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EP119 Event Capture and Delivery for the Enterprise Portal

EP119 Event Capture and Delivery for the Enterprise Portal. Irfan Khan irfan@sybase.com Senior Technical Architect Enterprise Systems’ Group Sybase Engineering. Review leading problem faced by decision makers Sybase solution Solution Overview Demo Feature Overview Q&A. Agenda .

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EP119 Event Capture and Delivery for the Enterprise Portal

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  1. EP119Event Capture and Delivery for the Enterprise Portal • Irfan Khan • irfan@sybase.com • Senior Technical Architect • Enterprise Systems’ Group • Sybase Engineering.

  2. Review leading problem faced by decision makers Sybase solution Solution Overview Demo Feature Overview Q&A Agenda

  3. Business transactions are starting to span multiple applications Mergers and acquisitions are creating overlapping business processes Internet is fueling externalization of employee focused applications Changing business environment

  4. Decision makers worry about enabling enterprise applications to automatically transmit business information from one application to another. Leading problem faced by decision makers

  5. Many point to point custom interfaces Hard to change and introduce new apps into the mix APPA APPB APPF APPC APPE APPD Current Solutions:Point to point

  6. Applications still need interfaces to communicate information to other applications (message bus) Requires additional programming Database event capture requires programmatic polling or application modification APPA APPC APPB DB APP A DB APP B API API API Messaging Bus Modify application code to talk to both APIs “Request/Reply Polling” for new events API DB1 DB2 API API Current Solutions:Messaging based

  7. Enterprise Event Broker enables database applications for real time event and information delivery -- without having to change existing application code New Sybase Solution:Sybase Enterprise Event Broker

  8. Non-intrusive Enable rapid deployment Leverage existing applications Event enabled Solution Requirements

  9. No change to existing applications No programming to move basic business events Extensible to meet complex requirements Enables process automation via event generation APPA APPB APPC DB1 DB2 DB3 Enterprise Event Broker Messaging Bus Sybase Enterprise Event Broker

  10. Off-the-shelf product Supports multiple platforms Supports existing Sybase and third party databases Uses TIBCO/Rendezvous and MQ Series as event transport Enterprise Event BrokerCharacteristics One to Many Many to One

  11. Enhances Enterprise Connect family of products Now Integrate Data Applications Events Enterprise Event Broker andSybaseMiddleware Sybase Data Events Sybase Integrate Middleware Applications

  12. Products & Inventory Customers & Orders Customers & Suppliers Order Entry Credit Validation Allocation Financials Web Messaging Infrastructure Order Scheduling Accounts Receivable Warehouse Mgmt System Event Enabled EnterpriseLogical view

  13. Tasks Notify Integrate Automate Capture Transform Deliver End-users / Applications / Bus. Processes Business Events Event Enabled EnterpriseFunctional view Foundation

  14. Enterprise Event BrokerFunction Captures Business events in near real-time as they occur in the database Transforms Database events to enterprise level business events Delivers Business events to other databases and message enabled applications

  15. Enterprise Event BrokerValue Automates Completely automates capture and delivery of business events to the enterprise Eliminates need to write infrastructure code Customizable Flexible enough to accommodate customized transforms Independent Database independent

  16. Enterprise Event BrokerUsage Notification Notify enterprise consumers of critical business events in near real-time Integration Integrate database events and content from multiple sources to the entire enterprise Automation Enables process automation using business events

  17. Enterprise Event Broker Capture Transform Deliver Notify Business Events Integrate Database Applications Enriched Content EEB GUI Automate Enterprise Event Broker andEnterprise Integration

  18. Sybase packages Enterprise Event Broker with TIBCO’s powerful messaging infrastructure and information brokering applications Rendezvous ContentBroker EventConsole Sybase / TIBCO Partnership Enterprise Event Broker for TIBCO! Sybase EEB

  19. Integrate database events with web content EEB Enabled Custom App Enterprise Event Broker with TIBCO Event Console Corporate Content Content Broker TIB EEB Enabled Database EEB Enabled Database

  20. BRIAN TIM Usage Scenario -- TIBCOContent Customization Subscribe to Sybase.Chris & Sybase.Joe trade information All trades Sybase.Chris trades Enterprise Event Broker T I B Sybase.Joe trades ASE Sybase.Smith trades All Sybase trades Subscribe to Sybase.Smith Transform Deliver Capture

  21. Usage Scenario-- MQ SeriesEnterprise Integration Mainframe DB2 M Q S e r i e s Reporting Server Enterprise Event Broker Trade transactions replicated to Sybase ASE Transformed trade information in a modified FIX format Analysis Application ASE Capture Transform Deliver

  22. MQ Series TIB Standard Transforms Custom Transforms Sybase Enterprise Event Broker Schematic Messaging Systems Deliver TIB Adapter MQ Adapter Transforms Transforms Routing engine Enterprise Event Broker Transform Rep Adapter SQL Adapter Capture Sybase and non-Sybase databases ASE Other DB

  23. Key components of EEB are Adpater, Processors and Routes Components are tied together in a Flowspace EEB Key Components EEB Server Adapter Adapter Flowspace B Flowspace A Adapter Adapter Out Flow Processor Out Flow Flowspace C In Flow Adapter Out Flow Route

