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Communication. then and now. Contents. 1. from the dial to the mobile-phone. 4. Background to the German ´Telekom´ company. 2. from letters to e-mails. 3. from books to the Internet. 1. from the dial to the mobile-phone.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Communication then andnow

  2. Contents 1. from the dial to the mobile-phone 4. Background to the German ´Telekom´ company 2. from letters to e-mails 3. from books to the Internet

  3. 1. from the dial to the mobile-phone • German physicist Johann Philipp Reis -> first ‘telephone‘ • 26/10/1877 first telephone call in Berlin • Werner von Siemens began to produce 200 telephones a day • 1904 Wilhelm Quante -> Wuppertal first telephone box • 1958 first radio network (10.000 members) for cars (A-net) • C-net -> portable apparatus (850.000 members) • 1992 T-D1

  4. 2. from letters to e-mails letters • long history of letters -> before the birth of Christ • big companies e-mails • with the invention of the Internet -> popular • „Willkommen bei CSNET.“ -> first Internet e-mail • 02/08/1984

  5. Examples for… E-MAILS LETTERS

  6. 3. from books to the Internet - UNESCO defined 'book' - long history - Johannes Gutenberg - the only source to get detailed information - Advanced Research Project Agency - System 'Unix' - 1993 WWW first web-browser

  7. 4. The History of (German) Telekom Foundation: 01/01/95 Four sub-corporations - in 65 countries worldwide a

  8. Any questions???

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