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Study in Leviticus. Presentation 01. The Burnt Offering Chap 1v1-17. Presentation 01. Introduction. The introduction to Leviticus by E. J. Young is worth reading:
Study in Leviticus Presentation 01
The Burnt Offering Chap 1v1-17 Presentation 01
Introduction The introduction to Leviticus by E. J. Young is worth reading: “The Book of Leviticus contains the laws which are to govern the organized people of God in their religious and civil life. At Mt. Sinai the Israelites had been formally organized into the theocratic nation. The basic law had been given, the covenant had been ratified, and the Tabernacle had been erected. Thus, the Lord had taken up His abode in the midst of His people. Before the people could continue their journey to the promised land, however, it was necessary that they should know the laws which were to guide them in their worship of the Lord at the Tabernacle. These laws are contained in Leviticus. Hence, it is apparent that, although Leviticus is a self-contained unit, it is in its proper place and presupposes for its correct understanding the narratives of Exodus.” Presentation 01
Introduction It would be true to say that Leviticus is one of the least read and studied books of the O.T. today and perhaps the least understood. It is therefore, important to set the book in its context and show where it ‘fits’, in the over-all O. T. revelation. This is an key necessity for a true understanding of it, and for an adequate presentation of its truth. A general analysis of the book indicates that it falls readily enough into two divisions, Chaps 1-16 and 17-27, the first of these dealing with the removal of the defilement of sin which separates man from God, and the second with the restoration of the lost fellowship between man and God. Presentation 01
Introduction In more detail, these two divisions may be sub divided as follows: 1. 1:1- 7:38 The law of sacrifices 2. 8:1-10:20 The consecration of the priests 3. 11:1-15:33 The clean and unclean. Purification. 4. 16:1-34The day of atonement 5. 17:1-16The blood of sacrifice 6. 18:1-20:27 Religious and ethical laws and punishments 7. 21:1-22:33 The holiness of the priests 8. 23:1-24:23 The consecration of seasons 9. 25:1-55The sabbatical and jubilee years 10. 26:1-46Promises and threats 11. 27:1-34An Appendix Presentation 01
Introduction The purpose of God in redemption has been described as follows: "In Genesis, the kingdom of God, rejected by corporate humanity in the founding of the Babylonian world power, but continuing on earth in a few still loyal souls in the line of Abraham and his seed, at last, according to promise, had been visibly and formally re-established on earth at Mt. Sinai.” And it was through the establishment of a covenant people God that planned to forward his purposes of redemption by sending a promised Redeemer. Presentation 01
Introduction Israel was called to be the repository of God’s revelation, and a light to the Gentiles. Leviticus is a 'code' given to Israel to direct them how to live as a holy nation in fellowship with God. The code of law was given to secure their physical, moral and spiritual well being, creating a separate people and revealing to them the holiness of the God who had called them, and as the only means of maintaining fellowship with him. Presentation 01
Introduction We need to understand the significance of the Levitical code in the context of the teaching of the Book of Exodus. Israel was constituted as the people of God in their great deliverance from Egypt. The Law was given then as the expression of how a redeemed people should live in the world. But it was also given as part of God's ongoingrevelation, in this sense: The whole story of the Bible, quite simply, is God's effort to rid the universe of sin forever. God knew from the beginning that only when men meet the Saviour would sin be dealt with; but men did not know this from the beginning, because sin had clouded their eyes, nor did Israel, and so God's plan must be somehow to direct men's hearts to a Redeemer. Presentation 01
Introduction But men do not look for a Redeemer until they feel their need of one, that is to say, until they become conscious of sin. And so, God gave the Law, in order to make man conscious of his need of salvation. As Paul says, "By the law is the knowledge of sin“ Rom.3.20. It is significant that immediately after the giving of the Law comes the instruction about the building of the Tabernacle [Ex.25 ff], for in the Tabernacle the people are made to see how in their sin they could draw near to a holy God. This 'way of approach' is unfolded and elaborated in the book of Leviticus. Presentation 01
Introduction A fundamental truth that lies behind the whole concept of sacrifice , namely the wrath of God drawn out by human sin. Concerning the inevitability of the ‘death sentence' of Rom. 6v23 Emil Brunner comments: "This is the situation; it cannot be otherwise unless something takes place which would satisfy the divine anger, that is, something which would do away with the necessity for our death, which would provide an equivalent for our death. It is at this point that religion inserts the idea of sacrifice, with the right feeling that something must happen, something extraordinary, something which resembles human death, as a kind of forfeit for all that makes life precious, for the very substance of life itself… Presentation 01
Introduction This idea of an equivalent, which lies behind the idea of sacrifice, would not have exercised such an immense influence, it would not have been so widespread, dominant, and tenacious all through the course of history were it not for the fact that behind it there lies a deep truth. Of course there is no human equivalent. Naturally ever sacrificial cult, as an attempt to buy oneself off, only offers a 'cheap' solution. But the search for an equivalent is not false. For it expresses the idea that only on this presupposition is it possible to live on at all, the feeling that we simply cannot go on any longer 'without something‘… Presentation 01
Introduction We cannot live without God. But also we cannot live with God so long as our guilt is not expiated... Religion has never been able to find a way out of this dilemma: that every sacrifice is only an apparent equivalent, only an apparent solution of the conflict, and yet that there ought to be some 'sacrifice'. God alone can make this sacrifice. He alone can expiate, can 'cover' guilt as though it had never been; He alone can stop up the hole, fill up the trench....it is indeed God Himself who takes everything upon Himself.... Thus in the New Testament the Cross of Christ is conceived as the self-offering of God. It is God who does it, it is God Himself who suffers, it is God who takes the burden upon Himself.” Presentation 01
