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The Renaissance Charter School. Collaborative School Governance Committee CEP 2011-2012 Overview. Goal Area – Academic Success.
The Renaissance Charter School Collaborative School Governance Committee CEP 2011-2012 Overview
Goal Area – Academic Success Objective 1.1 - Monitor and refine, as necessary, the curriculum and instructional strategies, as well as the assessment of student performance, based upon the TRCS Charter, its amendments and common core standards Objective 1.2 - On-going development and refinement of K-12 curriculum mapping, alignment and model lesson plan development. Objective 1.3 - On-going development of differentiated instructional strategies to better meet the needs of all students. Objective 1.3 - Continue the development of Individualized Learning Plans (ILP’s) for every student. Based on these ILP’s, create Classroom Instruction Plans (CIP’s) for each class. Goal 1 - January 2012 CSG Meeting All Renaissance Charter School (TRCS) students will demonstrate: • Continuous progress toward proficiency and excellence in reading and writing in the English language, and, • Competency in the understanding and application of mathematical computation and problem-solving, scientific reasoning and social, geographical, civic and world studies.
Objective 1.1: (ELA) (1a) TRCS will schedule diagnostic and interim exams to identify content and skills needing remediation. Strategy 1.1: (ELA) (1a) PLCs will schedule diagnostic, interim and summative assessments and administer assessments at least 3 times a year to inform instruction.
Strategy 1.1:(ELA continued) (1b) PLCs will familiarize each teacher with I-Ready program, diagnostic exams, interim exams, and summative assessments in order to administer and utilize program effectively. PLCs will analyze I-Ready program, diagnostic exams, interim exams, and summative assessments to identify areas of weakness in reading skills. Teachers will create and implement lessons that target skills needing remediation. Teachers will create an action plan. Teachers will group students according to targeted skills in order to identify at-risk students, Teachers will differentiate instruction, create small groups, and identify students needing tutoring. Teachers will conduct peer observations of lessons to improve instruction, identify differentiation strategies that are effective, and offer constructive feedback to improve student achievement. PLCs will provide warm and cool feedback of instruction. PLCs will provide professional development based on cool feedback. PLCs will revisit strategies mentioned above and continue process as needed. Objective 1.1: (ELA continued) (1b) TRCS will analyze data from diagnostic and interim exams to inform instruction.
Objective 1.1: (ELA continued) (1c) TRCS will provide students with support in reading and writing skills. Strategy 1.1: (ELA continued) (1c) In grades K-5, TRCS will use the F&P Leveling System to assess and address reading strengths and weakness. In middle school, a dually certified ELA and literacy specialist will provide remediation for reading and writing skills in Reading and Writing Lab. In middle school, teachers will revise the curriculum for Reading and Writing Labs to be better aligned with the standards covered on the state assessments In middle school, teachers will be provided weekly common planning time to align lessons with curriculum and Common Core Standards in order to addresses skills needing remediation. In grades K-12, all staff will use the Junior Great Book Series to provide students with the skills necessary to prepare them for college. Teachers will create SMART goals to address skills needing remediation in their PLCs.
Objective 1.1: (ELA continued) (1d) TRCS will provide parents with literacy workshops in order to reinforce content and skills being learned at school. Strategy 1.1: (ELA continued) (1d) Once every trimester, TRCS will provide parents with literacy skills workshops to reinforce content and skills. Parents will be notified of workshops at PTA as well as through emails and flyers.
Objective 1.1: (Math) (1a) TRCS will schedule diagnostic and interim exams to identify content and skills needing remediation. Strategy 1.1: (Math) (1a) PLCs will schedule diagnostic, interim and summative assessments and administer at least 3 times a year to inform instruction.
Strategy 1.1: (Math continued) (1b) PLCs will familiarize each teacher with I-Ready program, diagnostic exams, interim exams, and summative assessments in order to administer and utilize program effectively. PLCs will analyze I-Ready program, diagnostic exams, interim exams, and summative assessments to identify areas of weakness in math skills. Teachers will create and implement lessons that target areas of weakness. Teachers will create an action plan. Teachers will group students according to targeted skills in order to identify at-risk students, differentiate instruction, create small groups, and identify students needing tutoring. Teachers will conduct peer observation of lessons to improve instruction, identify differentiation strategies that are effective, and offer constructive feedback to improve student achievement. PLCs will provide warm and cool feedback of instruction. PLCs will provide professional development based on cool feedback. PLCs will revisit strategies mentioned above and continue process as needed. Objective 1.1: (Math continued) (1b) TRCS will analyze data from diagnostic and interim exams to inform instruction.
