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Independent Economic Development Task Force

Independent Economic Development Task Force. Meeting #19 January 15, 2014. K. Gleasman. Agenda. Review and approve meeting notes from Mtg #18 Discuss questions to answer with Jan 29 presentation Discuss process for invitations for commissioners, council, etc.

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Independent Economic Development Task Force

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Independent Economic Development Task Force Meeting #19 January 15, 2014 K. Gleasman

  2. Agenda • Review and approve meeting notes from Mtg #18 • Discuss questions to answer with Jan 29 presentation • Discuss process for invitations for commissioners, council, etc. • Review ad for T. Times – D. Bradford • 1/22 meeting will be at 4PM at library with Pat Mitchell, NC Commerce • Other topics from task force • Public Comment – Summarized Input • Adjourn

  3. Review and approve meeting notes from Mtg #18

  4. Skeleton of deck for community meeting • Introduce team • Define scope of effort and purpose of this presentation • Recommend economic development organization structure, mission, vision, and preliminary budget estimate • Provide targeted industries and initial marketing plan • Organization structure recommendation • Answer anticipated questions with discussion • Next steps Jan 29 March

  5. Discuss questions for 1/29 presentation • What process did you use to get to the recommendation? • What large businesses will be targeted? • When will we get back to Ecusta/Dupont era wages? • Besides the new organization, what else is recommended? • How much will this cost and how will it be funded? • What will this organization actually do? • If we do this, are new jobs guaranteed? • What is different between today’s and recommended organization? • When will we see new jobs? • How will I know when jobs are available? • How can I best prepare to be a good candidate for the new jobs?

  6. Discuss questions for 1/29 presentation • How does the proposed structure differ from the Goldsmith recommendations and why? • Why does the Task Force not recommend as high a budget as the Goldsmith report? • How does the recommended organization help to avoid the "negative feedback loop"? • Why are you recommending so much of the existing economic development organizations remain within the proposed structure? • Who is going to put the pieces together to constitute the new organization? • What is the task force recommending with regard to the Rails to Trails concept? • What will this new organization do to make the permitting process for starting a new business easier and less expensive? • Will funding this new organization require a tax increase? • What are the task force recommendations regarding zoning within the county? • How will the task force recommendations allow us to keep our young people in the area if they want that opportunity?

  7. Other topics from task force members

  8. Public Comment – process • Please send public comment to: • email address: TCIEDTF@gmail.com or • Or provide in writing prior to or after each meeting. • New email will be accessible to all task force members • Karen Gleasman will ensure written comments are passed on to all task force members

  9. Public Comment – summarized input Relative to railbanking: “I know of no cases that have struck down federal railbanking . I did a quick research and there has been some recent loose and inaccurate talk about “railbanking flopping in the courts”. However the talk is about some cases where the railroad did not own the corridor in fee but rather in easement form.” Mike Domonkos, FOET Board Member

  10. Adjourn

  11. Questions • What process did you use to get to the recommendation? • What large businesses will be targeted? • When will we get back to Ecusta/Dupont era wages? • Besides the new organization, what else is recommended? • How much will this cost and how will it be funded? • What will this organization actually do? • If we do this, are new jobs guaranteed? • What is different between today’s and recommended organization?

  12. Roadmap to complete 3 tasks • Have brainstormed list of 27 targeted industries 12/06/2013 • Reviewed and modified: • TC Assets • TC Challenges • Targeted companies profile • Approach to econ development • Branding • Marketing 9/11/2013

  13. Mission statements

  14. Targeted completion date – after upgrade • Oct 23, 2013: propose process to analyze agency data • Oct 30, 2013: finalize process to analyze agency data (retreats?) • October 31, 2013: most all agency input received • November (with holidays): analyze data • December: propose/evaluate organization construct alternatives • End of January: Interim report to community – Brand, mission, vision, brainstormed list of targeted businesses, and EDO construct(s) • Feb 12 – finalize org construct, brand, mission, vision • March – Select targeted businesses, develop initial marketing plan • March – Final report prepared/presented to community and commissioners

  15. Definition of Economic Development “Economic development is a process by which a community creates, retains, and reinvests wealth, and improves the quality of life.” David Dodson, MDC Inc, Chapel Hill, NC

  16. Targeted industry brainstormed list 10/9/2013

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