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District of Columbia Public Schools. FY 2012 Proposed Budget May 3, 2011. FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget. FY 2012 Overview – Great Schools. DCPS increases its commitment to Great Schools in FY 2012 by Increasing funding to schools by $72 million;
District of Columbia Public Schools FY 2012 Proposed BudgetMay 3, 2011
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget FY 2012 Overview – Great Schools DCPS increases its commitment to Great Schools in FY 2012 by • Increasing funding to schools by $72 million; • Ensuring all schools were funded at least at $8,400 per pupil; • Funding the first phase of our academic plan and provides a curricula, assessment and supporting materials, aligned to the Common Core; • Fully funding special education; and • Establishing almost 300 new early childhood education seats at 15 schools.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget FY 2012 Overview – Great People DCPS increases its support for great people in FY 2012 by: • Fully funding the WTU contract including performance pay for highly effective teachers; • Providing salary increases to principals to help attract and retain great school leaders; • Supporting improved professional development; and • Creating a professional development technology platform.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget FY 2012 Overview – Great Connections DCPS ensures that we strengthen our connection to parents and the community by: • Funding the plan established through the community-driven process to improve schools in Ward 6 and • Beginning a community planning process for schools in two additional communities. These plans ensure that stakeholders work together to improve neighborhood schools through a model that we will replicate in other wards in the upcoming year.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Budget Overview DCPS strives to provide clarity and transparency in its budgeting, unfortunately, the budget book is not always the best tool for this. To help clarify DCPS’ budget, we will explain: • DCPS’ overall FY 2012 budget compared to the current FY11 budget. • Local fund increase for DCPS over FY 2011 levels. • Levels of funding dedicated to schools compared to central office functions. • School budget allocations. • Key challenges presented in our Budget book. • Areas where we changed funding levels and why.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Comparison of FY 2011 and FY 2012 Overall Budgets • Based on the budget book, the proposed FY 2012 DCPS budget represents a $77 million increase over the FY 2011 allocation. • However, the year to date FY 2011 allocation is $823 million. Thus the increase from FY 2011 to FY 2012 is only $3.7 million. • The original proposed FY 2011 budget does not account for funding for the $31 million special education reserve, $38 million in private funds mostly to support the WTU contract, or significant increases in Intra-District funding.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget How is DCPS’ FY 2012 Local Budget Calculated? DCPS’ local funds are derived from the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula (UPSFF). These funds are used to support all district functions. Funding through the UPSFF is derived using three factors: • Student Enrollment • A UPSFF foundation amount; and • Added weights for ELL, SPED, and Summer School Students Changes in these three factors account for DCPS’ increase of $67 million in local funds between FY 2011 and FY 2012.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget How much does DCPS spend on Central Administration? In FY 2012, with a limited budget, DCPS: • Increased funding directly to schools and • Reduced Central Administration budget by $3.5 million. Note DCPS OCFO uses program codes to determine which functions are central administration functions, which are school support functions, and which are school functions.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget School and Central Office FTEs In FY 2012, DCPS reduced Central Administration positions by 66 and maintained 99% of school-based positions. 1Reduction in WTU members anticipated through regular attrition. Final FY 2012 count will depend on unplaced effective excess WTU members. 2The FY 11 approved count included in the FY 12 budget book (7,807) was finalized prior to a “clean up” of PeopleSoft completed by DCPS-OCFO in summer 2010.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Creating School Budget Allocations *Special Programming may include early childhood expansion, specialty programs or CSM Full status
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Factors Impacting Individual School Budget Allocations • No two schools serve the exact same population. Even if the schools have the same number of students, the following factors affect the allocation from which a school can build its budget: • Projected Student Enrollment • Special Education Student Population • English Language Learner (ELL) Population • Number of Early Childhood Education classrooms • Number of Free and Reduced Meal Forms Submitted • School Configurations (Elementary, K-8 Model School, Middle School or High School) • Specialty School Status • Designation within Comprehensive Staffing Model (CSM Full or Regular)