Introduction Next we must recognise the 'interim' and indeed defective nature of the O.T. sacrifices, underlined for us in the words of Hebrews 10:4, "It is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins". The sacrifices have no inherent worth as such; they all alike point forward to the Messiah, who would be the real sacrifice for sin. That said in the O.T. dispensation these sacrifices had an efficacy that was sufficient for the time. We must realise therefore that, shadows and types of a reality yet to come, they were real means of grace. Presentation 01
Introduction The knowledge of forgiveness that was experienced by the O.T. saints was by grace through faith, but it was mediated to them through the appointed ordinances and sacrifices, which pointed forward to Christ and his atoning sacrifice for sin. This was no fiction for them but very real hence our Lord's own words in John 8:56 ‘Abraham rejoiced to see my day’. What else could Jesus have meant by these words except that he was presented in such an unmistakable way in the old economy, and that men of faith were able to 'see' him and rejoice in hope of the coming fulfilment of all the prophecies made to them? Presentation 01
The Burnt Offering Chapter 1 of Leviticus deals with the first of the five main sacrifices laid down for Israel, the burnt offering [the others are: the meal offering, 2v1-16; the peace offering, 3v1-17; the sin offering, 4v1-35; and the trespass offering, 5v1-19; the first three being 'sweet savour' offerings, and the latter 'non-sweet savour' offerings]. There is a great deal to learn in the various details given about how the offerings were to be made; but first some preliminary comments. The offerings are described in different places throughout the book [3v11,16, 21v6,8, 22v25] as the ‘food of your God’. This provides a helpful key to a proper understanding of them - that which is life to God, what he most desires. Presentation 01
The Burnt Offering God, who is love, desires love, and delights in seeing its expression in all these offices of self-forgetting and self-sacrificing service in which love manifests itself. This is to God what food is to us; indeed, it is food to him. Love cannot be satisfied without a return of love. This surely points to the self-offering of the Son to the Father. It was the sacrifice on Calvary which most fully became 'the food of God' - satisfying not only the Divine justice (though it did that) but the Divine love. Presentation 01
The Burnt Offering An old commentator writes: "The Cross, as foreshadowed by the burnt offering, had an element in it which only the Divine mind could comprehend. There was a voice in it which was intended exclusively for, and went directly to, the ear of the Father. There were communications between the Cross of Calvary and the throne of God which lay far beyond the highest range of created intelligence. We are too apt to look upon the Cross merely as the place where the great question of sin was gone into and settled, between eternal Justice and the spotless victim - as the place where our guilt was atoned for, and where Satan was gloriously vanquished. Eternal and universal praise to redeeming love! The Cross was all this… Presentation 01
Introduction But it was more ...it was the place where Christ's love for the Father was told out in language which only the Father could hear and understand. This truth invests the Cross with peculiar charms …it imparts to the sufferings of our blessed Lord an interest of the most intense character. The guilty sinner, no doubt, finds in the Cross a divine answer to the deepest and most earnest cravings of heart and conscience. The true believer finds in the cross that which captivates every affection of his heart…The angels find in the Cross a theme for ceaseless admiration. All this is true; but there is that, in the Cross, which passes far beyond the loftiest conceptions of saints and angels, namely, the deep-toned devotion of the heart of the Son presented to, and appreciated by, the heart of the Father. This is the elevated aspect of the Cross which is so strikingly shadowed forth in the burnt offering." Presentation 01
The Burnt Offering The ritual in all the offerings alike was as follows: First of all the presentation of the victim v3- this was to be done by the offerer himself. Personal involvement was necessary. No man could do this for another. This was to be done at the door of the Tabernacle, where the altar of burnt offering confronted the worshipper at the threshold. Next, there was the offerer's laying of his hand on the head of the animal, thus identifying himself with the offering and therefore signifying transference of sin to the animal of sacrifice v4. Thirdly, there was the slaying of the animal v5- as soon as sin was laid on the victim, sin's penalty was exacted before the Lord. This threefold ritual was common to all the sacrifices. Presentation 01
The Burnt Offering In the next three parts - the sprinkling of the blood, the burning of the victim and the sacrificial meal, differences appear in the various sacrifices, which give each its distinctive character. In the case of the burnt offering, the sacrificial meal is omitted, the whole animal being burned on the altar. At this stage the offerer's part is now completed, and the priest takes over. It is he who sprinkles the blood v5 for this is a priestly act. In the burnt offering, the idea of expiation, though present, is not the main idea. Hence the blood was sprinkled only on the sides of the altar. In the sin and trespass offerings [4v1ff; 5v1ff], where expiation is the main idea, the sprinkling of blood was more elaborate. Presentation 01
The Burnt Offering The sacrificial burning which follows [v6-9, 12, 13, 17] is given its significance in the phrase in v9 - ‘an aroma pleasing to the Lord’. The burning does not symbolise atonement, the killing, and the blood, do that - rather, it is the ascending of the offering in consecration to God. All was for God, and in the burning the offering it forever passed beyond the offerer's recall. What is signified here, therefore, is not Christ representing his people in atoning death, but Christ representing his people in perfect consecration and entire self-surrender to God. Presentation 01
The Burnt Offering It is the self-surrender of the Son to the Father which is a fragrant odour to God. In this, the burnt offering reflects the language of the Psalmist, “I delight to do Thy will O my God” Ps. 40v6-8, cf. Heb. 10v5-10. Paul also takes up the theme in Romans 5v19, "By the obedience of one shall many be made righteous”. One commentator, writes: “It was an ineffable delight to Him (Christ) to accomplish the will of God on this earth. No one had ever done this before. Some had, through grace, done 'that which was right in the sight of the Lord'; but no one had ever, perfectly, invariably, from first to last, without hesitation, and without divergence, done the will of God. But this was, exactly, what the Lord Jesus did”. Presentation 01