OTES - eTPES June 5th - 2014
House Bill 362 passed the Ohio legislature yesterday, bringing changes to the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System. These changes allow teachers, schools and districts increased flexibility as they work through the evaluation process. This legislation will be effective for the 2014-2015 school year, so your district can choose to take advantage of these changes as early as this August. The first change to the teacher evaluation system allows for less frequent evaluation of our highest achieving teachers, while still providing them with feedback on their work. The second change will allow new flexibility to consider an additional measure to student growth and observation in a teacher’s evaluation as 15 percent of the evaluation. Districts will have the choice between the current or new alternative teacher evaluation structures. The increased flexibility will allow districts to customize their evaluation timeline and system to better reflect their school, district or community values. This summary of changes will provide you with more details on the revisions to the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System. I realize that you are going to have a lot of questions about these changes. We are working to provide you more detailed guidance on House Bill 362 as soon as possible.
Graduation Requirements • Changes requirements for a high school diploma beginning with Class of 2018. Makes no changes in course requirements but specifies three paths to a diploma: • Seven end-of-course exams with a cumulative passing score (to be determined by the State Board of Education): Algebra (or integrated math 1); Geometry (or integrated math 11); English I; English II; American History; Government; Physical Science • State Board of Education can substitute Algebra II for Algebra I beginning with Class of 2020 • AP, IB, and dual enrollment students may take assessments aligned to those courses in lieu of end-of-course exams • “Remediation free” score on nationally recognized college admission exam in 11th grade (with the state to reimburse districts for cost) • Industry recognized credential or a state license for practice in a vocation and a score demonstrating workforce readiness and employability on a job skills assessment • Requires students opting out of Ohio’s course requirements over the next two years must take a math assessment to be determined by the ODE • Retains requirement that school districts adopt a resolution describing how the district or school will address "college and career readiness and financial literacy" in its curriculum for seventh and eighth grade and for other grades as determined necessary
Education organizations support new graduation requirements June 4, 2014 Four major statewide education management organizations today expressed support for the change in graduation requirements contained in new state legislation approved by a committee of Ohio House and Senate members Tuesday. The changes would affect students graduating in the class of 2018 and would include not only course requirements, but also end-of-course examinations (rather than the current Ohio Graduation Tests). “We have been involved with the discussion of the graduation requirements since last summer when the State Board of Education invited stakeholders to its committee considering these changes,” said Thomas Ash, director of governmental relations for the Buckeye Association of School Administrators. “These changes reflect several of the concepts that we suggested and the State Board accepted.” Among those are alternative paths to a diploma other than through the planned end-of-course examinations. Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators Executive Director Ken Baker noted that students also could earn a diploma through course completions and a sufficiently high score on a nationally recognized college admission examination or an industry-recognized job credential. “A high school diploma should also recognize outstanding performance on other measures of achievement,” Baker said. All high school juniors would be required to take the nationally recognized college exam, which is thought to be the ACT exam, since it is the one most used for entrance purposes by state colleges and universities. Barbara Shaner, Ohio Association of School Business Officials associate executive director, said that the cost of the testing would be borne by the state under this proposal. “While other elements of this legislation may move expenditures a little higher, this particular effort in testing to measure readiness for higher education will be the responsibility of the state, and not local boards of education,” she said. Ohio School Boards Association Director of Legislative Services Damon Asbury said that the legislation does not change the current credit completion requirements. However, it does provide some alternative pathways to a high school diploma. “The State Board considered alternate routes to a diploma, especially for students on a path to a successful career with appropriate training in one of Ohio’s career-technical programs,” Asbury said. “This legislative proposal includes this approach, and these students should be rewarded for their efforts.” For more information, contact: Damon Asbury, OSBA, (614) 540-4000; Thomas Ash, BASA, (614) 846-4080; Barbara Shaner, OASBO, (614) 325-9562; or Ken Baker, OASSA, (614) 430-8311.