Objective 1.1: (Math continued) (1c) TRCS will provide students with support in math skills. (1d) TRCS will provide parents with math skills workshops in order to reinforce content and skills being learned at school. Strategy 1.1: (Math continued) (1c) In grades 2- 4, teachers will be trained in TERC to identify gaps in curriculum and create solutions to identify those gaps to improve instruction. In middle school, teachers will revise the curriculum for the Math Skills class to be better aligned with the standards covered on the state assessments. In middle school, teachers will be provided weekly common planning time to align lessons with curriculum and Common Core Standards in order to addresses skills needing remediation. Teachers will create SMART goals to address skills needing remediation in their PLCs. (1d) Once every trimester, TRCS will provide parents with literacy skills workshops to reinforce content and skills. Parents will be notified of workshops at PTA as well as through emails and flyers.
Goal Area – At Risk Students Goal 2 - January 2012 CSG Meeting To meet the academic, social/emotional and behavioral needs of at-risk students by securing resources, providing support programs and activities and following federal mandates including No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and Individuals with Disabilities Education ACT (IDEA) so that students meet TRCS academic performance measures. Objective 2.1 - Continue to implement a response-to-intervention program and assess its impact particularly in the areas of procedures for students identification, support, plan management, procedure/processes and exit criteria. The desired outcome is that students achieve TRCS academic performance measures. Objective 2.2 - Ensure all English Language Learners (ELL) and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) students make strong progress toward achieving TRCS academic performance measures and assess the impact of the school’s ELL program. Objective 2.2 - Ensure all special education students (IEPs and 504s) make strong academic progress toward TRCS academic performance measures and assess the impact of the school’s special education program.
Objective 2.1 (At-Risk): (1a) TRCS will identify and monitor at-risk students. (1b) TRCS will provide evidence-based interventions targeted to student needs. Strategy 2.1 (At-Risk): (1a) PLCs will schedule diagnostic, interim and summative assessments and administer assessments at least 3 times a year to inform instruction to identify at-risk students. Identified at-risk students will be monitored through RTI. (1b) PLCs will familiarize each teacher with I-Ready program, diagnostic exams, interim exams, and summative assessments in order to administer and utilize program effectively. PLCs will analyze I-Ready program, diagnostic exams, interim exams, and summative assessments to identify areas of weakness in reading skills. Teachers will create and implement lessons that target skills needing remediation. Teachers will create an action plan.
Objective 2.1 (At-Risk continued): (1b continued) TRCS will provide evidence-based interventions targeted to student needs. Strategy 2.1 (At-Risk continued): In grades K-5, TRCS will use the F&P Leveling System to assess and address reading strengths and weakness. In middle school, a dually certified ELA and literacy specialist will provide remediation for reading and writing skills in Reading and Writing Lab. In middle school, teachers will revise the curriculum for Reading and Writing Labs to be better aligned with the standards covered on the state assessments In middle school, teachers will be provided weekly common planning time to align lessons with curriculum and Common Core Standards in order to addresses skills needing remediation. In grades K-12, all staff will use the Junior Great Book Series to provide students with the skills necessary to prepare them for college.
Strategy 2.1 (At-Risk continued): Teachers will create SMART goals to address skills needing remediation in their PLCs. Teachers will group students according to targeted skills in order to identify at-risk students, differentiate instruction, create small groups, and identify students needing tutoring. Teachers will conduct peer observation of lessons to improve instruction, identify differentiation strategies that are effective, and offer constructive feedback to improve student achievement. PLCs will provide warm and cool feedback of instruction. PLCs will provide professional development based on cool feedback. Objective 2.1 (At-Risk continued): (1b continued) TRCS will provide evidence-based interventions targeted to student needs.
Objective 2.1 (At-Risk continued): (1b continued) TRCS will provide evidence-based interventions targeted to student needs. Strategy 2.1 (At-Risk continued): PLCs will revisit strategies mentioned above and continue process as needed. In grades 2- 4, teachers will be trained in TERC to identify gaps in curriculum and create solutions to identify those gaps to improve instruction. In middle school, teachers will revise the curriculum for the Math Skills class to be better aligned with the standards covered on the state assessments. In middle school, teachers will be provided weekly common planning time to align lessons with curriculum and Common Core Standards in order to addresses skills needing remediation.
Goal Area – Professional Development and Staff Collaboration Goal 3 – Guide and support all staff members, in our collaborative environment. With professional development resources, as they implement changes to their teaching practices to improve and standardize our school-wide educational processes among all faculty. Objective 3.1 – Review, revise, implement and assess the impact of the school’s professional development plan which includes: • supporting teachers in their efforts to help K-12 students improve their academic performance and be college-ready, including tailored instruction for students with disabilities and special learning needs, • stimulating motivation among students to be responsible and respectful learners, • ensuring the school maintains a low drop-out rate and, • training teachers to integrate technology into curriculum and instruction to improve teaching, learning and technological literacy.
