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CEIT 225 Instructional Design

CEIT 225 Instructional Design. Assoc. Prof. Dr. K ü r ş at Ç a ğı ltay http://www.metu.edu.tr/~kursat. Remember some basic concepts. Last week, what did we discuss?. They Create. Better Living Environments. Instructional Technologists Create. Better Learning Environments

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CEIT 225 Instructional Design

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  1. CEIT 225 Instructional Design Assoc. Prof.Dr. Kürşat Çağıltay http://www.metu.edu.tr/~kursat

  2. Remember some basic concepts • Last week, what did we discuss?

  3. They Create • Better Living Environments

  4. Instructional Technologists Create • Better Learning Environments by Instructional Design

  5. Instructional Design (ID)? • The systematic process of translating principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials and activities.

  6. Instructional Design (ID)? • Process • Principles of learning (such as?) • Principles of instruction (such as?) • instructional materials and • activities

  7. Comparison • Instructional Designer & Engineer • Both plan work based upon successful principles. • Both design things that are functional, attractive, & appealing to user. • Both have established problem solving procedures to guide them. • Both write specifications or plans.

  8. Purpose of ID • All those experiences in which people learn. • Education • Teaching, math, science, language .... • Training • http://www.tbb-bes.org.tr/tbb/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=1&tabindex=0 • http://www.goarmy.com/soldier-life/becoming-a-soldier/basic-combat-training.html

  9. What is Instruction? • Delivery of information & activities that facilitate learners’ attainment of intended, specific learning goals. • Activities focused on learners learning specific things.

  10. What is Design? • Implies a “systematic” planning process prior to the development of something. • Distinguished from other planning by • Level of precision • Care • Expertise employed

  11. The ID Process • Another way of defining ID is to describe the process involved in the systematic planning of instruction. • At basic level, instructional designer’s job is to answer three major questions.

  12. Three Major Questions • Where are we going? Objectives • How will we get there? Inst. Strategy • How will we know when we have arrived? Evaluation

  13. Quick quiz

  14. Quick quiz • Write down 5 basic steps of instructional design • 5 mins

  15. General ID Steps • Different models exist for different instructional purposes; however, the process is summarized in five phases.

  16. Known as ADDIE ADDIE Analysis Implementation Evaluation Design Development

  17. Implement Develop Design Analysis Evaluate ADDIE

  18. A = Analysis • In analysis stage of ID process, want to find out • Who are the learners or audience • Audience analysis • What is the goal or intended outcome • Goal analysis

  19. D = Design • Content of the course • Subject matter analysis • Steps of instruction • Lesson planning-writing objectives • Type of media or presentation mode • Media selection

  20. D = Development • Development of instruction • Generate lesson plans (different from lesson planning) and lesson materials. • Complete all media & materials for instruction, and supporting documents. • End result is a course or workshop ready for delivery.

  21. I = Implementation • The delivery of the instruction. • Purpose is effective & efficient delivery of instruction. • Promote students’ understanding of material & objectives, and ensure transfer of knowledge.

  22. E = Evaluation • Two related evaluations going on simultaneously in most ID situations. • Formative Evaluation • Summative Evaluation

  23. Formative Evaluation • Going on during & between ID steps. • Purpose is to improve instruction before completed instruction is delivered.

  24. Summative Evaluation • Usually occurs after instruction completed & implemented. • How much & how well did students learn? • How well did course or workshop work? • Does it need modification before being presented again? • What needs changing? Content? Instruction? Media?

  25. Practice: • Creating instructions to draw a picture

  26. Your Task in this Course • Designing an Instruction for a company Microsoft • An instructional module to teach Internet Safety • A text material – about 4 pages, color print • A video – 3-5 minutes, stopmotion • All of them will be presented on udemy.com

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