this group or if you have any spare wool to donate.
  11. New Groups German Group Leader : Elizabeth Pettit Tel No. 01978-854519 Deputy Leader: Audrey Lockyer Tel No. 01978-790312 Venue: Cunliffe Arms, Jeffreys Road, Wrexham When: Tuesday at 2.00pm (2nd and 4th week of month) Gardening Group 5 Leader : Lorna Grey Tel No: 01978-353450 Deputy Leader : Diane Hearn Tel No: 01978-358821 When?: Second Tuesday of each Month at Members’ homes
  12. Group Leaders Wanted We urgently need Leaders for the following groups: Spanish Conversation 10 members have registered and one person has volunteered to help with the group. A contact in Mold U3A has offered assistance as to the framework for the group Psychology Member interest but no group leader. If you are able to help with any of these groups please contact Pam Dean.
  13. Interestedin Playing Bridge? Are you a beginner? New course: Start date: 13th June (10.00 am) Cost: 8 weeks x 2 hours course for £30 Venue: Garden Village Institute, FforddEstyn, Garden Village Contact: Sign up in foyer or phone Val King on 01978 290904 More experienced player? You are welcome at a club session. See website for details of Garden Village Bridge Club.
  14. National Garden Scheme Visits Leader : Norma Hardy Tel No: 01978 357063 E-mail normahardy@gmail.com Maximum 20 people Car Travel – no more than 25 miles. Costs to be shared. Car sharing will be needed because of limited parking at some venues. Payment will be made at the gardens for entry and refreshments. 18th June Grafton Lodge, Tilston, Malpas SY14 7JE Meet in Car Park at back of Sainsbury`s at 1.05pm 9th July 9 Hannets Cottage, Kidnal, Malpas, SY 14 7DH 6th August Dove Cottage, Penyffordd, CH4 0JR 3rd September Leeswood Farm, Leeswood , CH7 4SQ Note The garden owners are opening their gardens especially for us , so we go regardless of weather. Norma will need to know who is going on each visit to give the owners numbers for refreshments, so please notify Norma the weekend before the visit.
  15. Newsletter A PLEA TO GROUP LEADERS Items for the July Newsletter must be in the hands of the Editorial Team by THURSDAY 26th June 2014 at the latest Articles of 75-125 words ( with or without photos ) are being sought from the Study Groups. All members of the U3A should be kept informed about the quality work being undertaken in the Study groups , so please let us know what you do. Contact the Editorial Team via their email: edjan2@btinternet.com Next Group Leaders’ meeting: 9th September at Wrexham Memorial Hall (9.30 am) Please let Pam Dean know if you are attending the meeting and the meal a.s.a.p
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