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SoC Verification HW #2. TA: Wei-Ting Tu Assignment: 04/12/06 Due: 04/26/06. Lab introductions Lab 1-3: examples Lab 4-6: exercises Lab requirements Implement each task in lab 4~6. References svtb.pdf: SystemVerilog TestBench Guide svtb_tutorial.pdf: SystemVerilog TestBench Tutorial
SoC Verification HW #2 TA: Wei-Ting Tu Assignment: 04/12/06 Due: 04/26/06
Lab introductions • Lab 1-3: examples • Lab 4-6: exercises • Lab requirements • Implement each task in lab 4~6. • References • svtb.pdf: SystemVerilog TestBench Guide • svtb_tutorial.pdf: SystemVerilog TestBench Tutorial • SVTB_2005.06_SG.pdf: SystemVerilog Workshop Student Guide • SVTB_2005.06_LG_01~3.pdf: SystemVerilog Workshop examples • SVTB_2005.06_LG_04~6.pdf: SystemVerilog Workshop exercises
Workshop Goal Acquire the skills to write a SystemVerilog testbench to verify Verilog/SystemVerilog RTL code with coverage-driven random stimulus.
Target Audience Design or Verification engineers writing SystemVerilog testbenches to verify Verilog or SystemVerilog code.
Workshop Prerequisites • You must have experience in the following areas: • Familiarity with a UNIX text editor • Basic programming skills in Verilog, VHDL or C • Debugging experience with Verilog, VHDL or C
What Is the Device Under Test? din [15:0] dout [15:0] frameo_n [15:0] valido_n [15:0] valid_n [15:0] reset_n clock A router: 16 x 16 crosspoint switch frame_n[15:0] router
A Functional Perspective 0 1 2 3 4 inputs outputs port port frame_n[0] frameo_n[0] valid_n[0] 0 valido_n[0] din[0] dout[0] 1 2 3 4 partial view
The Router Description • Single positive-edge clock • Input and output data are serial (1 bit / clock) • Packets are sent through in variable length: • Each packet is composed of two parts • Header • Payload • Packets can be routed from any input port to any output port on a packet-by-packet basis • No internal buffering or broadcasting (1-to-N)
Input Packet Structure • frame_n: • Falling edge indicates first bit of packet • Rising edge indicates last bit of packet • din: • Header (destination address & padding bits) and payload • valid_n: • valid_n is low if payload bit is valid, high otherwise clock din[i] x A0 A1 A2 A3 d0 .... x dn-1 dn x valid_n[i] x x x x x frame_n[i] dest. address pad payload
Output Packet Structure • Output activity is indicated by:frameo_n, valido_n, and dout • Data is valid only when: • frameo_n output is low (except for last bit) • valido_n output is low • Header field is stripped clock x dout[i] x x d0 d1 x x d2 d3 dn-3 dn-2 dn-1 x valido_n[i] x x frameo_n[i]
Reset Signal clock reset_n frame_n[i] 15 clock cycles • While asserting reset_n,frame_nandvalid_nmust be de-asserted • reset_n is asserted for at least one clock cycle • After de-asserting reset_n, wait for 15 clocks before sending a packet through the router
The DUT: router.v lab1/ lab6/ • The Design Under Test, router.v, is a Verilog file: • Located under the rtl directory • From the lab workspace: ../../rtl/router.v ~ solutions/ labs/ rtl/ lab1/ lab2/ lab6/ router.v lab work files
The SystemVerilog Test Environment Checks completeness Checks correctness Configure Generator Identifiestransactions Coverage Transactor Self Check Transactor Driver Monitor Observes data from DUT DUT Test program Top level harness file interface
SystemVerilog Testbench Building Process router.v ntb_template -t router router.v Discard router.vr.tmp router.if.vrh router.tb.sv Top level harness Interface Test program vcs –sverilog router.test_top.sv router.tb.sv router.if.sv router.v simv router.test_top.sv router.if.sv router.test_top.v