College Credit Plus (CCP) Provisions • Through the biennial budget bill, HB 59, the Chancellor of the Ohio Board of Regents was charged with conducting a study and making recommendations for a new College Credit Plus (CCP) program to replace the current post secondary course options for high school students. • Those recommendations, released the end of December 2013, were introduced into HB 487, the education MBR bill. While some changes were made to the original proposal, the recommendations were largely left intact. The following is a list of CCP provisions: • All public districts & IHEs must participate in CCP • CCP replaces the current Post Secondary Enrollment Options and Dual Enrollment programs • CCP does not apply to elective college courses students may choose to take while in high school • CCP requirements and provisions do not apply to AP and IB courses • Costs for students to participate in post secondary courses through CCP are based on per-pupil basic aid • Funding is based on the per-pupil basic aid amount, prorated according to credits earned (maximum of 30 credits) • HB 487 retains districts’ ability to negotiate local agreements with IHEs for the delivery of dual enrollment courses • The funding structure within local agreements can be negotiated within a range between a funding “floor” and a funding “ceiling”, based on the state per-pupil basic aid amount • The funding “floor” in FY 2015 amounts to $40 per credit hour • The Chancellor has the authority to waive the funding “floor” • For students choosing on their own to participate in post secondary options, or when school districts and IHEs enter into agreements for dual enrollment courses, the school districts will maintain 17% of the basic aid amount (also pro-rated). The retained 17% was factored into the “floor” and “ceiling” determinations • Students cannot be charged for tuition, regardless of family income • CCP courses must be equivalent to college courses offered to traditional students • CCP courses must be treated the same for purposes of class ranking and grade point averages as other advanced standing (i.e., Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB)) courses • High school teachers who teach a dual enrollment course must be approved by the IHE, including one training day prior to the school year and one observation
Accomplished Skilled Developing Ineffective SLO’s
2013/14 Goals and Measures Superintendent’s BOE Goals Developed through RttT and Ohio’s New Accountability System OTES/eTPES #2 – Student Learning Objectives Growth (50%) #1 – Instruction Focused on Teacher Performance (50%) #4- Intervention #3- ACT/OGT/OAA /Parcc #5- Spartan Pride Grade/Course Specific Professional Growth Plan Improvement Plan Formal Observation Walkthroughs Informal Observations Pre-Conference Observation by 1/15/14 2/10-4/1 Post Conference By 1/25 4/10 Complete Performance Rubric November 2013 Renewal! 3rd Grade Guarantee New Math Curriculum EOC/EOY Principal’s Goal A. Value Added Advanced Move The Middle At-Risk Sub Groups OAA – 108 OGT – 111 ACT -24 AP 3 and above C. LEA Measures 2 Slo’s 50% Rule *Thinkgate Teacher Goals Student Goals
2013/14 Goals and Measures Superintendent’s BOE Goals Developed through RttT and Ohio’s New Accountability System OTES/eTPES #2 – Student Learning Objectives Growth (50%) #1 – Instruction Focused on Teacher Performance (50%) #4- Intervention #3- ACT/OGT/OAA /Parcc #5- Spartan Pride Grade/Course Specific Professional Growth Plan Improvement Plan Formal Observation Complete Performance Rubric Pre-Conference Observation by 9/1/13-1/15/14 2/10-4/1 Post Conference By 1/25 4/10 Walkthroughs Informal Observations Principal’s Goal Teacher Goals Student Goals
Ohio eTPES Login Page Professional Growth Plan http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Educator-Evaluation-System/Ohio-s-Teacher-Evaluation-System/Teacher-Performance-Ratings 2013-14\Professional Growth Plan.doc • Professional Growth Plan • Professional Growth Plans help teachers focus on areas of professional development that will enable them to improve their practice. Teachers are accountable for the implementation and completion of the plan and may use the plan as a starting point for the school year. (The Professional Growth Plan is intended to be one academic year in duration and may support the goals of the Individual Professional Development Plan- IPDP. The Professional Growth Plan is not intended to replace the IPDP.) The professional growth plan and process includes feedback from the evaluator as well as the teacher’s self-assessment, and the support needed to further the teacher’s continuous growth and development. Professional development should be individualized to the needs of the teacher and students (based on available data), and specifically relate to the teacher’s areas for growth as identified in the teacher’s evaluation. The evaluator should recommend professional development opportunities, and support the teacher by providing resources (e.g., time, financial). The growth plan should be reflective of the data available and include: • Identification of area(s) for future professional growth; • Specific resources and opportunities to assist the teacher in enhancing skills, knowledge and practice; • Outcomes that will enable the teacher to increase student learning and achievement.
