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Discover a typical day in kindergarten, from morning routines to dismissal procedures. Stay informed on activities, expectations, and ways to support your child's learning journey.
Welcome to Back-To-School Night
Welcome to Kindergarten! • I will tell you everything you need to know about kindergarten and our classroom. • If you have any questions during my presentation, please just ask!
A day in the life of a kindergartener…. Morning Routine Morning work Morning Meeting Literacy Centers Writers Workshop Handwriting or Word Study
Please bring WATER ONLY Snack Time Students will have snack time everyday. Students are encouraged to bring a SMALL, HEALTHY, DRY snack to school with them PLEASE pack this snack in a separate bag so that your child can store it in their cubby.
Lunch 11:30-12:30 Students can bring a lunch or buy one from the cafeteria for $2.50 You can send in a check or cash with your student or add money to their account online at: www.mylunchmoney.com It is your responsibility to make sure that your child’s account has money on it.
A day in the life of a kindergartener…. Afternoon Routine D.E.A.R Math Focus and Centers Science/Social Studies Specials OR Free Choice Centers Wrap-Up Dismissal
Classroom Rules & Expectations • Crayons – Individual Consequences • Students begin on GREEN everyday • Students can move down to YELLOW or RED if they need reminders during the day • Students can move up to BLUE if they do something extra-special • Falcon Feathers – Whole Class Reward • Falsmead Falcons S.O.A.R. • If the WHOLE CLASS is caught being good, they receive falcon feathers • When the words on our feather are colored in, we get a class reward.
Parent Communication • Take home folders • Please return empty each day • Please ONLY keep crayon sheets and homework sheets in the folder. All other papers can be removed and kept at home. • Getting Home • Always write a note if there is a change in plans • Birthdays • Treats are done during our lunch time in the cafeteria. • Please contact me before bringing in treats • Parent/Teacher Conferences • Take place at the end of first quarter (early November) • Please contact me about additional conferences Please get in touch with me at any time if you have any questions or concerns about school. Email is the best way to reach me.
Absences and Dismissal • Please make sure to send in a note whenever your child is absent from school. • During bad weather, pay attention to the news or check the internet for school delays and closings. • If there is an early dismissal, make sure that your child knows how they should get home.
Homework • Check the weekly homework log for assignments each week. • Homework reading journals will begin in early October. Students have one week to complete the assignments. Journals are due on Friday. • READ!! READ!! READ!! Help your kinders improve their reading skills by reading to them or with them every night! Make sure to ask them follow up questions for comprehension.
Parent Volunteers • Helping out in the classroom • Literacy Centers and Writers Workshop • Math Centers (1:00-1:45) • Production work • Opportunities to help out at home • Preparing supplies or special projects • Sharpening Pencils!!