Objective 3.2 – Establish, implement and assess the impact of the school’s support for new teachers and continue professional development activities for them which embrace our Charter’s professional development plan and required sate and federal guidelines. Objective 3.3 – Continue and expand the use of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to support student academic growth, reflective teacher practice, collaboration and inquiry-based discussions among faculty.
Goal 4 - February 2012 CSG Meeting To maintain a safe, comfortable and responsive school environment, where all demonstrate appropriate behavior as guided by: The TRCS Charter, NYSED Learning Standards, the TRCS School Safety Plan and related Emergency Management Plan and Quick Emergency Response Guide. Objective 4.1: Monitor the physical environment of the school building and ensure all plans, including the School Safety Plan, Emergency Management Plan and Quick Emergency Reference Guide are current. Goal Area – School Environment and Safety • Strategy 4.1: • Strategy: Renaissance has • assigned a REMS Project • Assistant to support all • REMS activities and • trainings. • Strategy: The School Safety • Plan, Emergency Management • Plan and Quick Emergency • Reference Guide are reviewed • and updated annually.
Goal Area – Parent Involvement Goal 5 – TRCS will review, revise as needed, and implement its Parent Involvement Policy to promote a strong partnership with parents and encourage their involvement in their children’s academic and social/emotional development. Objective 5.1 – Provide parent programs and services as outlined in the Consolidated Application, including those who are parents of English Language Learners. Objective 5.2 – Increase participation of parents in school activities and in the PTA. Objective 5.3 – Analyze the results of the parent opinion portion of the NYCDOE Learning Environment Survey and implement an improvement plan based on the survey results
Objective 6.1: Manage and annually update the school’s Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP). Strategy 6.1: Strategy: The CSG meets multiple times a year (October, November, January, February, March and May two hours in the evening) and for a full-day retreat in April to create, update and monitor the school’s CEP. Goal Area – Organizational ViabilityGoal 6 - February 2012 CSG Meeting Continue the demonstration of sound governance, organizational management, planning, responsible decision-making and financial practices.
Objective 6.2 (Organizational Viability): Create and maintain annual budgets, which show the responsible and thoughtful allocation of resources to ensure effective school programs. Yearly balance sheets will show that the school is fiscally sound and maintains adequate cash reserves. Yearly completion and submission of certified financial audits will demonstrate that the school is responsible and prudent with public resources. Strategy 6.2 (Organizational Viability): Strategy: The Board has established a Finance and Audit Committee that monitors and approves the School’s budget. Strategy: The School’s Accountants meet monthly with the Director of Operation and Principal to review and monitor the school’s finances including compliance requirements from USDOE, NYSED, NYCDOE and IRS.
Objective 6.3: (Organizational Viability): TRCS will take appropriate to action to maintain its “Good Standing” for meeting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) as designed by NCLB, meeting attendance and admissions targets, meet all legal requirements, follow its established fiscal policies and remediate any areas in need of attention as determined by NYC-DOE and NYSED feedback. Objective 6.4: (Organizational Viability): Develop a transition process for the management of professional development, data management, instructional improvement and other initiatives included in the PICCS grant for after the federal funding ceases at the end of 2011-2012 Strategy 6.3: (Organizational Viability): Strategy: The School is currently meeting all of its established AYP, wait list, legal requirements and fiscal practice performance requirements. Strategy: The School has created multiple action plans to address performance targets not met in our second renewal charter. (See Annual Report) Strategy 6.4: (Organizational Viability): Strategy: TBD Based on information received concerning TIF Round 4.
Objective 6.5: (Organizational Viability): Review and modify the school’s staff evaluation plan to maintain compliance with applicable sate and federal requirements. Strategy 6.5: (Organizational Viability): Strategy: The School is currently working with the UFT to modify its existing teacher evaluation process to bring us into compliance with state law.
Goal Area - Technology Goal 7 - March 2012 CSG Meeting Provide for the continued use of technology in support of instruction, administration, and communication among stakeholders. Objective 7.1 – Review, revise, and implement a School-Wide Technology Plan Objective 7.2 – Complete an action research project which will lead to ways to increase technological literacy among our K-12 students.