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Major Driver: Student EnrollmentDCPS Projects 47,247 Students in FY 12 The FY 12 projections are aligned with the number of students actually in school. The overall increase between the actual enrollment taken on February 1st (46,905) and the FY12 projected enrollment (47,247): 342 students. DCPS enrollment is up; student “loss” has reversed. We project an increase in PS, PK and Kindergarten of 586 students next year (over FY 11 audited numbers). Other grade levels that have show increases: 1 – 3, 6 – 8, adult education (STAY Programs)
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Major Driver: Student Enrollment (cont.)DCPS’ Enrollment Projections are Accurate FY 2010 projections were within 2 students FY 2011 projections were within 251 students. This loss is entirely accounted for by variance in STAY attendance.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget DCPS Provides Funding, Schools Identify Positions to Be Funded We build school allocations by providing the average salary of a position to a school based upon its grade configuration, size and “CSM” (comprehensive staffing model) status. Schools then receive a dollar allocation from which they can identify the specific positions and programs necessary to support their local school needs. Core positions (*) can be changed only via a petition approved by the Chancellor. Schools do not need to submit petitions for “flexible” positions included in their allocation.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget DCPS Goals in FY 12 School Budgeting • Move Closer to Equity. We ensured all schools had a minimum level of per student funding. We needed to remove “enhancements” that increased some budgets and add funding to others to achieve this base line. Resulting Changes: CSM Full Model, Per Pupil Funding Minimum to Large Schools • Preserve funding for classroom teachers when we could. Eliminate funding for non-classroom positions. Resulting Changes: Information Technology Positions, Non-Classroom Positions in CSM Full Model, Guidance Counselors/Mental Health Providers, Special Education Coordinators and Instructional Coaches • Transparency. We wanted to be able to easily explain how allocations were created. Clear formulas except Special Education (driven by specific needs of students)
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Changes in FY 12 School Allocations • Eliminated the enhanced staffing provided to the CSM Full schools. CSM Full schools are funded more closely (but still slightly higher) than traditional elementary schools. • Reduced funding allocations for non-classroom positions such as information technology staff, instructional coaches and special education coordinators. Where funding was eliminated from the allocation for a specific position, the requirement that the school must have that position was also eliminated. • Increase student teacher allocation at high schools (grades 9-12) from 1:20 to 1:22. We avoided any increase to middle grades and a proposal to increase to 1:25 at the high school level. • Reviewed per pupil spending by school and where schools fell below $8,400 per student we added funds for the school to reach $8,400.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Impact of Changes on Schools
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Change to FY 12 Staffing Allocation: Align CSM Full Model with Other SchoolsSummary of CSM Changes Elementary Average: $10,577 PK-8 Average: $11,102 CSM Full Average: $11,409 Middle School Average: $11,084 High School Comprehensive Average: $9,764 High School Specialty Average: $9,917 CSM Full schools will feel an immediate and significant reduction from their current staffing (estimated at $380K). However, their new allocation is aligned with the remaining elementary schools.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Savings Associated with Reduced CSM Full Allocation On average, each CSM Full school will lose at least four full positions, an allocation for an AP and NPS funding. This is in addition to other changes applied to schools at that grade level (e.g. increased class size at middle and high schools). The loss will be even greater if the CSM Full is also projected to lose students in FY 12. *The AP allocation is based upon the student population and may not be a full FTE. ** The NPS reduction is the difference between 3.5% and 4% of the school budget.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Per Pupil Funding Minimum The cost of maintaining small schools and expanding early childhood programs often falls disproportionately on our large schools and is reflected in the fact that our largest schools often spend the least per student. Without any adjustment, may of these larger schools lose funding (or do not receive funds to support new students) while they are gaining students and often outperforming other schools. PPFM is defined as that amount funding needed to increase the school’s per pupil spend to $8,400 per student. With the PPFM, these schools are still ranked the lowest in per student spend among similar schools.