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Welcome to General Biology Room 132 Mrs. Wernet. Syllabus/Expectations 2010-11. Instructor: Mrs. Wernet Email: kisha.wernet@WESchools.org Website: http:// www.weschools.org/SouthHigh.cfm --> Faculty--> Kisha Wernet Phone: (440) 975-3648 Location: Science Hall Room 132
Syllabus/Expectations 2010-11 Instructor: Mrs. Wernet Email: kisha.wernet@WESchools.org Website: http://www.weschools.org/SouthHigh.cfm--> Faculty-->Kisha Wernet Phone: (440) 975-3648Location: Science Hall Room 132 Schedule: I am generally in the building by 7:00am and can be found in my classroom from 7:30 to 7:45 my daily schedule is as follows: 1st Period- General Biology 5th Period- Integrated Science III 2nd Period- Integrated Science III 6th Period- Lunch 3rd Period- SH/Planning 7th Period- AP Bio Lab (TTH) 4th Period- Meetings/SH 8th Period- AP Biology I am generally in my classroom after school until 3:00pm.
Topics and Timeline Book: Biology-Holt, Rinehart, & Winston- 2008 (http://my.hrw.com/- login for online text and resources) 1st 9 weeks Chapter 1- Biology and You Chapter 4- Ecosystems Chapter 5- Populations and Communities Chapter 6- The Environment Chapter 16- Evolution Theory 2nd 9 weeks Chapter- 7- Cell Structure Chapter 8- Cells and Their Environment Chapter 12- Mendel and Heredity Chapter 13- DNA, RNA, and Proteins Chapter 17- Pop. Genetics and Speciation 3rd 9 weeks Chapter 18- Classification Chapter 19- History of Life on Earth OGT Review Unit (aprox. 3 weeks) Ohio Graduation Test given in March! 4th 9 weeks (abbreviated chapters) Chapter 20- Bacteria and Viruses Chapter 21- Protists Chapter 22- Fungi Chapter 23- Plant Diversity and Life Cycles Chapter 26- Introduction to Animals Chapter 27- Simple Invertebrates Chapter 28- Mollusks and Annelids Chapter 29- Arthropods and Echinoderms Chapter 30- Fishes and Amphibians Chapter 31 - Reptiles and Birds Chapter 32 – Mammals
Required Materials Textbooks may be kept at home most of the time; however I will ask you to bring them to class periodically to use on activities. These days will be posted ahead of time. In addition, obtain the following materials: • A three ring binder, with dividers. • College ruled notebook paper, blue or black pens, #2 pencils for tests. The text book adopted by the school district is available both digitally, and as audio files. If you would like a copy of either of these resources bring one NEW CD-R disc for each resource and a copy will be made.
General Policies and Procedures Class Rules • Be On Time, • Be Respectful, • and Be Prepared!
Food is NOT allowed! Water (not soft drinks, lemonade, or any other beverage) in a capped bottle is permitted at your desk only, not in the lab area. • Any food brought to the classroom will become trash!
Do not sit on tables or stand on chairs. This is a safety violation and will not be tolerated.
Sleeping during class is absolutely prohibited. Please keep your head up off of the desk, since it is so easy to fall asleep with your head down (even if you truly mean to stay awake). Zzzzzzz
A signed pass is required for you to leave the classroom for any reason during class. You may use one of your science passes, but once they are gone you may not leave the room for any reason. (unused passes are worth extra credit at the end of the quarter)
No Cell Phones/electronic devices visible or used for any reason in the classroom!
Attendance and Makeup Policies Attendance is extremely important. Classroom discussions, Labs and activities are an important part of science classes and a lot can be learned from them. Missing class often deprives you of these valuable experiences and will result in poor understanding of the material and lower test grades.
Classwork/homework- • If you are absent the on the day homework is due, it will be due the day you return to class. • If you are absent the day homework or class work is assigned, it will be due the class period following the day you return (or two class periods later if you missed two days, etc).
Copies of notes given in class will be provided if the absence is excused, however it is the student’s responsibility to become familiar with the information missed.
Please make arrangements to see me outside of class ASAP if you need help with any material missed due to absence. • Class time will not be used to recover material that you missed in class. • Extra credit quizzes, daily class openers, and participation points cannot be made up.
I will not call for makeup work – you must remember to turn it in when it is due. • Only work missed due to EXCUSED absences will be given credit. • You have only 3 days to get an absence excused and show me the admit slip!
Makeup for Tests- • Students absent the day before a test should plan to take the test the day it is given. • Exceptions may be made if arrangements are made before 7:45 a.m. the day of the test, or due to an extended absence (more than 1 day). • Do not expect me to make an exception for you unless you make the effort to come see me ahead of time.
Students absent on the day of a test must make up the test on a school computer the day they return to class either during their study hall, lunch period, or before/after school. • Do not expect to have review time during class. • Expect to take an alternate form of the test. Tests must be made up on the day you return unless alternate arrangements are made, failure to make up a test within a 5 day period will result in a zero. No credit will be given for tests missed due to an unexcused absence.
Unexcused Absences/Suspensions- • Any unexcused absence or suspension from class will result in no credit given for all work missed due to that absence. • That means that if you are unexcused absent, or suspended the day an assignment is due or the day of a test, you will not receive credit for that assignment or that test even if you make it up.
A class “cut” is the same as an unexcused absence. • Unexcused absences will negatively affect grades in this course, please be aware of the WE school board policy regarding unexcused absences.
Tardy Policy/SMR- • The South High School Tardy policy will be strictly enforced. • Please make sure you are familiar with this policy. • Students swept to the SMR room are responsible for the work that they missed in class that day. • You may get the assignments from the website or stop by my room to get the work for homework.
Homework Policies • All assignments turned in must be properly identified with yourname; date, class period or your paper will be discarded to the “no name” file. • Assignments claimed from this file, within 3 days of return of the assignment, may receive 50% credit for the assignment. • Unclaimed papers with no name, or those not claimed within 3 days, will not receive credit.
Homework is due at the beginning of the class period on the day it is due, unless otherwise announced. • As stated earlier, late work will not be accepted unless it is the result of an excused absence.
Most assignments started in class will be due at the end of class; however students who need additional time may request an extension to take the assignment home. • Extensions will not be granted for students who do not use their class time, or do not bring their book to class. • Work taken home is due at the beginning of class the following day.
Test Policies • A number two (#2) pencil is required for scan tests, a pen may be used for short or extended response answers. Pencils are available for $0.10 as needed.
There should be no talking from the time I begin to pass out the tests, until the last test is turned in. Remain seated and quiet after turning in your test. Students who insist on talking or getting up from their seat will “earn” a 5-point deduction on their test. Please be courteous and allow all students to take their test in quiet.
Keep your eyes on your own paper! Looking at another student’s test after being warned will have serious consequences! Note: Any cell phone that is visible during a test will be confiscated, and student will receive a zero for that test.
Grading Procedure Classwork 30% (notes/activities) Homework 20% (reading guides/wksts/reviews etc.) Ext. Ideas 20% (internet labs/simulations) Ch. Tests 30% ------------------------------------------------------- 100% Outstanding=100%, Satisfactory=84%, Unsatisfactory=66%, Incomplete=50%, and Missing=0%. I don’t GIVE grades, you EARN them!
Extra Credit/Rewards • Science Passes (3 each quarter, 5pts each) • Darwin Dollars • Science Celebration Days (earned by whole classroom behavior and effort, my discretion) • Knowledge, satisfaction, lifetime success!