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Developing a Data Informed Master Schedule

Developing a Data Informed Master Schedule. June, 2012. What’s the Big Deal?. Why do we talk about master schedule ? How time is spent How we utilize staff How we are able to respond to student needs. Background Information. Middle School 6-8th (8:55a-4p).

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Developing a Data Informed Master Schedule

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  1. Developing a Data Informed Master Schedule

    June, 2012
  2. What’s the Big Deal? Why do we talk about master schedule ? How time is spent How we utilize staff How we are able to respond to student needs
  3. Background Information Middle School 6-8th (8:55a-4p) High School 9-12th(8:15a-3:15p) 890-900+ students Title 1 ~18-20% ELL High mobility 4X4 block ~40% incoming students lack skills to be successful in Eng1 and Alg1 2, 4 person teams in NGA 1 reading intervention- 45 min for two periods 1 Special Ed staff - 45 min 1 period Essentials of Reading and Math classes HSAP prep courses 680-700 students Title 1 20% ELL (Spanish) High mobility 7 periods (55-75 min) 35min lunch Common grade level planning during exploratory 2, 7-8 person teams per GL 2 Intervention Support staff 3-5 periods 6/8 Exploratory staff 1 period 3 Special Ed staff 1 period
  4. Steps for Scheduling Collect student data on current and incoming students CBM/Diagnostics/District Assessments/Course Failures/EWS/Historical Data Start well before proposed budgets and schedules are due March/April for 8th graders April/May for 5th graders Determine those who are in need of further screenings
  5. Steps for Scheduling Based on data collection determine student needs Develop consensus among stakeholders surrounding need for Intervention/Enrichment (I/E) courses Staff meetings Parent meetings Student meetings Committee/task force Communication plan
  6. Steps for Scheduling Map out available interventions and match to student needs Inventory current materials available throughout departments and analyze for: Research/evidence Content Skills addressed Instructional methodology Engagement Plan for “plugging holes” in intervention options WWC, BEE, Local research Plan for continuity with elementary and high school feeders In highly mobile areas may consider intervention continuity between middle schools and high schools Determine if placement tests need to be given General placements based on less than proficient scores on state assessments are not the best way to schedule students Determine course credit codes for intervention sections Students cannot go into credit deficit due to intervention classes
  7. Steps for Scheduling Use data collected regarding student needs to determine the types of interventions that will be offered and number of sections needed Try to create homogeneous groups based on your populations’ learning needs Program publisher information may be too broad for effectiveness at secondary level (Fuchs, Fuchs & Compton 2010) E.G. RW Consider the amount of time (minutes) required for interventions to be effectively delivered with fidelity per session and if this matches time available Consider the amount of time (sessions/days/weeks) required for interventions to be fully implemented General pacing/curriculum guides can be developed with guidelines for re-teaching and extensions to support core instruction
  8. Steps for Scheduling Consider number of students per group More intense needs= smaller group Develop plan for those who may need more intense supports Who/when/how Develop plan for those who may need multi-semester support Determine number of materials to be utilized and costs Consumable vs. recyclable Technology can support long-term consumption costs Investigate sources for funding District sources Budget Grants PTSA Community partnerships
  9. Steps for Scheduling Determine number of students who will need multiple interventions Will dictate how many additional intervention sections need to be offered during Exploratory or use of intervention time e.g. skinnies Determine the number of students who will need one intervention and impact on schedule Use of full block for intervention or half of block for intervention and half for math/algebra English/ELA review, re-teach, pre-teach
  10. Steps for Scheduling- where the magic happens!! Determine common time for intervention/ re-teach/enrichment to allow for maximum staff availability- may require creativity Beware of certain periods Consider where time can be stolen:5-7 min shaved off of 7 period day or 8-10 min off of 4 period blocks, reduce time for lunch, reduce transition times between periods (easier if students clustered in grade-level areas of building) use of A/B schedules, structured active lunch, skinnies Consider adding time to school day
  11. Steps for Scheduling- where the magic happens!! Determine staffing Develop roster of ideal available staff with specialization in: Literacy ELL Math Special Education Specific instructional strategies/programs Develop roster of staff who are interested/available and willing to teach intervention courses but may need additional support/training Determine plan for supporting those staff
  12. Steps for Scheduling Determine designated “master scheduler” who has big picture view of the school, schoolcounselor for scheduling intervention students and additional schedule committee members to review and problem-solve At middle school level master scheduler typically principal or assistant principal At high school level master scheduler typically assistant principal School counselors must understand logistics of interventions and implications for current schedule structure (A/B, Block) Caps on number of students per section Points in time after which students cannot be added to sections
  13. Steps for Scheduling Hand schedule students in need of two interventions (reading and math) first Hand schedule students in need of a single intervention Schedule remaining students
  14. Steps for Scheduling Plan for new students at start of school year or those who enter after the semester has begun Screening Intervention placement decisions Create communication protocol Create waitlist for those who arrive late in semester Prior to end of semester use student outcome and waitlist data to determine how many and what types of intervention sections will be needed for next semester Determine how to support those who were not successful in interventions Smaller or more specifically designed intervention sections Rearrange teachers to best meet needs of students in upcoming semester Repeat step 1 -review end-of semester data for current students and plan for next year interventions and gather incoming student data Use information related to student response to interventions to inform next year’s scheduling
  15. Steps for Scheduling Progress Monitoring/Program Evaluation Consider built-in time for progress monitoring weekly or bi-weekly Determine expected outcomes: Knowledge Behavior Skills Determine how to best measure outcomes CBM/Grades/Attendance/ODRS/EWS/Credits/Formative Assessment Frequency/Data Collection Tools/Methods/Individuals Involved Determine methods/tools/frequency for assessing fidelity of implementation Develop questions to answer regarding impact of I/E period What is the impact of I/E period on students level of: achievement/attendance/behavior/etc Determine methods and data sources to answer the questions
  16. Sample Schedules
  17. Scheduling Resources School Scheduling Associates Templates and examples http://www.schoolschedulingassociates.com/cds.php
  18. Contact Information Amber Brundage Abrundage@mail.usf.edu
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