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Lquin 750mg Tablet

Lquin 750 Tablet is an antibiotic, used in the treatment of bacterial infections. It is also used in treating infections of the urinary tract, nose, throat, skin and lungs (pneumonia). It cures the infection by stopping the further growth of the causative microorganisms.<br><br>

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Lquin 750mg Tablet

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  1. Introduction to Lquin 750mg Tablet Lquin 750 Tablet is an antibiotic, used in the treatment of bacterial infections. It is also used in treating infections of the urinary tract, nose, throat, skin and lungs (pneumonia). It cures the infection by stopping the further growth of the causative microorganisms. Lquin 750 Tablet should be used in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. It may be taken with or without food, preferably at a fixed time. Avoid skipping any doses and finish the full course of treatment even if you feel better. Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed dose. Simply take the next dose as planned. You may have a headache, dizziness, nausea, and constipation as side effects of this medicine. These are usually temporary and resolve on its own, but please consult your doctor if it bothers you or persists for a longer duration. Diarrhea may also occur as a side effect but should stop when your course is complete. Inform your doctor if it does not stop or if you find blood in your stools. Do not take this medicine if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Special care should be taken in people with kidney problems while taking this medicine. Uses of Lquin 750mg Lquin Tablet is used to treat different types of bacterial infections such as infection of throat, lung, sinus, kidney, urinary tract, skin and soft tissues. How does Lquin 750mg Tablet Works? Lquin 750mg Tablet works by inhibiting DNA gyrase (enzyme responsible for DNA synthesis) in bacteria which results in destruction of bacterial cell structure thus preventing the occurrence of bacterial infection in affected individuals. Side Effects of Lquin 750 Common Side Effects ● ● ● ● ● Headache Dizziness Nausea Constipation Diarrhea

  2. Dosages of Lquin 750mg Tablet Overdose Symptoms of an overdose are dizziness, nausea, confusion, unconsciousness, fits. Seek immediate medical help if you experience any of the symptoms or think you have taken too much of this medicine. Missed a Dose For optimum effect, doses of antibiotics should not be missed. If you have missed any dose of the Lquin Tablet take it as soon as you remember. If it’s time for your next dose then skip the missed dose and continue with your regular dosing schedule. Do not take a double dose of medicine to compensate for the missed one. Other Dosage of Lquin 750mg ● ● Lquin 250mg Lquin 500mg How To Manage Side Effects Headache: If LQUIN 750MG TABLET causes headache, then take rest and drink plenty of fluids. Try to avoid drinking alcohol. Ask your doctor to recommend a painkiller. Headaches should usually go away after the first week of taking LQUIN 750MG TABLET. If it lasts more than a week or severe, inform your doctor. Dizziness: Try to rest and get enough sleep. Try to avoid driving or operating any tools or machines while you feel dizzy. Limit consumption of alcohol, as it can aggravate dizziness. Consult and inform your doctor if the symptom worsens. Nausea/vomiting: Take LQUIN 750MG TABLET with or just after a meal. Stick to simple meals. Avoid eating oil rich or spicy foods, sugary snacks and drinks. Avoid drinking too much liquid along with your meals, drink slowly in between meals. Talk with your doctor if the condition worsens. Diarrhea:

  3. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Try to avoid taking any medicine on your own to treat diarrhea. Consult your doctor and inform them if the symptom gets worse. Itchy Skin: Try to pat or tap your skin instead of scratching it. Hold a damp towel to cool your skin. Wear loose clothing and avoid tight clothes or clothes made from wool or synthetic fabrics. Avoid using perfumed soaps, deodorants or moisturizers and use a skin softener regularly. Warning & Precautions Talk to your doctor if ● You have diabetes, psychiatric illness, brain injury, kidney or liver-related problems. You have a history of fits, you are above the age of 60 years. You are taking steroids. You experience low or high blood sugar, consider monitoring your blood sugar frequently if you are diabetic and on antidiabetic medicine. You experience nervous system-related symptoms such as confusion, sleeplessness, nightmares, thoughts of harming yourself, feeling low, anxiety, etc. Immediately seek medical advice. You have heart problems, a history of heart attack, slow heart rate, salt imbalance. You have glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (an inherited disorder that affects red blood cells). You have or had developed an allergic reaction after taking the Lquin Tablet. You are suffering from myasthenia gravis, a condition of muscle weakness. This medicine can further worsen the condition of muscle weakness. Lquin Tablet should not be used by children and adolescents. This medicine is known to cause tendon rupture, nerve damage/pain (peripheral neuropathy). Be cautious and tell your doctor if you already have any of this condition before initiating the treatment. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Safety Advice Alcohol SAFE Consuming alcohol with Lquin 750 Tablet does not cause any harmful side effects. Pregnancy CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR Lquin 750 Tablet is unsafe to use during pregnancy as there is definite evidence of risk to the developing baby. However, the doctor may rarely prescribe it in some life-threatening situations if the benefits are more than the potential risks. Please consult your doctor.

  4. Breast feeding CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR Lquin 750 Tablet is probably unsafe to use during breastfeeding. Limited human data suggests that the drug may pass into the breastmilk and harm the baby. Driving UNSAFE Lquin 750 Tablet may decrease alertness, affect your vision or make you feel sleepy and dizzy. Do not drive if these symptoms occur. Kidney CAUTION Lquin 750 Tablet should be used with caution in patients with kidney disease. Dose adjustment of Lquin 750 Tablet may be needed. Please consult your doctor. Liver CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR There is limited information available on the use of Lquin 750 Tablet in patients with liver disease. Please consult your doctor. However, stop the medicine and inform your doctor if you develop any signs and symptoms of jaundice while taking this medicine. FAQs About Lquin 750mg Tablet 1. What should I discuss with the physician before starting Lquin Tablet? Ans. Lquin Tablet can interact with other medicines hence inform your doctor if you are taking any other medicines especially supplements or herbs. Also, inform your doctor if you are stopping any medicine. 2. What precautions should be taken when using Lquin Tablet? Ans. Avoid going out in the sun. Wear a protective covering or use sunscreen (SPF 30 or 40) to prevent sunburn. 3. Can I discontinue taking Lquin Tablet if I feel my condition is improving? Ans. No, you should not stop taking the Lquin Tablet in the middle of the treatment, doing so may cause reinfection or bacterial resistance. Antibiotics must be taken for the complete prescribed duration. 4. Does Lquin Tablet cause diarrhoea? Ans. Yes, you may experience diarrhoea as a side effect after taking the Lquin Tablet. If you have severe diarrhoea, reach out to your doctor.

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