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Web-based Services in Libraries 全球資訊網為本之圖書館服務

Web-based Services in Libraries 全球資訊網為本之圖書館服務. Kuang-hua Chen ,陳光華 khchen@ntu.edu.tw 臺灣大學圖書資訊學系 臺灣大學圖書館. Agenda. Internet Services Web 2.0? Web-based Information Services Library Services based on Web Techniques Experiences in National Taiwan University Lessons & Insights Conclusions.

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Web-based Services in Libraries 全球資訊網為本之圖書館服務

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  1. Web-based Services in Libraries全球資訊網為本之圖書館服務 Kuang-hua Chen,陳光華 khchen@ntu.edu.tw 臺灣大學圖書資訊學系 臺灣大學圖書館

  2. Agenda • Internet Services • Web 2.0? • Web-based Information Services • Library Services based on Web Techniques • Experiences in National Taiwan University • Lessons & Insights • Conclusions

  3. Internet Services • Primitive services • E-mail • FTP • Telnet • Usenet • World Wide Web (WWW) • Value-added services • From now on, services are based on Web • Search Engine • Subject Gateway (Subject Directory) • Informative services • Information Extraction • Information Summarization • Online Translation • Query & Answering

  4. Web 2.0? • Versions of Web? • Web 1.0? • Web 2.0? • The dynamic changes is the nature of web • Web is web • Web 2.0 as a conceptual innovation of Web may be good • Web 2.0 as a fashion for folk fellows may be good

  5. Web 2.0 • Techniques are not very new. • Model of participation is very different. • From modernism to post-modernism • From controlled publish to free publish • From authors to readers • From centralized to decentralized • Everyone is the author • Readers are authors; authors are readers

  6. Web-based Services • From viewpoint of system builders • A lot of de facto standards could be followed • CGI • ASP, JSP, Apache-MySQL-PHP, Perl, Python • Java, C# • ASP.NET • Ajax • Low cost in designing systems • From viewpoint of end users • Consistent user interface • Low learning curve

  7. Public Access Catalog • OPAC -> WebPAC • Many clicks -> one click • One library -> many libraries • One language -> Multiple languages

  8. Public Access Catalog • OPAC -> WebPAC • Many clicks -> one click • One library -> many libraries • One language -> Multiple languages

  9. 題名查詢結果:夜巡者

  10. Public Access Catalog • OPAC -> WebPAC • Many clicks -> one click • One library -> many libraries • One language -> Multiple languages

  11. Library Services Everywhere • Multiple reaches • From your desktop • Widget • From your favorite Blog • API • From your favorite Search Engine • Cooperation with Search Engine • Of course, from the Libraries' website

  12. Library Services Everywhere • Multiple reaches • From your desktop • Widget • From your favorite Blog • API • From your favorite Search Engine • Cooperation with Search Engine • Of course, from the Libraries' website

  13. Library Services Everywhere • Multiple reaches • From your desktop • Widget • From your favorite Blog • API • From your favorite Search Engine • Cooperation with Search Engine • Of course, from the Libraries' website

  14. So-called Web 2.0 Services • Newly Acquired Books • Featured New Books • University News Services • Gallery of University History

  15. <h2 class="modtitle"> <a class="delbox" href="#" onclick="return _del('41',32,'n_32=url%3Dhttp://www.netvibes.com/api/uwa/compile/google.php%253FmoduleUrl%253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fbeta.lib.ntu.edu.tw%25252FNTULIB.htm');"> </a> <a class="minbox" id="m_41_zippy" href="#" onclick="this.blur();return _zm('41', '32');return false;"></a> <a class="ddbox" id="DD_tg_41" href="#" onclick="_IG_DD_open(event,41);return false;"></a> <script> _IG_DD_create(41, [ ["Edit settings","","_edit(41)"], ["Send to a friend","","_mailWindow(\x26#39;http://www.google.com/ig/mailgadget?hl\x3den\x26amp;moduleurl\x3dhttp://www.netvibes.com/api/uwa/compile/google.php%3FmoduleUrl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fbeta.lib.ntu.edu.tw%252FNTULIB.htm\x26#39;)"], ["You might also like...","http://www.google.com/ig/directory?hl\x3den\x26amp;recommend\x3dhttp://www.netvibes.com/api/uwa/compile/google.php%3FmoduleUrl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fbeta.lib.ntu.edu.tw%252FNTULIB.htm",""], ["About this gadget","http://www.google.com/ig/directory?hl\x3den\x26amp;url\x3dhttp://www.netvibes.com/api/uwa/compile/google.php%3FmoduleUrl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fbeta.lib.ntu.edu.tw%252FNTULIB.htm",""] ]); </script> <div id="m_41_h"> <span id="m_41_title" class="modtitle_text">NTU Library Search</span> </div> <div class="meditbox"> <form id="m_41_form" onsubmit="return _fsetp(this,'41',32);"> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=95% align=center> <tr> <td colspan=1 align=right width="35%">Title</td> <td colspan=2 nowrap align=left width="65%"><input type="text" size="20" maxlen="200" id=m_41_0 name=m_41_up_NTUTitle value="" > </td> </tr> </table> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=95% align=center> <tr> <td colspan=2 nowrap align=left><br> <a href="http://www.google.com/ig/directory?hl=en&amp; url=http://www.netvibes.com/api/uwa/compile/google.php%3FmoduleUrl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fbeta.lib.ntu.edu.tw%252FNTULIB.htm&amp;synd=ig"> <font size=-1 color=#7777cc>About this gadget</font> </a> </td> <td colspan=1 align=right valign=bottom><input id=m_41_numfields type=hidden value=1> <input id=save_41 class=submitbtn type=submit value="Save"> <input type=button value="Cancel" onclick="return _cedit('41')"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> </h2>

  16. Users' Participation via Legacy Interface • Bulletin Board System • PTT • 目前在 Ptt/Ptt2 註冊的人數超過六十萬人,尖峰時段兩站容納超過七萬名使用者同時上線,擁有超過兩萬個不同主題的看板,每日有上萬篇的新文章被發表以及閱讀,並且擁有前輩朋友留下數量可觀的資料文件。

  17. need a framework to integrate various library services?

  18. Portal for Library Users –PAGE@NTU

  19. Lessons • Technology is not the key issue in library services • Content is much more important • However, technology will continuously change the way and the form of services • Carefully redesign your services based on new technology

  20. Insights • Add new features on the current services • Increase access points to library services • Develop special services for the target users • A portal for all library services + • Many different access points for certain library services • Be a knowledge center rather than a data provider

  21. Push out to the world PAGE@NTU Scholars Gateway Web Archive NTUR WebPAC, MetaCat Others Library Holdings Other Resources Free Global Academic Resources Full-text Online Papers Related Websites Pull in to the NTU A Knowledge Center F e a t u r e M o d u l e s

  22. Conclusions • Content is more important than technology • Web interface is de facto standard for services • Legacy interfaces still have their roles • Users' participation are the core considerations • Increase access paths for library services • Be a knowledge center

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