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Early Civil Rights Amendments and Court Cases

Early Civil Rights Amendments and Court Cases. Reconstruction Era. 13 th Amendment : Ended slavery 14 th Amendment : Extended citizenship to African-Americans, as well as due process and equal protection to all citizens. 15th Amendment : Extended the right to vote to African-Americans.

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Early Civil Rights Amendments and Court Cases

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  1. Early Civil Rights Amendments and Court Cases

  2. Reconstruction Era • 13th Amendment: Ended slavery • 14th Amendment: Extended citizenship to African-Americans, as well as due process and equal protection to all citizens. • 15th Amendment: Extended the right to vote to African-Americans

  3. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) • Supreme Court case that legalized segregation in facilities that were “separate but equal.” • Segregation legalized (Jim Crow Laws) • De Jure Segregation—segregation by law (South) • De Facto Segregation—segregation by customs and habits

  4. Brown v. Board (1954) • Supreme Court case that overturned “separate but equal” doctrine and desegregated public schools.

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