Ohio eTPES Login Page Formal Observation Pre Conference Questions.docx Pre-Conference Observation by 9/1/13-1/15/14 (#1) 2/10-4/1 (#2) Post Conference By 1/25 (#1) 4/10 (#2) Written Report By 5/10/14 http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Educator-Evaluation-System/Ohio-s-Teacher-Evaluation-System/Teacher-Performance-Ratings
2013/14 Goals and Measures Ohio eTPES Login Page Superintendent’s BOE Goals Developed through RttT and Ohio’s New Accountability System OTES/eTPES #2 – Student Learning Objectives Growth (50%) #1 – Instruction Focused on Teacher Performance (50%) #4- Intervention #3- ACT/OGT/OAA /Parcc #5- Spartan Pride Grade/Course Specific The Link Roster Verification process is an important component for EVAAS Teacher-Level Value-Added reports. Active participation of teachers is essential. Link (also known as Roster Verification) is a key component for teacher Value-Added. Principal’s Goal A. Value Added Teacher Goals C. LEA Measures 2 Slo’s 50% Rule Student Goals Each teacher will write 2 SLO’s targeted for a student of population of at least 50%
S.M.A.R.T. Goals SLOs – Student Learning Objectives Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely A Student Learning Objective (SLO) is a measurable, long-term academic growth target that a teacher sets at the beginning of the year for all students or for subgroups of students. SLOs demonstrate a teacher’s impact on student learning within a given interval of instruction based upon baseline data gathered at the beginning of the course. Each SLO includes: Specific –Who Where When Which Why Measurable - measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set. How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished? Achievable - You can attain most any goal you set when you plan your steps wisely and establish a time frame that allows you to carry out those steps. Realistic - To be realistic, a goal must represent an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work. Timely- A goal should be grounded within a time frame. With no time frame tied to it there's no sense of urgency. Baseline and trend data Student Population Period of Time covered by the SLO Standards the SLO addresses The Assessment(s) used The expected Growth within that period The Rationale for the expected growth
Sample Student Learning Objectives Ohio eTPES Login Page http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Teaching/Educator-Evaluation-System/Ohio-s-Teacher-Evaluation-System/Student-Growth-Measures/Student-Learning-Objective-Examples/Sample-Student-Learning-Objectives What will the SLO process look like? LEAs have some flexibility to shape the process to fit local contexts, but ODE recommends the following steps: STEP 1: Gather and review available data STEP 2: Determine the interval of instruction and identify content STEP 3: Choose assessments and set the growth target(s) STEP 4: Submit your SLO and prepare for review and approval STEP 5: Final scoring of the SLO
Decisions for SGM Session Percentages for Teachers in Category • A1- Value Added Only • A2– Value Added + SLO • C – SLO’s Only
A: Teacher-level Value-Added Data Available A1. Teacher Instructs Value-Added Subjects Exclusively Teacher Value Added 50% 2014-15 A2. Teacher Instructs Value-Added Subjects, but Not Exclusively Teacher-Level Value Added Proportional to teaching schedule 10-50% 0-40% LEA Measures Proportional to teaching schedule
C: No Teacher-Level Value-Added or Approved Vendor Assessment Data Available
SGM Default Percentages DeterminedStep 1: Enter Default Percentages
Connecting the Dots for SLOs at WLS WMS SLO Guidelines 2013-14.docx WLS SLO Template.doc SLO SCORING TEMPLATE EDITABLE Bricker Example.doc Pre Conference Questions.docx
Calculation Step 4: Convert 5 to 3 within the category
Calculation Step 4: Series Table
eTPES Implementation Timeline • By May 1 – Principals complete the evaluation for each teacher and complete entering all local measures related to SGM’s. • By May 10 – Principals provide each teacher with a written report of the results of the teacher’s evaluation. • Prior to June 1 – Notification of renewal or nonrenewal of contracts for administrators. • June 15 – eTPES closes for the 2013-2014 school year. Any copies needed from evaluations, reports, etc. must be made prior to June 15. Areas of Refinement.docx
Ohio eTPES Login Page ELECTRONIC TEACHER EVALUATION SYSTEM eTPES SGM Session: Student Growth Measures and Final Reports
Developing Accomplished Ineffective Skilled Performance on the Standards Continuous Improvement Instruction School Operations, Resources and Learning Environment Collaboration Parent and Community Engagement • 50%
OPES Standard Element: Focusing Questions Standard 1: Principals/Coordinators help create a shared vision and clear goals for their schools and ensure continuous progress toward achieving the goals. O.P.1.1: Principals/Coordinators facilitate the articulation and realization of a shared vision of continuous school improvement. Shared vision: Who has been involved in this process? What evidence O.P.1.2: Principals/Coordinators lead the process of setting, monitoring and achieving specific and challenging goals that reflect high expectations for all students and staff. Does every teacher you are responsible for know and understand the vision/goals? O.P.1.3: Principals/Coordinators lead the change process for continuous improvement Who have you included in developing the building/department goals (shared vision)? O.P.1.4: Principals/Coordinators anticipate, monitor and respond to educational developments that affect school issues and environment. Are your personal goals aligned to building goals and district goals? (Refer to Eight Pillars of Excellence for our districtwide mission, vision and standards of excellence)