Create Verilog Test Harness File • Use VCS template generator • Generates three files: • router.test_top.v Verilog test harness file • router.if.vrh Discard (for OpenVera only) • router.vr.tmp Discard (for OpenVera only) • -t router Specifies DUT module name • router.v DUT source code file • router.test_top.v will be used to help build SystemVerilog testbench files ntb_template -t router router.v
Creating SystemVerilog Interface File cp router.test_top.v router.if.sv • Create interface file from router.test_top.v • Encapsulate signals in interface block module router_test_top; parameter simulation_cycle = 100; reg SystemClock ; wire reset_n ; wire [15:0] din ; wire clock ; wire [15:0] frame_n ; wire [15:0] valid_n ; wire [15:0] dout ; wire [15:0] busy_n ; wire [15:0] valido_n ; wire [15:0] frameo_n ; `ifdef SYNOPSYS_NTB ... `endif router dut( … ); initial begin SystemClock = 0 ; forever begin #(simulation_cycle/2) SystemClock = ~SystemClock ; end end endmodule Create from default harness file Change module to interface Delete all except wires interface router_io(input logic clock); logic reset_n ; logic [15:0] din ; //wire clock; logic [15:0] frame_n ; logic [15:0] valid_n ; logic [15:0] dout ; logic [15:0] busy_n ; logic [15:0] valido_n ; logic [15:0] frameo_n ; endinterface Move clock to input argument router.if.sv router.test_top.v Change wire to logic
Define Test Program Interface Port Configure Generator Coverage Transactor Self Check Transactor Driver Monitor DUT • By default all interface signals are asynchronous • Synchronous signals can be created via clocking block and connected to test program via modport router.if.sv interface router_io(input logic clock); logic reset_n ; logic [15:0] din ; logic [15:0] frame_n ; logic [15:0] valid_n ; logic [15:0] dout ; logic [15:0] busy_n ; logic [15:0] valido_n ; logic [15:0] frameo_n ; clocking cb @(posedge clock); default input #1 output #1; output reset_n; output din; output frame_n; output valid_n; input dout; input busy_n; input valido_n; input frameo_n; endclocking modport TB(clocking cb, output reset_n); endinterface Create synchronous by placing signals into clocking block Sample/drive skew Define connection for test program with modport Direction w/respect to test Asynchronous Synchronous
Build Testbench Configure Generator Coverage Transactor Self Check Transactor Driver Monitor DUT • Testbench is encapsulated in program block • List interface signals in argument Both synchronous and asynchronous signals are encapsulated in modport router.tb.sv program automatic router_test(router_io.TB router); // develop test code in initial block: initial begin $vcdpluson; // Dumping file control $display(“Hello World”); end endprogram
Sample Testbench • Develop test program code in initial block program automatic router_test(router_io.TB router); //testbench code in initial block: initial begin $vcdpluson; // Dumping file control // $display(“Hello World”); end initial begin reset(); end task reset(); router.reset_n <= 1’b0; router.cb.frame_n <= 16’hffff; router.cb.valid_n <= ~(’b0); ##2 router.cb.reset_n <= 1’b1; // reset_n can be both synchronous and asynchronous repeat(15) @(router.cb); endtask endprogram interface router_io(input logic clock); logic reset_n ; logic [15:0] din ; logic [15:0] frame_n ; logic [15:0] valid_n ; ... clocking cb @(posedge clock); default input #1 output #1; output reset_n; output din; output frame_n; output valid_n; ... endclocking modport TB(clocking cb, output reset_n); endinterface Asynchronous signals are driven without reference to clocking block Synchronous signals are driven via clocking block Advance clock cycles via clocking block