Goal Area - Data Goal 8 – January 2012 CSG Meeting TRCS will maintain strong organizational viability by increasing the effective collection and use of student academic, behavioral, and demographic data. Objective 8.1 – Continue the implementation of a TRCS data management system and participate in related training, technical assistance and professional development so staff members will be able to analyze data, identify student strengths and areas in need of improvement and develop appropriate instructional interventions. Objective 8.2 – Each faculty member and administrator will have necessary access to database system. Objective 8.3 – Analyze data to drive instruction, and create differentiated curriculum plans.
Goal Area - Communication and Collaboration Objective 9.1 Complete and publicize research which • Identifies formal communications processes in place, • Identifies stakeholder understandings and perceptions, • Lists areas in need of improvement and culminates in a plan to address these areas Goal 9 - November 2011 CSG Meeting Review, revise as needed, implement and monitor communication and collaboration practices to ensure they promote clear dialogue among stakeholders and meet all charter commitments.
Objective 9.1.1:(Protocols) • (1a) TRCS will revise the teacher and student handbook that will provide our discipline code and communication protocol. • (1b) TRCS will improve communication with TRCS families by disseminating information via the internet. • (1c) TRCS will clearly define communication protocol for various constituencies (PLC, CSG, PTA, SWIPP, Student Government). • (1d) TRCS will define the role of student support in the school community. • (1e) TRCS will organize Parent/Teacher conferences that are safe, timely, and organized. Strategy 9.1.1: (Protocols) • (1a)We have yet to devise a strategy for revision of the teacher and student handbook. • (1b) Improve calendar/announcements, student forms, absentee/attendance notices, and TRCS website (updated). • (1c) SMT provides professional development for various school leaders. Various school leaders will turnkey communication protocols in various constituency groups. • (1d) Develop more consistency and consequences for inappropriate student conduct among members of students support team, as defined in teacher and student handbook. Director of School Culture will implement anti-bullying program (including new federal guidelines). • (1e) Revisit advisory/point person model.
Objective 9.1.2: (Student Government) • (2a) TRCS will get communication flowing between the student governments of each grade. • (2b) TRCS will improve communication between student government and CSG, PTA, and SMT. • (2c) TRCS will let all students know what's going on. • (2d) TRCS will provide anti-bullying training for students and teachers. Strategy 9.1.2: (Student Government) • (2a) Create out-of-school forums, especially electronic [e.g., blogs (each secretary keeps it bite-sized), Utilize email blasts (students would sign up, which creates accountability) • (2b) Have tea with the principal. Utilize Survey Monkey (suggestions, positive reinforcement, complaints) • (2c) Add fun and community feel to meetings. Implement a what's-on-your-mind drop-box. Create a student government retreat. • (2d) Define insubordination. Provide a neutral adult.
Strategy 9.1.3: (CSG/SWIPP) • (3a) Representatives are given the chance to add new business to CSG agenda. Agenda requests are made far enough in advance of meeting. • (3b) We have yet to devise a strategy for this. Objective 9.1.3: (CSG/SWIPP) • (3a)The SWIPP committee will provide a new business section for school-wide issues. • (3b)The SWIPP committee will be called in when determination of appropriate issue is needed.
Objective 9.1.4: (PTA) • (4a) PTA will improve communication between teaching and learning coordinator and cluster representatives via email. • (4b) PTA will post agenda in TRCS showcase window immediately. • (4c) PTA will create a Face book page. • (4d) PTA will use a phone application for TRCS agenda. • (4e) TRCS will give announcements to students at end of day instead of beginning of day. • (4f) Activities will be provided for students during PTA meetings • (4g) Community service opportunities will be provided for upper grades. • (4h) TRCS will get more involvement from parents, students, and teachers with PTA. Strategy 9.1.4: (PTA) • (4a) Cluster representatives commit to coming to PTA. Teachers and staff members attend PTA meetings. • (4b) We have yet to devise a strategy for this. • (4c) We have yet to devise a strategy for this. • (4d) We have yet to devise a strategy for this. • (4e) We have yet to devise a strategy for this. • (4f) Films, fundraising opportunity (each grade once a month), Showcase art and artwork. • (4g) We have yet to devise a strategy for this. • (4h) Give students the opportunity to run fundraisers and sponsor trips. Students can present events at PTA.
Goal Area – Renaissance Person and Global Competencies Goal 10 – May 2012 CSG Retreat Develop the charter commitment to stimulate an increased sense of a “Renaissance Person” within each student, which is based on shared values, promotes leadership, and encourages community, cultural and global literacy and responsibility. Objective 10.1 – Complete and publicize research which identifies the shared values at TRCS, leadership attributes and how they may be learned and practiced among our students and the necessary global competencies our students will need to be successful at Renaissance and beyond.