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The Kingdom. Part 3 Concepts of the Kingdom. Summary: The Bible is about the King, His Kingdom & His kids! Kingdom: the government of a King; the King’s dominion (King- dom ) It’s the oldest form of government and the only one of “divine origin”.
Part 3 Concepts of the Kingdom
Summary: • The Bible is about the King, His Kingdom & His kids! • Kingdom: the government of a King; the King’s dominion (King-dom) • It’s the oldest form of government and the only one of “divine origin”.
God gave us a Kingdom and He made us rulers of it. (Gen 1:26) We lost it. We are forever looking for it. Jesus came to give it back! Here & now!! • Jesus is the King and He said “My Kingdom is not from this world.” His Kingdom on earth originated in Heaven.
Jesus’ government will never end. A government must have power & authority. Jesus had both-He gave it to us! • Man has different forms of government and although a democracy is the best form of civil govt.-
-one major defect is “majority rule”. Another is there are no “absolutes”-it can be changed with the culture. • America was built on rebellion against a kingdom. (Although, this was good in this case, it hinders our understandings of a kingdom.)
America’s dream and guiding principles of independence, self-determination and individuality are actually contrary to the Kingdom of God. • In God’s Kingdom, we are not subjects, but citizens. We are also the King’s children and co-heirs w/ Jesus.
We are ambassadors, representing the King here on earth. (Ambassadors must only speak what their gov’t believes, they cannot give their own opinion. It is illegal!) • Earth is a colony, Jesus the King has left the colony and gone back to the parent country (Heaven) and we now have all power & authority in the King’s name!
The Concept of King: • A King is never voted into power, He is a King by birthright. • A King’s authority is absolute and His word is law. • A King owns everything in His domain. • A King’s decree is unchanging. • A King chooses who will be a citizen.
The Concept of Lord • Every Kingdom must have a King and every King is automatically a “Lord”. • King refers to authority and Lord refers to ownership. • We do not make Jesus Lord of our life-He is Lord by creative rights. We must only acknowledge Him as Lord! (Owner)
1 Cor 6:19-20 “You are not your own; you have been bought at a price.” Gal 2:20 “It is no longer I who live, but Christ Who lives in me.” Luke 9:23 “If anyone comes after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me.”
Luke 6:46 “Why do you call Me “Lord, Lord”, and do not do what I say?” Jesus is either Lord of all, or He is not Lord atall!
The Concept of Territory • First thing God gave man was territory. (domain) • The management of the earth is totally up to us. This is not God’s domain. • Through prayer we invite God to act in our domain!
The Concept of Constitution • In a Kingdom, the constitution is the King’s covenant w/ His citizens and His Kingdom. • Will=“mind” and Testament=“written” • The Bible is the constitution of the Kingdom. • The words of the King become the law of the land.
The Concept of Law “The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.” Psalm 19:7 • God’s laws are loving, logical limits! • Hebrew “torah” meaning direction and instruction. • Greek “nomos” meaning assigned or “ethos” meaning custom. (nomos=norm)
God’s laws are suppose to be customary for us. (natural law) • In the Kingdom, God’s ways are the “norm”!
The Concept of Culture • Culture is basically the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular group of people. “For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.” Ephesians 5:8
Our values, priorities, behavior, standards, language, morality, ethics, social norm, dress, food, celebrations and relationships should all reflect our King and show the world we are part of a different Kingdom! Our lives should show forth: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Selah