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Budget Book Corrections and Adjustments Due to three factors outside of The Office of Budget and Planning’s control, some information provided in the District of Columbia Public Schools section of the budget book requires additional explanation. • Reprogramming. Allocations within the FY 2011 budget do not reflect the final spending levels for DCPS. Because DCPS developed its FY 2011 budget prior to ratification of the WTU contract, we had to make significant changes to the budget through a reprogramming. This reprogramming ensured that the WTU contract as well as key DCPS functions were fully funded. As a result, FY 2011 budget levels have changed substantially. • Technical Adjustment. DCPS has submitted a technical adjustment for Table GAO-5. This table inaccurately states that DCPS received a $44 million increase in local funds due to enrollment increases. These increases are accounted for in the UPSFF as previously explained (slide 4). • Technical Adjustment – Special Education. Table GAO-4 (p. D-8) indicates FY 12 proposed special education spending is $113.5M. The correct total is $160M. DCPS has submitted a technical adjustment to address this discrepancy. • PeopleSoft Clean Up. DCPS transitioned to the PeopleSoft personnel management system in April 2009. Prior to that date DCPS did not effectively maintain position control or budget all staff appropriately. OCFO’s data clean up subsequent to the PeopleSoft transition ensured that FY 2012 personnel accounting is accurate (Table GAO-4). However, reliable comparable data for FY 2011 is not available.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Budget Book Corrections and Adjustments Continued Reprogramming Because DCPS’ pending FY 2011 reprogramming is not reflected in the FY 2012 Budget Book, it is easy to draw inaccurate conclusions about funding levels for individual programs. For example: • Table GA0-4 shows a reduction for security functions in FY 2012, however the FY 2011 column overstates DCPS’ final budget for security functions. • Table GA0-3 shows a $21 million increase in contractual services, however the FY 2011 column does not include full funding for DCPS’ food service, security, or technology contracts. DCPS has not budgeted for an increase in contractors in FY 2012. • Table GA0- 4 shows a $3.7 million reduction in Youth Engagement activities. This is not accurate. DCPS has budgeted for a modest decrease in personnel costs in the Office of Youth Engagement, but provides $4.6 million for the function in FY 2012. PeopleSoft Clean Up FY 2011 FTE counts provided in Table GA0-4 does not accurate reflect the number of FTEs in each activity, nor does it accurately represent the total number of DCPS employees. • DCPS’ total number of employees is going down slightly from FY 2011 to FY 2012 as shown earlier in this presentation (slide 6). • The number of employees in General Education, Early Childhood Education, and Special Education (activities 2100, 2200, and 3030) in FY 2011 are not accurate. • DCPS is reducing the number of school-based positions by less than 1%. • DCPS is maintaining a consistent number of WTU members and AFSCME members in FY 2012. • DCPS is increasing the number of early childhood education classrooms by 15. • DCPS is increasing support for special education.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Spending Trends -- Significant Changes in Program Level Due to tight budget constraints, DCPS had to make difficult decisions about which programs to fund and which to cut. • DCPS funded summer school at $3.8 million in FY 2012, the same amount budgeted for summer school in FY 2011. • DCPS funds after school at $5.1 million, a $7.8 million reduction from FY 2011 levels. The Evening Credit Recovery program is fully funded at $1.3 million. • For the first time in at least 4 years, budget includes $3 million for curriculum investment • Budget includes $2.6 million for textbook purchases. No purchases were made in FY 2011. • DCPS reduces funding for Parent Resource Centers. This acknowledges that the program, as currently conceived, has not been successful. In FY 2012 DCPS’ Office of Family and Community Engagement will reorganize to ensure that DCPS improves its parent engagement along with community engagement.
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Spending Trends -- Early Childhood Education Services Between FY 2011 and FY 2012, DCPS anticipates an increase in early childhood education services. DCPS will increase the number of Early Childhood Education classrooms by 15 (schools listed below) DCPS will increase the number of Early Childhood Education students by 271. Schools adding Early Childhood Education classrooms in FY 2012:
FY 2012 DCPS Proposed Budget Grant Funding DCPS is working to improve our draw down of grant funds in FY 2012. To date, DCPS has: Been granted approval of its FY 2011 consolidated grant application, clearing the way for intra-district reimbursements for major Title allocations (Title I, Title II, etc.). Submitted for reimbursement for $37.0 million in PS expenditures. Submitted for reimbursement for $4.4 million in NPS expenditures. DCPS is well ahead of last year’s schedule for reimbursements. Over the coming months, as expenditures are completed, DCPS will request reimbursement for an additional $64.9 million. This accounts for DCPS’ total available FY 2011 reimbursements of $106.3 million.