O.P.1.2: Principals/Coordinators lead the process of setting, monitoring and achieving specific and challenging goals that reflect high expectations for all students and staff. Does every teacher you are responsible for know and understand the vision/goals? O.P.1.3: Principals/Coordinators lead the change process for continuous improvement Who have you included in developing the building/department goals (shared vision)? O.P.1.4: Principals/Coordinators anticipate, monitor and respond to educational developments that affect school issues and environment. Are your personal goals aligned to building goals and district goals? (Refer to Eight Pillars of Excellence for our districtwide mission, vision and standards of excellence)
O.P.2.1: Principals/Coordinators ensure that the instructional content that is taught is aligned with the Ohio academic content standards and curriculum priorities in the school and district. How have you helped teachers know, understand, and use data to inform their teaching? O.P.2.2: Principals/Coordinators ensure instructional practices are effective and meet the needs of all students How do you know what is occurring in classrooms? Walk-thrus? Visits? Observations? O.P.2.3: Principals/Coordinators advocate for high levels of learning for all students, including students identified as gifted, students with disabilities and at-risk students. Have I utilized OTES with teachers? What do they know about OTES? Are you using teachers with good student achievement scores to help those with lesser scores? (Are the teachers set up in teams to improve achievement scores together?) Are people in the right seat on the bus?
O.P.2.4: Principals/Coordinators know, understand and share relevant research. How have you engaged students in identifying and discussing research and theory that support the academic needs of students? O.P.2.5: Principals/Coordinators understand, encourage and facilitate the effective use of data by staff. How have you assisted teachers’ use of assessment data to continually design and adapt instruction based on student needs? O.P.2.6: Principals/Coordinators support staff in planning and implementing research-based professional development. "Principal uses staff input and student data to identify professional development needs in order to set short- and long-term goals and takes action to meet those goals." Evidence
O.P.3.1: Principals/Coordinators establish and maintain a safe school environment. "Principal/Coordinator promotes and implements a school-wide/department wide system for behavioral support and intervention." – How have you accomplished this? O.P.3.2: Principals/Coordinators create a nurturing learning environment that addresses the physical and mental health needs of all. Have you attended to the needs of our special needs students? Intervention and IEP teams? O.P.3.3: Principals/Coordinators allocate resources, including technology, to support student and staff learning. What kind of input do you gather or allow when approving or recommending expenditures for your building/program? Who is involved?
O.P.3.4: Principals/Coordinators institute procedures and practices to support staff and students and establish an environment that is conducive to learning "Principal/Coordinator establishes and reinforces rules, guidelines and operational procedures that enable staff to focus on teaching and learning." How have you accomplished this? O.P.3.5: Principals/Coordinators understand, uphold and model professional ethics, policies, and legal codes of professional conduct. How have you analyzed and revised procedures to comply with local, state, and federal mandates and then communicate those mandates to district and community?
O.P.4.1: Principals/Coordinators promote a collaborative learning culture. Are building/teacher teams used in many aspects of leading the building/department? What teams are in place presently? O.P.4.2: Principals/Coordinators share leadership with staff, students, parents and community members. How do you know you really share leadership within these teams, and not just bringing them together to "tell" them what to do? O.P.4.3: Principals/Coordinators develop and sustain leadership. How have you helped the teacher-based teams to insure they are working together and are productive? What support have you given those teacher leaders facilitating their teams?
O.P.5.1: Principals/Coordinators use community resources to improve student learning. Do you have a parent advisory or council, are they a part of some building advisory? (For example PTO) O.P.5.2: Principals/Coordinators involve parents and community members in improving student learning. What system of events and teams do you have in place to promote community engagement? How are the parents/businesses/community agencies involved in the learning process---connect it back to student learning? (Evidence?)
O.P.5.3: Principals/Coordinators connect the school with the community. How do I involve the business/community partners in my building/department? Is this a two-way process? Good for both? Giving in both directions? O.P.5.4: Principals/Coordinators establish expectations for the use of culturally-responsive practices that acknowledge and value diversity. How have you used proactive strategies to promote tolerance to create an environment that supports high achievement levels for all students?
