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CEIT 225 Instructional Design

CEIT 225 Instructional Design. Assoc. Prof. Dr. K ü r ş at Ç a ğı ltay http://www.metu.edu.tr/~kursat. Instructor. kursat@metu.edu.tr Tel: 2103683 http://www.metu.edu.tr/~kursat. Assistants. Engin Kurşun ekursun@metu.edu.tr Nuri Kara nkara@metu.edu.tr. Course Readings and e-List.

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CEIT 225 Instructional Design

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  1. CEIT 225 Instructional Design Assoc. Prof.Dr. Kürşat Çağıltay http://www.metu.edu.tr/~kursat

  2. Instructor kursat@metu.edu.tr Tel: 2103683 http://www.metu.edu.tr/~kursat

  3. Assistants • Engin Kurşun ekursun@metu.edu.tr • Nuri Kara nkara@metu.edu.tr

  4. Course Readings and e-List ocw.metu.edu.tr ceit225@metu.edu.tr

  5. Goals of the course • Underlining the processes for designing effective and efficient instruction. • Developing knowledge and skills for instructional analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation phases of instructional design. • Creating an instructional module

  6. Cell phones and being late • Please turn-off your cell-phones before coming to the classroom (if you have an emergency, let me know in advance). • You will loose 1% of your total grade for each phone ring. If this does not work, maybe.... • Class starts at 11:40, do not be late,

  7. Bonus – Community work • If you work voluntarily for the community (e.g. Ilkyar, TEGV) you will earn 3% bonus

  8. Question 1- What is your department’s name? Write: • In English • In Turkish 2- What does a CEIT graduate do? • Write down in one paragraph • You have 5 minutes • In English

  9. Answer for the Question • Your Department’s name is “Computer Education and Instructional Technology - CEIT” • Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi - BÖTE

  10. Discussion Question • What does a civil engineer do? • What does a mechanical engineer do?

  11. They Create • Better Living Environments

  12. Instructional Technologists Create • Better Learning Environments by Instructional Design

  13. Next Questions • What is instruction ? An example? • What is analysis? An example? • What is design ? An example? • What is technology ? An example? • Write down!

  14. What is Technology? • Greek: “Technos” or Know-how • A Device or a Method • Electronic or Mechanical

  15. What is Instructional Technology? • Any idea?

  16. What is Instructional/Educational Technology? • "Instructional Technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of processes and resources for learning.” (Seels & Ritchey, 1994) • Theory and practice • Design, development, utilization, management and evaluation • Processes and resources • Learning

  17. What is Instructional Technology? • IT concerns itself with these three questions: • How do people learn? • How can learning be helped? • How can technology play a role in learning? (Noah, ITFORUM 1998)

  18. What is Instructional Technology? • A field concerned with the development and use of instructional techniques having the purpose of promoting effective human learning. • Uses technology (media) to communicate the instruction to the learners

  19. Relationship among learners, teacher, instruction and instructional technology Learners Learning Instructional Technology Instructional Technology Teachers Instruction Instructional Technology

  20. Knowledge Sources • Research/developments in technology (computer science) • research in human learning (education, psychology) • development of new instructional procedures (education) • communication theory • human/computer interaction (psychology) • information design (information sciences) • visual and audio design (art, music)

  21. Instructional Media • From Latin that means “between” • Any channel that carries the information between source and receiver • Most of the time media are tangible

  22. Examples? • Blackboard • Overhead Projector • TV • Computer • Internet

  23. Why Instructional Technology? • Enhancement of Learning via Instructional Design

  24. Drill & Practice Games Tutorials Simulations Problem-Solving Hypermedia Tool Software Integrated Learning Systems Computer Managed Instruction Instructional Uses of Computers

  25. C A L C B L Some Terms • Computer Assisted Instruction • Computer Based Learning • Computer Based Instruction • Computer Managed Instruction • Web Based Learning • Distance Learning CMI WBI C B I C B T C A I C B E

  26. Where can you work as an Instructional Designer? • Banks • Large companies • Telecommunications companies • Military • Educational software development companies • Universities • Schools • And many other places ......

  27. Instructional Design (ID) • The systematic process of translating principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials and activities.

  28. Comparison • Instructional Designer & Engineer • Both plan work based upon successful principles. • Both design things that are functional, attractive, & appealing to user. • Both have established problem solving procedures to guide them. • Both write specifications or plans.

  29. Purpose of ID—Education • All those experiences in which people learn. • Many experiences are unplanned, incidental, and informal. • Terms used interchangeably in ID with education • Instruction • Training • Teaching

  30. What is Instruction? • Delivery of information & activities that facilitate learners’ attainment of intended, specific learning goals. • Activities focused on learners learning specific things.

  31. What is Teaching? • Learning experiences in which the instructional message is delivered by a human being-not a videotape, textbook, or computer program—but a live teacher. • All learning experiences in which the instructional message is conveyed by other forms of media is instruction.

  32. What is Design? • Implies a “systematic” planning process prior to the development of something. • Distinguished from other planning by • Level of precision • Care • Expertise employed

  33. The ID Process • Another way of defining ID is to describe the process involved in the systematic planning of instruction. • At basic level, instructional designer’s job is to answer three major questions.

  34. Three Major Questions • Where are we going? • How will we get there? • How will we know when we have arrived?

  35. General ID Steps • Different models exist for different instructional purposes; however, the process is summarized in five phases.

  36. Known as ADDIE ADDIE Analysis Implementation Evaluation Design Development

  37. Implement Develop Design Analysis Evaluate ADDIE

  38. A = Analysis • In analysis stage of ID process, want to find out • Who are the learners or audience • Audience analysis • What is the goal or intended outcome • Goal analysis

  39. D = Design • Content of the course • Subject matter analysis • Steps of instruction • Lesson planning-writing objectives • Type of media or presentation mode • Media selection

  40. D = Development • Development of instruction • Generate lesson plans (different from lesson planning) and lesson materials. • Complete all media & materials for instruction, and supporting documents. • End result is a course or workshop ready for delivery.

  41. I = Implementation • The delivery of the instruction. • Purpose is effective & efficient delivery of instruction. • Promote students’ understanding of material & objectives, and ensure transfer of knowledge.

  42. E = Evaluation • Two related evaluations going on simultaneously in most ID situations. • Formative Evaluation • Summative Evaluation

  43. Formative Evaluation • Going on during & between ID steps. • Purpose is to improve instruction before completed instruction is delivered.

  44. Summative Evaluation • Usually occurs after instruction completed & implemented. • How much & how well did students learn? • How well did course or workshop work? • Does it need modification before being presented again? • What needs changing? Content? Instruction? Media?

  45. Your Task in this Course • Designing an Instruction for a company Microsoft • An instructional module to teach Internet Safety • A text material – about 4 pages, color print • A video – 3-5 minutes, stopmotion • All of them will be presented on udemy.com

  46. Questions & Comments

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