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Hermit kingdom is a pejorative term applied to any country or society which willfully walls itself off (metaphorically or physically) from the rest of the world. The Hermit Kingdom. Japanese aggression. Japanese annex Korea in 1910. What happened to Japan & Germany after WWII?. Germany .
Hermit kingdom is a pejorative term applied to any country or society which willfully walls itself off (metaphorically or physically) from the rest of the world. The Hermit Kingdom
Japan after WWII American occupation of Japan
Korea after WWII • The Heroes of WWII temporary occupy the country. • North Korea- the Soviets • South Korea- the U.S. • Temporary division at 38th Parallel
The Russians establish Kim Il-Sung as the leader of N. Korea
What happened when U.S. & Soviets left Korea! North Korea invades the South! • Kim Il- Sung invades South Korea to unite the peninsular! • Communists almost conquer the South!
Why did the U.S. get involved? • President Truman’s Policy of Containment!
President Truman sendsDouglas MacArthur as U.S. General in Korea!
Changes during Korean War • Red- N. Korean Troops • Blue- U.N./U.S. troops push towards China!
China enters Korean War! Mao Zedong had warned General MacArthur! China sent in 100,000 soldiers- China had turned communist in 1949. Chinese & Koreans push American’s back into South Korea-Stalemate
Korean War! • No parade or great welcoming home for the American war veterans. U.S. Korean & Chinese • 54,000 dead 1.5 million dead • 103,000 wounded
Troops on patrol at DMZ Today • 1 Million North Korean Troops on DMZ zone. • South Korean and U.S. troops are also at the DMZ!
Recent events between North & South Korea! • Click on hyper link above
Socialist Paradise?? • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) • Centralized Communist State- one-man, one- party dictatorship • Population: 22.7 Million • More than 1 million perished in famine in mid- 1990s. • 33% of pop. is undernourished; 23% of children under age of 5 are underweight. • Near total breakdown in public health system- very poor country! • Up to 200,000 unjustly imprisoned in Soviet style gulags- torture, rape and executions • Not enough electricity in country- black outs!
Facts about North Korea • More than 400,000 have died in political prison camps. • Up to 300,000 refugees are hiding in China. 80% are women, many of those end up sexually trafficked or forced into marriage. • Escape from North Korea is dangerous & life threatening. 2010 Harpo Productions, Inc.
STOP HERE • Next assignments • Frontline: Kim’s Nuclear Gamble • Huff Post- 2012, Images inside North Korea.
President Obama • 2009- Six- party negotiations have stalled! • President Obama supports U.N. sanctions & engagement with North Koreans. • U.S. & S. Korea- joint military exercises in area to stand firm against N. Korea. • Five Asian nations want to continue talks, they want to avoid an East Asian Arms Race!
Anti-war activists wearing masks of , take part in a rally, 2011 to demand peace talks between the two Koreas and the restart of six party talks!
Options? • Six party talks- slow and painful! • Military conflict? • Regime change?