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1 st Peer Review Meeting Ancona, 27 th October. 1.
1st Peer Review Meeting Ancona, 27th October 1
The purpose“The overall objective of the project is to contribute to reducing health inequalities among women belonging to ethnic minority groups in countries covered by the action”KEYWORDSHealth inequalitiesEthnic minority womenParticipatory and integratory approach
Definition - women belonging to established ethnic minorities (immigrant and non-immigrant origins, citizens or not); - recent migrants; - asylum seekers and/or refugees; - the Roma and stateless persons. CausesHigher risk of health inequalities with respect to the women in the native population or the minority men, due to: - peculiar living and working conditions, - vulnerable socio-economic status;- multiple discrimination they face in relation to their gender and ethnicity
A EU-wide problem- 2007: the European Commission issued the Communication on EU Health Strategy, where, among its goals, it specifically addressed the problem of inequalities in health between and within the EU Member States.- 2009: Communication “Solidarity in Health: reducing health inequalities in the EU” listed a number of factors which influence the persistence of these inequalities, mainly related to four categories: employment; income; length of education; ethnicity.
ObjectivesThe overall objective of the project is to contribute to reducing health inequalities among women belonging to ethnic minority groups in countries covered by the action. In particular the action will aim at increasing the capacity of partners and relevant institutional and non institutional stakeholders at the regional and national level in:- identifying and understanding health inequalities linked to gender and ethnicity on their territories, its extent and determinants;- assessing the existing institutional and non institutional framework;- learning from other partners and countries experiences through the identification and exchange of good practices;- identifying and developing relevant integrated strategies that take into account the specific health needs and barriers encountered by ethnic minority women in accessing health services, - raising general awareness, stimulating debate, promoting information on health inequalities.
Five partners involved from four countries (different starting points):1) Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (Italy, entrusted by Marche Region) 2) National Institute for Adult Continuous Education (UK);3) South West Public Health Observatory (UK);4) Department of Community Medicine and Public Health, Orebro County Council (Sweden);5) Civil Society Development Foundation (Romania)Key stakeholders: public health authorities at local, regional and national level; equal opportunities bodies; private service providers or NGOs. Exchange of best practices: mutual learning process
December 2010 – December 2012 (24 months) We are here
Phase 1. Building the evidence basis and collecting good practicesThree types of activities: Data collection; Context description; Identification of case studies and good practices;Aim: “describing the “state of the art” in partner countries and providing them with a benchmark for the activities that will be carried out during the second phase;Outputs: 4 country reports, one for each partner’s country. In Italy, UK and Sweden the country report have a regional focus, covering the regions of Marche, South West England and Orebro County
Phase 1. Building the evidence basis and collecting good practicesCountry ReportsThe report are aimed to provide a systematic analysis and an insight into the socio-economic determinants of inequalities.The report illustrate the overall setup of the healthcare system in each country/region, including existing relevant legislation, policies and actions, and map relevant institutional and non institutional services available to ethnic minority women in the field of health .Downloadable for project website: www.bhbi.eu in the next few weeks.
Phase 1. Building the evidence basis and collecting good practices Country Reports (the content)- first-hand information on health inequalities and needs of migrant women from: health agencies and observatories; migrant women’s organisations; not for profit organisations working in the field of social and health assistance (such as “social enterprises” or cooperatives) and other relevant civil society organisations that have a direct contact with migrant women;- in order to depict a clear image of the context, case studies and good practices have been identified by the partners implemented in their own countries/regions in the field of health inequalities for migrant and/or ethnic minority women.
Phase 2. Mutual learning and support to policy designTwo types of activities: Peer Reviews and Policy Design SeminarsAim: “actively involving partners and – through them – other relevant stakeholders in a mutual learning process concerning actions and policies for combating health inequalities of migrant and ethnic minority women, culminating in the identification and development of country specific intervention strategies, ion the basis of identified needs and lessons learned”.Within the peer review activity, national and regional-level case studies and good practices, criticalities and proposals will be presented, taking into account the specific situation of each country/region and the specific needs of the migrant population as described in the national/regional reports.
Phase 2. Mutual learning and support to policy designAgenda for the meetings: - Introduction by the host partner, presenting the “state of the art” at national/regional level”; - Selected case studies and good practices presented by all partners and external rapporteurs; - Exchange of experiences and impressions over the key issues and burning points deriving from the discussion paper; - Final sessions with the aim of drawing conclusions concerning the transferability of the measures/practices and their potential contributions; - (eventually) site visit in order to show participants the actual implementation of a specific measure.Next Peer Reviews: UK (28-29 November); Romania (15-16 February); Sweden (29-30 March)
Phase 2. Mutual learning and support to policy designPolicy Design SeminarsA one-day high level seminar will be organised in each participating country by the local partner/s, targeting a wider range of key stakeholders, including national and regional health authorities, but also local health institutions (according to the institutional framework) and civil society organisations.Each seminar will deal with different aspects of health inequalities of migrant or ethnic minority women, identified during the peer reviews, such as for example: • Inequalities related to maternal/reproductive health of migrants; • Health inequalities related to the occupational status of migrant women, such as care-workers; • Health inequalities of Roma people and other resident minorities groups; • Inequalities related to long term care for elderly migrant women.
Phase 2. Mutual learning and support to policy designPolicy Design SeminarsFollowing the seminar and based on the discussion spurred by the meeting, each host partner will draft a set of country/region specific guidelines for the design and evaluation of integrated strategies aimed at fighting health inequalities among migrant women. Such guidelines will be circulated among all partners and in particular Scientific board participants for revisions and comments and will form the basis for the drafting of the project handbook during the third phase of the project.The seminars will take place approximately in the period going from May 2012 to July 2012.
Phase 3. Synthesis and dissemination of resultsActivities and Outputs3.1 Project Brochure3.2 Dedicated website3.3 Catalogue of best practices in four languages (EN, RO, IT and SE)3.4 Project handbook – identification of policies suggestions and guidelines on promoting equal opportunities in access to health3.5 Final Project Conference