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Pontiac’s Rebellion. Proclamation Line of 1763. Standing Army in the Colonies. The Mercantile Theory Navigation Laws “enumerated goods” “salutary neglect” Smuggling Revenue Act (Sugar Act) 1764 The Stamp Act 1765 The Declaratory Act 1766. Chief Pontiac.
The Mercantile Theory Navigation Laws “enumerated goods” “salutary neglect” SmugglingRevenue Act (Sugar Act) 1764The Stamp Act 1765The Declaratory Act 1766
Chief Pontiac • 1763 Ottawa Chief Pontiac leads a violent campaign against British settlers in the Ohio Valley • Kills 2,000 colonists in backcountry of Penn, MD, & VA • Whites retaliate by passing out blankets infected with smallpox • Britain now feels they must keep troops in the colonies to protect against Indian attacks
“Go West Young Man” • Colonists begin to go West past the Appalachian Mts. (KY & Tenn.) • View it as their birthright (manifest destiny) • Proclamation of 1763 prohibits settlement in area beyond the Appalachian Mts. • Colonists outraged and ignore proclamation
The Mercantile Theory • Of the 13 colonies only Georgia was planted by Britain • Others by trading companies, religious groups, land speculators, and others • Mercantilism = wealth was power • Countries economic wealth & military power measured by amount of gold & silver in its treasury • This means you have to export more the you import. • Nations with colonies have a distinct advantage • Colonies = supply of raw materials & provide market for exports • Colonies are meant to help the mother country • America was to provide ships, sailors, trade, & marketplace • Grow tobacco and sugar so that England does not have to purchase from foreigners
Mercantilist & Trade • Navigation Laws: 1650 stop Dutch ships from entering America carrying trade • Restrict commerce to and from the colonies to only English Vessels • Euro products headed for colonies had to stop first in Britain for custom duties and profits by middlemen. • “enumerated” products like tobacco must be shipped to England instead of other Euro countries where they might have made more $$$ • Colonies could not make certain products that might compete with English industry (woolen cloth, beaver hats)
Paper Currency • Americans had no bank in the colonies • Bartering becomes necessary • Buying more from England then they are selling • Colonies issue paper money it depreciates • Parliament restrains colonial Parliament from printing money. Angers Americans • The Privy Council (King’s advisors) could declare colonial legislature laws “null & void” if they conflicted with British policy • “Royal Veto” used 469 times out of 8,563 laws
Merits of Mercantilism • Until 1763 Navigation laws imposed no intolerable burden because of lax enforcement policy of “salutary neglect” • Many Americans made their money through smuggling(John Hancock “King of the Smugglers”)
Benefits • London paid good $ for ship parts & stores • VA tobacco planters were guaranteed monopoly over English tobacco market (outlawed in England/Ireland) • Had the rights of Englishmen and opportunities for self government • They didn’t need to support a professional army for protection from France, Spain, or Indians • Enjoyed strength of British Army/Navy w/o a penny cost
Menace of Mercantilism • Stifles economic initiative because they could buy, sell, ship or manufacture under conditions they found most profitable • Southern colonies viewed as ‘pets” who grow non-English products tobacco, sugar, rice • VA does not like that it has to sell tobacco in England. Puts them at mercy of British merchants and many go into debt. • Americans feel they are being used by British the way a cow is used for milk
July 1763 • Britain needs to raise money • People of Britain already paying heavy taxes, rioting, protesting the taxes they were already paying. • Govt. realizes it can’t raise their taxes, so the belief was that Americans should pay for their own protection. • In July of 1763 custom collectors in England are ordered to report to their posts in the colonies or resign. Many resigned
Revenue Act (Sugar Act) April 1764 • Passes into law with little opposition in Parliament • Ships now had to have manifestation listing cargo if they did not they could be brought to court 2 options: • 1 – colonial court = jury of colonists • 2 – Vice Admiralty Courts = No jury and crown appointed Judge makes decision • This happens during time of depression after the war when less food and supply orders for army hurt American businesses
Quartering Act of 1765 • Measure requires certain colonies to provide food and quarters for British troops • Specified items included bedding, cooking utensils, firewood, beer or cider and candles.
