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Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mission Grammar School. OLPH Mission Grammar School Unity in Diversity Excellence in Education Since 1889.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mission Grammar School OLPH Mission Grammar School Unity in Diversity Excellence in Education Since 1889
“Faith in our God is at the center of what we do, and all that we are as Catholic educators. We form the hearts, we build the minds and we change the lives of those entrusted to our care, because of this conviction.“ Sister Kathleen Carr, CSJ Superintendent of Schools
Goals for Mission Grammar Scholars To live as peacemakers following the message of the Gospel . Maintaining mutually respectful relationships with family, teachers, and peers Striving for personal excellence Participating in community service
To become independent learners who are encouraged to: • Think, question, and communicate • Gain and apply knowledge • Work and contribute in meaningful, purposeful ways.
Mission Grammar Graduates • Upon graduation each student will gain admittance to a Catholic High School, Boston Exam School, or Independent School. • Upon graduation each student will carry with them a connection and commitment to the Mission Grammar Family.
Vision: A message from the principal, Maura M. Bradley • The strength of a school is in its community. Parents, teachers, and students must work in partnership to accomplish and strengthen academic and social success. The neighborhood, rich in resources, strengthens student opportunities, teacher support, and professional development opportunities. As principal I unite my own personal and professional relationships with Mission Grammar. I have a commitment to student enrollment and fundraising. • Academic Excellence distinguishes Mission Grammar. As principal I bring extensive training in best teaching practices as well as a strong relationship with the most current language arts publications. Under my leadership we, the faculty and staff work to establish standards based curricula. • A safe, welcoming climate fosters school culture. As principal I work to maintain excellence planted in mutually respectful relationships. I continue to build relationships and maintain a code of conduct based on the principles of Responsive Classroom. I promote growth and make change in partnership with teachers, families, and students
Academic Excellence • Reading First Grant: Scott Foresman Reading • Progress in Mathematics K-8 • Values program • Expanded Media Center • Computer Lab • Peace Games
Responsive Classroom(OLPH Mission Grammar School is phase 1 of Responsive Classroom implementation)An approach to teaching and learning that fosters safe, challenging, and joyful classrooms and schools. • Combines social and academic learning • Creates learning environment where children thrive • Increases student investment, responsibility, and learning • Decreases problem behaviors