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Edinburgh People Survey 2012 Craigentinny / Duddingston Results. Summary Report January 2013. Approach. A total of 5,024 surveys were carried out between 28 September and 9 November 2012
Edinburgh People Survey 2012Craigentinny/ Duddingston Results Summary Report January 2013
Approach • A total of 5,024 surveys were carried out between 28 September and 9 November 2012 • Surveys were undertaken in street and in home, with a sample designed to achieve robust data, accurate to +/-5% within each neighbourhood partnership area • Slides in this presentation show graphs of the most recent results for Craigentinny and Duddingston, shown against a table of historic data. In all cases the tables show the percentage of residents who "agree" with a statement or who are "satisfied" with a service • Significant differences are reported at the 95% confidence level and are denoted by:
Quality of life (Q41) Thinking about Edinburgh as a whole, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with it as a place to live?
Quality of life (Q42) To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way the Council is managing the city?
Quality of life (Q43) To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way the Council is managing the city? Why do you say this? • Following on from this, respondents were asked for their reasons why they were satisfied or dissatisfied with the way the Council is managing the city. The top reasons given by respondents who were satisfied (n=334) were: • Nice place to live/ good place to live/ good city (28%) • Never had any problems/ no issues/ no complaints (25%) • Everything seems to run well/ well managed/ do their best (18%)/ Dissatisfied with the trams (18%) • 23 Craigentinny and Duddingston respondents were dissatisfied with the way the Council is managing their neighbourhood. The vast majority said this was because of the trams (83%), 30% said it was because of general mismanagement or poor use of funds and 17% said they were dissatisfied with general transport issues. Please note that respondents could give more than one reason for satisfaction/ dissatisfaction therefore percentages sum to more than 100%.
Quality of life and area (Q1) Thinking of your neighbourhood area, by which I mean the area within a 15 minute walk of your home, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with this area as a place to live?
Quality of life and area (Q19) To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way the Council is managing your neighbourhood?
Quality of life and area (Q20) To what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way the Council is managing your neighbourhood? Why do you say this? • Following on from this, respondents were asked why they were satisfied or dissatisfied with the way the Council is managing their neighbourhood. The three main reasons given by respondents who were satisfied (n=371) were: • No complaints/ Do a good job (52%) • Nice place to live/ quiet area/ clean area/ enjoy living here (17%) • Council doing their best/ good services (16%) • Only 13 Craigentinny and Duddingston respondents were dissatisfied with the way the Council is managing their neighbourhood and the majority of comments were regarding the cleansing service. Please note that respondents could give more than one reason for satisfaction/ dissatisfaction therefore percentages sum to more than 100%.
Quality of life and area (Q35) The Council takes account of residents views when making decisions
Quality of life and area (Q2) What should be the top priority for improving the quality of life in your neighbourhood?
Community Planning (Q3) Do you feel that you are able to have a say on things happening or how services are run in your local area (neighbourhood or community)
Community Planning (Q4) How much do you agree with the following statement: “My neighbourhood within a 15/20 minute walk of my home, is a place where people from different backgrounds can get on well together?
Community Planning (Q5) Generally speaking would you say most people can be trusted, or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people?
Local area services (Q11) Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with quality of new buildings and the spaces around them in your local area?
Local area services (Q12) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with shopping facilities in your local neighbourhood?
Local area services (Q12) Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with street cleaning in your local neighbourhood?
Local area services (Q12) Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with refuse collection in your local neighbourhood?
Local area services (Q12) Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with recycling in your local neighbourhood?
Local area services (Q12) Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with parks or other green spaces in your local neighbourhood?
Local area services (Q12) Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the maintenance of open spaces (such as grassed areas an public squares) in your local neighbourhood?
Local area services (Q12) Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the roads in your local neighbourhood?
Local area services (Q12) Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the pavements in your local neighbourhood?
Local area services (Q12) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with public transport in the local neighbourhood?
Local area services (Q12) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with sport and leisure facilities run by Edinburgh Leisure in your local neighbourhood?
Local area services (Q12) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the facilities for older people in your local neighbourhood?
Local area services (Q12) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with nursery schools in your local neighbourhood?
Local area services (Q12) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with primary schools in your local neighbourhood?
Local area services (Q12) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with secondary schools in your local neighbourhood?
Libraries (Q13) Have you visited a library in your neighbourhood in the last 12 months?
Libraries (Q14) Have you used the online library service in the last 12 months?
Libraries (Q15) Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the library service? (For those who have used in the last 12 months)
Community safety (Q16a) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way violent crime is dealt with in your local neighbourhood?
Community safety (Q16b) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way vandalism and graffiti is dealt with in your local neighbourhood?
Community safety (Q16c) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way anti social behaviour is dealt with in your local neighbourhood?
Community safety (Q16d) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way dog fouling is dealt with in your local neighbourhood?
Community safety (Q17) Is street drinking or alcohol related disorder a problem in your neighbourhood?
Community safety (Q18) How safe do you feel in your neighbourhood after dark?
Transport (Q22a) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with information about bus services?
Transport (Q22b) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with bus services on Monday to Saturday?
Transport (Q22c) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the bus service on Sunday?
Transport (Q28a) To what extent would you support or oppose 20mph speed limits being applied on Residential Streets – with a network of main roads left at 30 mph?
Transport (Q28b) To what extent would you support or oppose 20mph speed limits being applied on busy shopping streets such as Gorgie Road, Morningside Road and The Bridges?
Transport (Q28c) To what extent would you support or oppose 20mph speed limits being applied on all city centre streets?
Financial wellbeing (Q29) How has your personal financial situation changed over the last 12 months?
Financial wellbeing (Q30) How confident are you about current and future job/ career prospects in Edinburgh?
Communications (Q40) Were you aware that the Council has neighbourhood specific Facebook pages and Twitter accounts for a range of services?