Stamp Act • Americans begin to hear rumors of a new tax the Stamp Act. Many of them were filled with distortions and were not true. • In Feb 1765 colonists send group of 4 men to Britain lead by Ben Franklin to meet w/ Greenville their message “Americans prefer to tax themselves” and that a tax from Parliament would subvert representative governments in America • Members of Parliament are upsets that colonists would question their power. This feeling helped to squash much opposition to the proposed tax during the debate leading up to the vote
Stamp Act arrives in the Colonies • Fall of 1765 • House of Burgesses in Virginia is the first official body to take action “Parliament a body they had no representation in had no right to tax them”. • The Virginia Resolves were an “alarm bell to the disaffected” • By early 1766 conflict and violence had intensified especially in Massachusetts
Whereas the honorable House of Commons in England have late drawn into question how far the general assembly of this colony has power to enact laws for laying taxes and imposing duties payable to the pope of this his majesty's most ancient colony — For settling and ascertaining the same to all future times, the House of Burgesses of this present general assembly have come to the several following resolutions: 1. Resolved, That the first adventurers and settlers of this his majesty's colony and dominion of Virginia brought with them and transmitted to their posterity and all others, his majesty's subjects since inhabiting in this is majesty's colony, all the privileges and immunities that have at any time been held, enjoyed, and possessed by the people of Great Britain. 2. Resolved, That by the two royal charters granted by King James the First, the colonists aforesaid are declared entitled to all privileges of faithful, liege, and natural born subjects, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been abiding and born within the realm of England. 3. Resolved, That his majesty's liege people of this his most ancient colony have enjoyed the right being thus governed by their own assembly, in the article of taxes and internal police; and that the same have never been forfeited or any other way yielded up, but have been constantly recognized by the kind and people of Great Britain. 4. Resolved therefore, That the general assembly of the colony, together with his majesty or his substitute have in their representative capacity the only exclusive right and power to levy taxes and impositions on the inhabitants of this colony and that every attempt to vest such a power in any person or persons whatsoever other than the general assembly aforesaid is illegal, unconstitutional, and unjust, and ahs a manifest tendency to destroy British, as well as American freedom.
The following resolves were not passed, though drawn up by the committee.They are inserted as a specimen of the first and early energies of the Old Dominion, as Virginia is often called. 1. Resolved, That his majesty's liege people, the inhabitants of this colony, are not bound to yield obedience to any law or ordinance whatsoever designed to impose any taxation whatsoever upon them, other than the laws and ordinances of the general assembly aforesaid. 2. Resolved, That any person who shall by speaking or writing maintain that any person or persons other than the general assembly of this colony have any right or power to impose or lay any taxation whatsoever on the people here shall be deemed an enemy to this his majesty's colony.
Virginia & Mass • Virginia opposes Stamp Act w/ the Virginia Resolves • Mass. Opposes the Stamp Act w/ violence and mob riots between Aug 14 – 26 • Distributors and collectors begin to resign because of the rising storm of violence
In Britain • Trade had been stifled in Britain as colonists cut back on British goods in a protest to get the Sugar Act repealed • Members of Parliament believed that repeal of Stamp Act because of Mob Violence would set a precedent that would make it impossible to govern. • Merchants and Manufacturers start nation wide movement to convince Parl. That these acts will “annihilate” trade w/ N. America and would help the manufacturers of enemies France & Spain • Feb 3, 1776 Parliament passes the Declaratory Act stating Parl. Had right to make laws binding the colonies “in all cases whatsoever”
Ben Franklin speaks to Parliament on behalf of the Colonists
March 17 1766 • Parliament passes a Stamp Act Repeal Bill and it is signed into law • the same day the King signs the Declaratory Act: declares Parliament has the right to tax the colonies • The Stamp Act was repealed 5 Months after it is passed
Stamp Act Repeal & Declaratory Act • Colonists make distinction between “legislation” and “taxation” • Parliament and King believe in “Virtual Representation (Greenville’s theory) • Non Importation Agreements against British goods (homespun) = 1st time colonists join together in common action against British. • Peer Pressure get more colonists involved in protest. • Sons of Liberty +radicals who turn violent. Violators of non importation are tarred and feathered. • Boycott hurts British merchants, manufacturers, and shippers who appeal to Parliament.
