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ET 501 Using Technology: Fundamentals of Integration. Welcome to the Seminar. Seminar Agenda Course Overview Discussion Posts and Rubric Major Assignments Q & A. Dr. Phyllis Schiffer-Simon. Course Overview & Description.
Welcome to the Seminar Seminar Agenda Course Overview Discussion Posts and Rubric Major Assignments Q & A Dr. Phyllis Schiffer-Simon
Course Overview & Description In this course, degree candidates are introduced to effective strategies for integrating technology into classroom instruction. Candidates use learning theory and best practices to evaluate sample lesson plans and to also develop activities that integrate instructional technology. Specific emphasis is given to aligning activities with relevant national standards.
Course Outcomes After completing this course, you should be able to: • Develop a technology-based content-specific lesson plan that is aligned with relevant standards. • Evaluate various instructional strategies based on appropriate learning theories. • Identify guidelines and resources for socially responsible uses of technology.
Discussion Grading Rubric • Knowledge of Content: Student successfully applies sufficient concepts, facts, and ideas from readings and related assignments. 6 points • Critical Thinking: Student demonstrates critical reflection on the topic(s) using two or more of the following strategies: 1) Examining issue(s) from multiple perspectives 2) Making connections to theoretical frameworks. 3) Reflecting critically on research methods or legitimacy and/or quality of sources. 8 points • Contribution to Flow of Academic Exchange: Student’s posts contribute significantly to the depth and evolution of the discussion.8 points • Participation: Student provides a high level of reciprocal engagement with other participants. Postings and replies are made throughout the academic week.5 points • Writing Mechanics and APA: Student’s posts contain few or no errors in writing or mechanics, and properly formatted APA in-text citation and a list of references wherever one is needed. 3 points TOTAL = 30 POINTS
Major Assignments & Weeks Due Unit 4: Impact of Learning Theories on Instructional Technology For this assignment, you are required to find 3 examples of instructional technology available online…one that exemplifies Behaviorist principles, one that exemplifies Cognitive principles, and one that exemplifies Constructivist principles. Include a link to each example and describe how it reflects either the Behaviorist, Cognitive, or Constructivist perspective. This paper should be approximately 4 pages. Be sure to include appropriate APA citations and references from at least two sources plus your text. Follow the Grading Rubric closely as your guide.
Major Assignments & Weeks Due Impact of Learning Theories on Instructional Technology Grading Rubric Make sure you address all sections of the Grading Rubric and include: • a working link and accurate description of an online example. • demonstration of exceptional understanding of learning theories. • a clear connections between examples and learning theories. Be sure your assignment is free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors and uses proper APA style.
Major Assignments & Weeks Due Unit 6: Plagiarism and the Internet In preparation for this writing assignment, read Steve Gardiner’s article “Cybercheating: A New Twist on an Old Problem” published at the Web site of Phi Delta Kappa International. Near the end of his article, Gardiner says the following, “The Web is one more tool for research and a wonderful one at that. But learners need to learn how to use it in the right way and for the right reasons.” Clifford Stoll, a University of California astrophysicist who has written critically and controversially about the value of the Internet and the emerging popularity of instructional technology. He said, "People think that because there [are] documents available online, that almost automatically all they have to do is copy from an online document and paste it into something else."
Major Assignments & Weeks Due Write a short paper (2-3 pages) in which you address showing your learners how to use the Internet properly. Use your text as well as other references to support your ideas. Address the following in your paper: 1. What directions would you use prior to a writing assignment to let your learners know that plagiarism is unacceptable? 2. When reviewing papers, what bells, whistles, and warning signs tend to signal that plagiarism may be present? What do you look for? 3. How can you use the Internet to learn how to deal with a learner who has obviously plagiarized? Include citations of three Web sites you found useful and summarize the techniques you found practical, sensible, or realistic.
Major Assignments & Weeks Due Unit 8: Final Project: Technology Lesson Plan Prepare a lesson plan that integrates technology with something you wish to teach. Use the ASSURE Lesson template on page 118 of your textbook and download the Lesson template found in Doc Sharing. Include the following in your lesson plan: 1. Title that communicates clearly the focus for your activity plan. 2. Description of your lesson plan that incorporates use of the Internet, a computer, or other communication technologies. 3. Notation of learner age, subject matter taught, and curricular values (specific to the discipline you have chosen). 4. Your instructional objective(s).
Major Assignments & Weeks Due 5. A step-by-step list of the activities in your activity plan. 6. list of materials/resources, as needed. 7. Your measurement criteria. 8. Extension activities. 9. Standards (based on your activity plan). 10. Your rationale for the activity plan content. 11. An evaluation of your plan. Describe the strengths, weaknesses, and any plans for improvement or changes. To achieve your best grade, always Follow the Grading Rubric
Three Learning Theories • Behaviorist : teacher provides reinforcement for appropriate behaviors. According Skinner, these behaviors indicated learning. He also believed it was important to create a positive classroom environment and use reinforcers (rewards). • Cognitive: teacher engages students in learning process. Uses learning strategies, advance organizers, problem solving. • Constructivist: students are more active learners. Uses real life situations and the teacher is a facilitator of learning.
Seminar Discussion The seminar discussion this week examines the way technology has changed classroom instruction, for better or worse. We will discuss the differences among educational theories and how we find ourselves using (or rejecting) established theories to build instruction. Come to the seminar prepared to discuss the following topics: • How do teacher centered and student centered learning differ? • Which of the theorists in this week’s reading most closely resembles your own educational philosophy? • Can a teacher subscribe to more than one educational philosophy?
Wrap Up • Questions and Answers