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What’s Your Style?

What’s Your Style?. Using Learning Styles to Succeed in Online Classes Kris Bigalk. Objectives: After completing this module, you will:. Identify your learning style preferences Learn how online learning complements and/or challenges certain learning styles

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What’s Your Style?

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  1. What’s Your Style? Using Learning Styles to Succeed in Online Classes Kris Bigalk

  2. Objectives:After completing this module, you will: • Identify your learning style preferences • Learn how online learning complements and/or challenges certain learning styles • Design strategies for your online learning that address your learning style preferences and take into account the advantages and limitations presented by online courses

  3. Defining Learning Style • Learning happens differently for different people in different situations • How do you learn?

  4. Some Learning Style Theories • Sensory Learning (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell) • Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences • Abstract/Concrete and Random/Sequential • Personality Tests • What do you already know about your learning style?

  5. Grasha’s Learning Style Index • Used for 30+ years • Focused on college students’ learning styles • Based on the idea that all students can use all learning styles, but prefer different styles based on the course, its delivery method, etc.

  6. Grasha-Reichmann Learning Style Survey • Think about the following survey in terms of how you feel about THIS course and/or THIS subject. • There are no right or wrong answers on the survey; everyone learns differently, and the idea is to find out how you learn best—so just answer the questions honestly.

  7. Grasha Survey, continued • When you have finished the survey, click on “Score Survey”; then print off or write down your scores in each category, along with if the scores are High, Medium, or Low • Click here to take the survey. You’ll have fifteen minutes. http://www.iats.com/publications/GLSI.html

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