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The Global Food Crisis

The Global Food Crisis. By: Charity Lee. Geographic Question: What is the extent of the food deficit around the world, and how will our global problems effect the food deficit and vice versa. Current. http :// www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GWdYRdpW1g. Adding To Our Doom. Consequences.

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The Global Food Crisis

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  1. The Global Food Crisis

    By: Charity Lee Geographic Question: What is the extent of the food deficit around the world, and how will our global problems effect the food deficit and vice versa.
  2. Current http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GWdYRdpW1g
  3. Adding To Our Doom
  4. Consequences Increased Susceptibility to Disease Riots/ Violence/ Possible Anarchy Change in Economic Standings/ World Order
  5. Solutions Farming Fish/Sea Food Fast Food Hatcheries Population Regulations Energy Reduction
  6. Problems Obesity Job Losses Riots/Protests Increased Poverty
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