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4. How we can do for the watershed management. Watershed management strategies. Preventative strategies — to preserve existing sustainable land use practices Restorative strategies — to overcome identified problems or restore conditions to a desirable level (pp.4).
Watershed management strategies • Preventative strategies — to preserve existing sustainable land use practices • Restorative strategies — to overcome identified problems or restore conditions to a desirable level (pp.4) Watershed management-- 4
In most watershed management situations, we are somewhere in between the two extremes. • The cost of preventing losses of productivity by using the first strategy can be much lower than the cost of achieving the same benefit through restoring productivity on lands that already have been degraded. (pp.5) Watershed management-- 4
Tools for watershed mahagement • Watershed management involves nonstructural (vegetation management) and structural (engineering) practices. • Soil conservation practices and land use planning can be tools employed in watershed management. Watershed management-- 4
Soil conservation practices Watershed management-- 4
No-till The start of the twenty- first century may signal the end of a period of 200 years in developing the plow and the initiation of a new system that deletes or at least minimizes the use of this implement in crop production. Watershed management-- 4
No-till The deletion of the moldboad plow in no-tillage could have as great an impaction agriculture in the future as the moldboard plow has in the past. Watershed management-- 4
Tillage in the USA 1796 patent for a cast iron plow 1830s the steel moldboard plow 1868 steam power tractor 1900s internal combustion engine tractor Watershed management-- 4
No-tillage 1943 Edward Fraulkner, Plowman’s Folly 1984 Ronald E. Phillips and Shirley H. Phillips. No-tillage agriculture. Watershed management-- 4
No-tillage in the USA • No-till in USA Watershed management-- 4
A recommended planning and management approach (Heathcote, I. W., 1998, pp.12) • Develop an understanding of watershed components and processes, and of water uses, water users, and their needs • Identify and rank problems to be solved, or beneficial uses to be restored Watershed management-- 4
Set clear and specific goals • Develop a set of planning constraints and decision criteria, including any weights that may be assigned to criteria • Identify an appropriate method of comparing management alternatives • Develop a list of management options Watershed management-- 4
Eliminate options that are not feasible because of time, cost, space, or other constraints • Test the effectiveness of remaining feasible options using the method identified in (5) and the decision criteria and weights identified in (4) • Determine the economic impacts and legal implications of the various feasible management options and their environmental impacts Watershed management-- 4
Develop several good management strategies, each encompassing one or more options, for the consideration of decision makers • Develop clear and comprehensive implementation procedures for the plan that is preferred by decision makers Watershed management-- 4
规划步骤 (周年生,李彦东. 2000. pp.11) 初始阶段 • 基础调查 • 识别问题 • 拟定目标 • 制定标准 • 确定方法 Watershed management-- 4
中间阶段 • 社会经济发展预测 • 自然资源基础 • 建立数学模型 • 制定规划方案 • 进行影响评价 Watershed management-- 4
最后阶段 • 信息反馈 • 调整规划方案 • 规划方案排序 • 完成规划报告 Watershed management-- 4
Your planning and management approach Watershed management-- 4
Integrated watershed management • Integrated watershed management has to bring the physical facts of watersheds and the political realities together. Watershed management-- 4
Sound watershed management is based on the full integration of engineering, meteorology & climatology, geomorphology, hydrology, plant, soil, and social sciences. Watershed management-- 4
Techniques needed • Social and economic aspects • Policies, laws, and regulations • Mapping techniques • Geographic Information System • Weather records and prediction system • Soil survey reports • Computer use Watershed management-- 4