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Efficient Surveying with GPS Technology for Monuments and Projects

Explore how we survey in all terrains & weather using GPS technology. Learn about control types, survey methods, and the efficiency of OPUS processing for accurate results. See how FileNet streamlines document management in surveying projects.

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Efficient Surveying with GPS Technology for Monuments and Projects

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Surveys and Photogrammetry PRESENTS

  2. Where is the Monument? Presented by: DeLane R. Meier Surveys & Photogrammetry

  3. We survey in all types of weather, riding on an ATV … or

  4. … walking

  5. We survey in all types of terrain.

  6. Horizontal & vertical monuments are used in our surveys.

  7. HARN (horizontal) and 1st order (vertical) monuments in North Dakota.

  8. GPS CONTROL TYPES • MASTER CONTROL three Horizontal and four vertical known points. (The goal: To eliminate this step) • PROJECT CONTROL • Iron pins placed along the project corridor.

  9. GPS SURVEY TYPES • Static Surveys • Are done to create the project control. • Real time Surveys • Are done to collect the ground survey data • underground utilities • culverts • sign surveys • misc.

  10. THE OLD WAY (Static Survey)

  11. Setting a GPS receiver on a concrete monument

  12. The new way(To eliminate the master control step)

  13. STATION MEDORA (the tower)

  14. STATION MEDORA(the geodetic antenna)

  15. STATION MEDORA(the GPS receivers)

  16. Surveying with OPUS(collecting GPS data)

  17. GPS data sent to OPUS (input screen)

  18. OPUS computed position on station “Deslacs”

  19. OPUS statistics for June 2003 OPUS (Online Positioning User Service) processed 5,237 solutions. Average of 174 GPS solutions per day. There were a total of 4440 users of the system.

  20. OPUS solutions on July 7, 2003

  21. US# 2 Berthold eastPROJECT STATISTICS • One person performed the following in less then four days. • Set 5 project control points (Iron pins). • Set GPS receiver on each control point for two hours or more. • Sent data to OPUS for computing. Received 3-D coordinates for the 5 unknown points. • Tied in 64 aerial targets.

  22. We ELIMINATED this step

  23. How is OPUS so efficient? • We find that we can realize real savings in: • Reduction of staff hours needed to do the static survey. • Reduction of GPS receivers needed to do the static survey. • Reduction of vehicles needed to do the static survey.

  24. The next step:Speed up “real time” surveys

  25. Original “real time” setup

  26. Eliminate the base station setup

  27. Using an NDGPS tower and

  28. A GPS Rover, for more “real time” work

  29. That’s better!

  30. GPS is one part of a total system to complete projects faster and more efficiently. 2-D and 3-D (future)


  32. Digital InterPlot

  33. and FileNet • Some advantages of using FileNet • Ability to find documents, plans, and drawings on the users’ computers. • Ability to safely store electronic data in one place. • Ability to work with intelligent documents. • Eliminate static microfilming and microfiche plans.

  34. The most significant resource in surveying …

  35. THE END

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