O.P.4.1: Principals/Coordinators promote a collaborative learning culture. Are building/teacher teams used in many aspects of leading the building/department? What teams are in place presently? The Intervention Specialists function as a team in each building. They work collaboratively with general education teachers, school psychologists and related service personnel to meet the needs of each student. I meet with the building level teams regularly, the elementary meets weekly and middle and high meets monthly. The constant collaboration results in an increase in awareness of student on IEP’s and how to best address their individualized needs.
O.P. 3.2 I model effective and respectful communication with students, parents, and community members for the staff of the middle school. Many of them come to me when trying to construct a difficult email response. I always encourage them to contact parents early and to remember the importance of working with all parents in order to be productive with students. The middle school has a multi handicapped unit and as the principal, I promote the use of resources and strategies to address the needs of those students and the staff that work with those students. I work with the guidance counselor and school based therapist to meet the needs of students who may be struggling with mental health issues. I also make use of our resource coordinator and community organizations such as Coordinated Care.
Wayne Local Schools 2014-Practice Tests PARCC-ELA Grades 4 and 5 (PBA only) ELA Grades 8,9, and 10 (PBA and EOY) Social Studies Online- Grade 6 Grade 12 Government Science Online- Physical Science Biology Everything you wanted to know about Next Generation Assessments but were afraid to ask….
Implement Standards • Visit website and look at sample questions • Familiarize students with online testing(what it looks like/tools) • Setting up testing calendar/reserving computers • Training teachers/proctors-Trouble shooting • Ensure technology is ready • DTC set up sessions/class lists/accommodations What do you need to do to get ready?
Next Generation Assessments • Math and English language arts for Grades 3-8 and High School • Performance–Based Assessment: Feb. 16 through March 20, 2015 • End of Course Exam: April 13 through May 15, 2015 • *Districts will only have 20 consecutive school days for testing within the five-week testing period provided. Districts can decide when, during their 20 consecutive school day window, testing will take place. • Science (Grades 5, 8 and High School), Social Studies (Grades 4, 6 and High School) • Performance–Based Assessment: March 2 through March 13, 2015 • End of Course Exam: May 4 through May 15, 2015 • Ohio Graduation Tests (OGT) • Fall Administration: Monday, Oct. 27 through Sunday, Nov. 9, 2014 • Spring Administration: Monday, March 16 through Sunday, March 29, 2015 • Summer Administration (Optional): Monday, June 15 through Sunday, June 28, 2015 • Ohio Achievement Assessments (OAA) • Fall Administration: Grade 3 Reading – Monday, Oct. 6 through Friday, Oct. 10, 2014 • Spring Administration: Grade 3 Reading – Monday, April 20 through Friday, May 1, 2015 2014-2015 Testing Dates
How do Teachers prepare? The Spring, 2014, OAA and OGT will include only items aligned to Ohio’s New Learning Standards (CCSSM) If content formerly included in a grade level has moved up in grade, it will no longer be included. If content formerly included in a grade level has moved down in grade, it willbe included.
Summative Assessment Components: • Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) • The ELA/literacy PBA will focus on writing effectively when analyzing text. • The mathematics PBA will focus on applying skills, concepts, and understandings to solve multi-step problems requiring abstract reasoning, precision, perseverance, and strategic use of tools • End-of-Year Assessment (EOY) • The ELA/literacy EOY will focus on reading comprehension. The math EOY will be comprised of innovative, machine-scorable items PBA verses EOY
ELA/Literacy • Balancing Informational & Literary Text • Knowledge in the Disciplines • Staircase of Complexity • Text Based Answers • Writing from Sources • Academic Vocabulary Mathematics • Focus • Coherence • Fluency • Deep Understanding • Application • Dual Intensity Shifts in the Common Core
Tools - Pointer Ruler - to ¼” or ⅛” Protractor Calculator - type will vary by grade Answer Eliminator *available on all tests Guest Icon - Drop Down Menu Change background/foreground color Open text magnifier tool Show/Hide line reader tool Logout TestNav Toolbar Navigation • Blue arrow advances to next item. • Review button allows you to go back IN THE SAME SECTION of the test to look at marked items • Flag button marks the items student wants to return to later Online Samples &Tutorial
Keyboarding Cutting and Pasting Highlighting Using on-screen calculator (grades 6-11 only) Dragging and Dropping items Manipulating a graph Running a simulation to generate data Changing font size and background color Clicking on multiple correct answers Utilizing spreadsheets, documents Student Technology Skills - For the PARCC Assessments