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What will we speak about?. [ ð ]. Is my grandmo th er’s mo th er my mo th er’s great grandmo th er?. Do the washing up Clean the rooms Lay the table Water the flowers Feed the pets. Read the text and do the tasks. Celebrate —праздновать Simnel cake ---пирог из муки тонкого помола
[ð] Is my grandmother’s mother my mother’s great grandmother?
Do the washing up • Clean the rooms • Lay the table • Water the flowers • Feed the pets
Read the text and do the tasks. • Celebrate—праздновать • Simnelcake---пирог из муки тонкого помола • Marzipan---марципан (смесь тертого миндаля или орехов с сахарным сиропом
In March the English celebrate Mother’s Day. Children help mothers about the house: they do the washing up, make their beds, clean the rooms, lay the table. They cook the simnel cake. The cake has got 12 marzipans on the top. Children give their mothers small presents and flowers. Mothers are very happy.
1.Which title matches the text best? a. The Simnel Cake. b. Mother’s Day in Great Britain. c. Good Children. 2.Draw a picture to the text.
Group Work Fa wers di aned ca ey Ni ught t d an id Flo ther wa he th d Bo ce chil shing la ke Mo ther and dren t ble Fo r cle oms ta de ro the ma he
The Chant On Mother’s Day 2 Oh, how I love you, Mommy You give me joy and happiness I give you love, a hug and kiss. On Mother’s Day 2 Oh, how I love you, Mommy!
The English proverb Nem ekam sesuoh Nemow ekam semoh