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Feeding Swine

Feeding Swine. Introduction. There are two main factors that determine whether a person is profitable in the swine industry 1. # of pigs weaned per sow per year 2. feed efficiency Large corporate farms currently wean an average of 21-22 pigs per female per year . How many?.

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Feeding Swine

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  1. Feeding Swine

  2. Introduction • There are two main factors that determine whether a person is profitable in the swine industry 1. # of pigs weaned per sow per year 2. feed efficiency • Large corporate farms currently wean an average of 21-22 pigs per female per year.

  3. How many? • Females should be bred and managed to produce a minimum of 2.3 liters per year.

  4. Selecting Feeds for Swine • Feed costs range from 55-70% of the total cost of raising hogs. • Combining the right kinds of feed in a well-balanced ration is one of the most important tasks of a hog producer. • The nutrient needs of hogs include energy, protein, minerals, vitamins, and water.

  5. Energy Feeds • Corn is the basic energy feed used in hog rations. • It is high in digestible carbohydrates, low in fiber, and palatable. • Corn is about 8.8% protein.

  6. Energy Feeds • Barley- good substitute for corn. • Has a higher fiber content so is less digestible than corn, but more protein • Like corn lacks some of the essential amino acids and should be supplemented with a protein supplement. • Not quite as palatable

  7. Energy Feeds • Oats- more protein than corn, but poorer quality protein. High fiber content. • Potatoes- most carbs, heavier hogs make better use, take 4X as much potatoes as corn to equal the same feed value • Bakery Wastes- include stale bread, crumbs, cookies, crackers; average 10% protein

  8. Plant Proteins • Soybean oil meal- 44-49% protein content, excellent quality of protein, most widely used protein source for hogs, is very palatable to hogs • Whole soybeans- about 37% protein, higher in energy and lower in protein than oil meal, cannot feed raw soybeans to hogs due enzyme reactions

  9. Animal Proteins • Tankage & Meat Scraps- 50-60% protein, high content of calcium and phosphorous, not near as palatable as soybean meal • Meat & Bone Meal- 50% protein, amount of bone contained in the mix determines the feeding value • Fish Meal- 60-70% protein, excellent quality, high in minerals and vitamins and is very palatable, but expensive

  10. Minerals • Four major minerals and six trace minerals are frequently added to hog rations. • Major: calcium, phosphorous, sodium, and chlorine • Trace: zinc, iron, copper, selenium, manganese, and iodine • Trace minerals are often found in commercial protein supplements or trace-mineralized salts

  11. Vitamins • Many of the vitamins required by hogs are already present in the feeds used in hog rations • Vitamins that must be added to the ration are: A, D, E, K, riboflavin, niacin, panothenic acid, choline, and vitamin B12.

  12. Water • Most important nutrient in all animals diet. • Should be available at all times. • Should be fresh, clean, and no colder than 45 F • Should be checked periodically for nitrate content • Average sow = 3.5 gallons/day

  13. Additives • Increase efficiency in hog production. • Enable pigs to grow at a faster rate, improve feed conversion, and reduce disease stress • Feed tag instructions must be carefully followed in the use of additives. Withdrawal times must be observed when marketing hogs.

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