Townshend Revenue Act • Greenville out Townshend in • Townshend Acts 1767: import duty on glass, white lead, paper, paint,….TEA • Townshend believes it will be viewed differently because it is an indirect customs duty payable at American ports. • He is wrong. • 1 Million people drank Tea twice a day • Townshend revenues would be used to pay salaries of Royal governors and judges in the colonies. • This takes away the power of the purse that colonists had used check power of royal governors
Charles Townshend’s American Proposal to Parliament • NY Assembly should be suspended until it agrees to comply w/ Quartering Act • Import duties should be collected in the colonies on lead, glass, paper, painter’s colors, and TEA • Establishment of American Board of Customs Commissioners w/ HQ in the colonies • Townshend does not live to see the ramifications of his Revenue Act. He dies on Sept. 4, 1767
John D. Dickerson’s Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer • Essays that were a response to the Townsend Duties • Appealed to people tired of extravagant rhetoric and violent measures. • Forces Americans to confront the Constitutional implications of Townsend but does so w/o the popular upheaval that followed the Stamp Act • Most colonists read Dickerson and agreed • The exception was BOSTON
Boston Takes the Lead 1768 • Lead by Sam Adams the Boston legislature pass the Circular Letter • Just like the Virginia Resolutions (Stamp Act) before them the Circular Letter was passed at the end of a legislative session when many conservative members had already gone home. • It said colonies could never be represented in Parliament and that Parliament received its power from the fundamental law that says no taxation w/o representation • Govt. Bernard and commissioners lose all control of town, Bernard under orders from Britain dissolves the legislature • Sons of Liberty use the dissolving of the legislature as more proof of an evil plot to take their liberties • Troops (Redcoats) are sent to Boston (Oct. 1768)
American Board of Customs Commissioners • The American Board of Customs Commissioners was set up by Parliament to oversee the Townsend Acts • They never seemed able to conceive of any solution to their difficulties that did not involve use of troops on Americans • Their conduct further alienated Americans who had formally been uncommitted to American cause or loyal to the crown • They ran “customs racketeering” scams to line their pockets
The Redcoats in NYC • NYC Sons of Liberty angered that the legislature complied w/ Quartering Act • Nicest thing soldiers were called was “rascals” • One soldier cuts down “Liberty Tree” on the common, leads to brawl between thousands of citizens and soldiers. No one killed but many wounded. • S of L would plant “Liberty Trees” and soldiers would hack them down • Jan 1770 soldiers saw down tree cut into sections and leave in front of tavern that was S of L HQ • Leads to full scale battle at Golden Hill: 2 days, many wounded, one dead • As bad as things were in NY they were worse in Boston
Shipping off to Boston • Soldiers refer to Boston as “garrison town” • Broke quiet of Sabbath w/ sounds of drums, fifes, and mocking song “Yankee Doodle” • Soldiers drank to excess • Raped, assaulted, and were “suggestive” to women of Boston • But their mere presence was what most upset Bostonians • Sentries were now located everywhere, Bostonians had long considered it a right to come and go as they please and now were challenged • Citizens refused to respond to sentries
Lead up to a “Massacre” • Boston Leaders start a newspaper “Journal of the Times” reprinted in most colonies. Filled with exaggerated stories about encounters with soldiers • In spring of 1769 Boston inhabitants start picking fights w/ soldiers more frequently • Many of the fights were started by laborers. The British soldiers could work for extra $ when they were not on duty. They often worked for 20% of what normal pay was. • Boston laborers = young men, animal energy, often drunk & rowdy
Lord North takes over in Britain and removes all the Townsend duties except the one on tea • The Declaratory Act would also remain on the books • Tea Act of 1773 gives East India Company a monopoly on tea in the colonies and retains the three pence duty on tea. • Even thought they had been importing tea and paying the same tax for the past two years they are still upset by this. • They believed that if they began to cooperate now they would be giving in to the British plot to enslave them
Mass meeting in Philadelphia Oct. 16 1773 agree that anyone found importing tea is “an enemy of the country” • Public outing of anyone who imported tea • The Committee for Tarring and Feathering threatened to ply its trade to any Delaware River pilot who dared bring tea to the city. • The Captain Ayers of the Polly is threatened. How would you like “ten gallons of liquid tar decanted on your pate – with the feathers of a dozen wild geese laid over that to enliven your appearance?” • Their advice to Ayers was “to fly to the place whence you came – fly without the formality of a protest – and above all Captain Ayers let us advise you to fly without the wild geese feathers”
Boston Tea Party News Hits England • The belief of the King and his ministers was that the father must discipline the rebellious child or abandon him forever. • The King recommends the use of force to bring colonies under control “We are not entering a dispute between internal and external taxes, not between taxes laid for the purpose of revenues and taxes laid for the regulation of trade, not between representation and taxation, or legislation and taxation, but we are now to dispute whether we have, or have not any authority in that country” – Lord North