Driving Synchronous Device Signals [##num] interface.cb.signal <= <value> or <variable expression>; • Must be driven with <= (non-blocking assignment) • Can be specified with ##num of clocks delay Equivalent to: repeat(num) @(router.cb); router.din[3] <= #input_skew_value var_a; router.cb.din[3] = 1’b1; // error (must be non-blocking) ##1 router.cb.din[3] <= var_a; clock var_a din[3] Statement executes here Variable expression evaluates Apply drive here Next statement executes
Sampling Synchronous Device Signals variable = interface.cb.signal; • No delay attribute (## num) • Variable is assigned the sampled value • Sampling of output signal is not allowed Examples: data[i] = router.cb.dout[7]; all_data = router.cb.dout; @(posedge router.cb.frameo_n[7]); $display(“router.cb.din = %b\n”, router.din);//error if(router.cb.din[3] == 1’b0) //error
Advancing Simulation Time • Asynchronous (Verilog coding style): #delay; @(negedge interface.signal); • Synchronous (advancing clock cycles): • Verilog coding style: @(posedge interface.clock_signal); repeat (10) @(posedge interface.clock_signal); • SystemVerilog coding style (clocking block): @(interface.clocking_block); repeat (10) @(interface.clocking_block); • Each clocking block specifies a clock signal and edge: interface router_io(input logic clock); clocking cb @(posedge clock); ... endclocking endinterface
Create SystemVerilog Harness File Configure Generator Coverage Transactor Self Check Transactor Driver Monitor DUT • Create harness file from router.test_top.v mv router.test_top.v router.test_top.sv module router_test_top; parameter simulation_cycle = 100; reg SystemClock ; wire reset_n ; wire clock ; wire [15:0] frame_n ; wire [15:0] valid_n ; wire [15:0] din ; wire [15:0] dout ; wire [15:0] busy_n ; wire [15:0] valido_n ; wire [15:0] frameo_n ; `ifdef SYNOPSYS_NTB ... `endif router dut( … ); initial begin SystemClock = 0 ; forever begin #(simulation_cycle/2) SystemClock = ~SystemClock ; end end endmodule Delete all wire declarations and all OpenVera stuff module router_test_top; parameter simulation_cycle = 100; reg SystemClock ; router dut( … ); initial begin SystemClock = 0 ; forever begin #(simulation_cycle/2) SystemClock = ~SystemClock ; end end endmodule router.test_top.sv router.test_top.sv
Complete Top Level Harness File • Instantiate test program and interface in harness file Instantiate interface Connect SystemClock to interface block router.test_top.sv module router_test_top; parameter simulation_cycle = 100; reg SystemClock ; router dut( .reset_n(reset_n), .clock(clock), .frame_n(frame_n), .valid_n(valid_n), .din(din), .dout(dout), .busy_n(busy_n), .valido_n(valido_n), .frameo_n(frameo_n)); initial begin SystemClock = 0 ; forever begin #(simulation_cycle/2) SystemClock = ~SystemClock ; end end endmodule module router_test_top; parameter simulation_cycle = 100; reg SystemClock; router_io top_io(SystemClock); router_test test(top_io); router dut(.reset_n(top_io.reset_n), .clock(top_io.clock), .frame_n(top_io.frame_n), .valid_n(top_io.valid_n), .din(top_io.din), .dout(top_io.dout), .busy_n(top_io.busy_n), .valido_n(top_io.valido_n), .frameo_n(top_io.frameo_n)); initial begin SystemClock = 0 ; forever begin #(simulation_cycle/2) SystemClock = ~SystemClock ; end end endmodule Instantiate test program Update DUT instantiation using interface connection
Compile RTL &Simulate w/ VCS NTB Compile HDL code: (generate simv simulation binary) > vcs –sverilog [-debug] router.test_top.sv \ router.tb.sv router.if.sv router.v Get vcs compiler switch summary: > vcs -help Simulate DUT with SystemVerilog testbench: (running simv) > ./simv Configure Generator Coverage Transactor Self Check Transactor Driver Monitor DUT router.tb.sv router.test_top.sv router.if.sv router.v