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The search for extra-terrestrial sources of high energy neutrinos with IceCube. Gary C. Hill University of Wisconsin, Madison for the IceCube collaboration. Photograph: Forest Banks. It’s a mysterious universe!. cosmic rays charged - bad. Messenger particles for high energy astronomy:.
The search for extra-terrestrial sources of high energy neutrinos with IceCube Gary C. Hill University of Wisconsin, Madison for the IceCube collaboration Photograph: Forest Banks Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
It’s a mysterious universe! cosmic rays charged - bad Messenger particles for high energy astronomy: gamma rays neutral - good absorbed - bad neutrinos neutral - good not absorbed - good and bad! Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Neutrino and gamma production in cosmic ray accelerators? The TeV gammas? -rays from synchrotron Let’s look for these neutrinos! Hadronic accelerator? – cosmic ray origin? Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Cosmic ray induced “guaranteed sources” Cosmic rays on Cosmic Microwave Background: GZK neutrinos EHE: 109-10 GeV Cosmic rays on galactic plane: galactic plane neutrinos Cosmic rays on the earth’s atmosphere: Atmospheric neutrinos Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
The high-energy neutrino sky Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Atmospheric Neutrinos Cosmic Ray pions, kaons and charm π+ + e+ e ≈15 Km Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
background atmospheric muon Direction: Reconstruction of Cerenkov cone Energy: Counting of modules that see photons Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
6x1015 eV (6 PeV) ~1000 hits Multi-PeV 1013 eV (10 TeV) ~90 hits AMANDA +N+... ± (300 m!) +hadrons signature signature Event Signatures in IceCube Expect about 100,000 events/yr Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Where are we pointing? Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Moon declination during first 15 years Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
RA distribution relative to moon Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Li and Ma significance distribution Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Point source searches Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
IC40 6 month all-sky point source search Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
IC40 6 month all-sky point source search pre-trial significance 10-4.4 expected in 61% of random skies Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Search for a diffuse nm signal with IC40 Range of spectral slopes: start with E-2 Diffuse models all harder (~E-2) than atmospheric (~E-3.7): energy separation Nch variable Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Energy separation: Nch variable Blind analysis: Best limit setting power (model rejection potential) Nch>100 E-2 test flux Atmospheric neutrinos Blind region Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Sensitivity: for bg=6.1 events median event limit 5.84 Flux limit : 5.84/66.7x10-6 = 8.8 x 10-8 Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Unblind the data: 6 events observed event limit 5.84 Flux limit : 5.84/66.1x10-6 = 8.8 x 10-8 Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
dusty clean shallow deep m p e+e- photo-nuclear g pair-creation bremsstrahlung Reconstructing The Muon energy loss Formulate LLH: Approximate as: Incorporate Ice Properties: Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Energy estimator comparison Reconstructed dE/dX Number of Channels Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Atmospheric neutrinos E-2 test flux Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Likelihood shape analysis - probability of observable shape distribution {ni } given theory {μi} ? Product of Poisson probabilities over bins: m parameters of interest; k-m nuisance parameters Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Atmospheric neutrinos only Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Allowed E-2 and prompt contributions Number of prompt Number of E-2 Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Atmospheric and E-2 neutrinos Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Allowed E-2 and prompt contributions Number of prompt Number of E-2 Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Atmospheric, E-2 and prompt neutrinos Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
Allowed E-2 and prompt contributions Number of prompt Number of E-2 Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009
IC40 diffuse sensitivity Gary C. Hill, CCAPP Symposium 2009 , Ohio State University, October 12th, 2009