  24. Adapters provide interfaces into and out of the EEB server Adapters attach to routes via associated logic processors Adapters generate instances of themselves for execution The Key ComponentsAdapters Replication Receives and formats events from Replication Server SQL Queries ASE or any JDBC data-source and formats results Timer Sends scheduled event notification to SQL Adapter MQ Places events in MQ queues and listens for incoming MQ messages destined for EEB TIBCO Places events on the TIB bus and listens for incoming TIBCO messages destined for EEB Timer Adapter MQ Adapter In Flow DB Out Flow Rep Adapter SQL Adapter Branch In Flow Trans Form TIBCO Adapter Out Flow

  25. Processors contain logic that is executed on an event All processors are associated with adapters and event types All processors can contain custom Java classes The Key Components Processors In-flow Starts a route and can assign an event type Out-flow Ends a route Transfer Transfers events from one route to another Branch Branches a route to multiple sub-branches. Transform Changes a route’s event type MQ Adapter Out Flow SQL Adapter Rep Adapter ‘Text’ Event Type Trans fer MQ Adapter In Flow Out Flow Branch Trans Form Trans Form TIBCO Adapter ‘SQL’ Event Type Out Flow ‘RV Msg’ Event Type

  26. A route is an individual flow that an event traverses to interface with EEB’s processors and adapters Routes belong specific EEB flowspaces Routes have a quality of service attribute assigned Guaranteed - The adapter at the end of a route will report a completion status back to the route’s origination point Reliable - A “fire and forget” model. Any errors are simply logged MQ Adapter reports back to the Rep. Adapter that it was successful Rep. Adapter removes the event from its stable queue The Key Components Routes and Quality of Service Route Rep Adapter MQ Adapter Out Flow In Flow

  27. Users create flowspaces as containers for object instances Adapters, processors, event types, and routes are grouped in a flowspace Flowspaces can be stopped, started, and paused EEB ServerFlowspaces Customer Defined Flowspace B EEB Server Flowspace B Flowspace A Rep Adapter MQ Adapter Out Flow Flowspace C In Flow SQL Adapter Trans form

  28. Multiple Source Event Capture Database events - ASE, Oracle, DB2 and Informix DML events Stored procedure execution events Transaction control events Timed events Scheduled execution Batch process execution Capture TIBCO and MQ Series messages Incoming messages from TIBCO or MQ Series Enterprise Event BrokerFeatures - Event Capture

  29. Code-free event processing User defined event typing Event filtering Flow events on pre-defined routes Fanning out of events Automatic row-set to XML conversion Database event to message system transformation Automatic handling of key events types TIBCO/MQSeries message to SQL statement Extensible event processing via SDK Enterprise Event BrokerFeatures - Event Processing

  30. Event Delivery Graphical or programmatic conversion between supported messaging system: TIBCO & MQ Series Single event broadcast to multiple messaging systems Assign TIBCO subject or MQSeries queues to messages Enterprise Event Broker Features - Event Delivery

  31. Graphical user interface Manage server operation, performance, and utilization Administer database and timed event generation Administer event flow Administer messaging queue or subject assignment Create “straight through processing” to send events directly from the database to the messaging system Assign event type and content body format Enterprise Event BrokerFeatures - Management

  32. Enterprise Event Broker GUI Manager • GUI Manager • Manages the • configuration for • the following: • Server • Event Types • Flowspace • Routes • Adapters • Processors • Customer Java Classes

  33. Integrated into the Sybase Enterprise Portal Will continue as a standalone product New features and functionality Enterprise Event BrokerThe Future

  34. Browser Mobile Web Server Meta-dataRepository Personalize Security Publish Portal Management Load Balancing Transparent Client Failover Content Management Sybase Enterprise Portal Process Workflow ContentRetrieval Clusters HA Service Data Applications Events Security Integration Adapters Feeds Mainframe ERP Custom Documents CRM Enterprise Event Broker and Sybase EP - Process Workflow

  35. CORBA/EAServer Adapter Allows customers to program SEEB event processing to execute EJB methods in EAServer Enhanced SQL Adapter Use connections from DataSources obtained via Java Naming Directory Interface (JNDI) Use pooled connections from ConnectionPoolDataSources obtained via JNDI JMS Service Provider SEEB as an EAServer Service component EAServer components can access SEEB via the standard Java Message Service (JMS) interface Enterprise Event Broker 2.0

  36. JMS Adapter Access to any JMS compliant messaging system Transactional Quality of Service (QOS) Support for 2-phase commit transactions Recoverable QOS Persistently store event state along a route, to allow resuming the routing of the event upon server recovery OR during failover to another EAServer in the cluster SEEB Manager Enhancements Enterprise Event Broker 2.0

  37. www.sybase.com/products/eventbroker/index.html Resources

  38. Sybase Enterprise Event Broker enables enterprise applications to automatically transmit business information from one application to another It Captures, Transforms and Delivers business events The solution is non-intrusive leverages existing applications enables rapid deployment Summary

  39. EP119Event Capture and Delivery for the Enterprise Portal • Irfan Khan • irfan@sybase.com • Senior Technical Architect • Enterprise Systems’ Group • Sybase Engineering.

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