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H691 主阿,我們聚集祢前 LORD, IN THY PRESENCE WE ARE MET (1/5). 主阿,我們聚集祢前,要來傳說完全救法, Lord, in Thy presence we are met, a full salvation to proclaim, 使我見證所得恩典,並因祢名,望人接納; To testify of grace received, Or offered now in Jesus' name; 恩主,我靈向祢祈求,願祢將我羨慕成就。 Dear Lord, to Thee our spirits cry,
H691 主阿,我們聚集祢前 LORD, IN THY PRESENCE WE ARE MET (1/5) 主阿,我們聚集祢前,要來傳說完全救法, Lord, in Thy presence we are met, a full salvation to proclaim, 使我見證所得恩典,並因祢名,望人接納; To testify of grace received, Or offered now in Jesus' name; 恩主,我靈向祢祈求,願祢將我羨慕成就。 Dear Lord, to Thee our spirits cry, Our ev'ry longing satisfy.
H691 (節2/5, 頁1/1) 饑餓的心,從祢接受赦免、能力或是清潔, We ask Thee, Lord, for Thou art here, Make this a Pentecostal hour, 我求祢,主,使這時候成為又一的五旬節; When hung'ring souls from Thee receive Pardon, or purity, or pow'r; 開通耳聾,開明目盲,帶領靈魂得祢釋放。 Unstop deaf ears, let blind eyes see, Bring souls into Thy liberty.
H691 (節3/5, 頁1/1) 在此有人對罪厭煩,厭煩,因為裡面墮落, Thou knowest sin-sick souls are here, Sick with depravity within, 現今失望、疲倦、不安,而祢在此要除罪惡; Restless, discouraged, weary ones, And Thou art here to cleanse from sin; 求祢說:我肯,你潔淨”;拯救、聖別每個生命。 Oh, speak the word "I will, be whole," And save and sanctify each soul.
H691 (節4/5, 頁1/1) 賜祢僕人今有膽量,他們纔能忠心傳話; Grant to Thy servants boldness now, That faithfully they speak Thy Word, 求祢伸手醫治病恙,神蹟奇事從祢出發; By stretching forth Thy hand to heal, Let signs and wonders from the Lord 命其成在我們中間,求父將子如此榮顯。 Here in our midst today be done. So, Father, glorify Thy Son.
H691 (節5/5, 頁1/1) 主,我等候祢的聖言,成功在祢僕人身上; We wait according to Thy Word, Lord, let it to Thy servants be; 不讓自己驕傲,成見,或是不信把祢阻擋; May nothing, self, pride, prejudice Or unbelief, still hinder Thee; 願祢聖靈自由開墾柔軟的心、降服的人。 Bless'd Spirit, have unhindered way In yielded hearts and lives today.