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20th Directors-General Meeting for Civil Protection Joint Session of the Member States of the European Union, of the European Economic Area, the candidate countries and the potential candidate countries of the Western Balkans. Branko Dervodel, Deputy Director General,
20th Directors-General Meeting for Civil Protection Joint Session of the Member States of the European Union, of the European Economic Area, the candidate countries and the potential candidate countries of the Western Balkans Branko Dervodel, Deputy Director General, Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief
One of the priorities: Cooperation with the candidate countries and the potential candidate countries of the Western Balkans Joint effort of the European Commission and the Presidency, supported by all EU Member States High interest in participation by the candidate countries and the potential candidate countries of the Western Balkans Priorities in the field of civil protectionin the first half of 2008
Countries in the Western Balkans are candidate and potential candidate countries - closer integration and gradual association with the EU civil protection instruments/activities is needed Devastating wild fires and floods in South-Eastern Europe in 2007 Need for further development of national disaster management systems Enhanced bilateral and regional cooperation (DPPI – Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative) Cooperation with the Western Balkans- Background
Civil Protection Financial Instrument (2007/162/EC, Euratom) Recast of the Civil Protection Mechanism (2007/779/EC, Euratom) Possibilities for participation and cooperation with candidate countries and third countries (potential candidate countries) CommissionCommunication:Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2007-2008 (COM [2007]663), 6 Nov 2007) Commission Communication:Western Balkans: Enhancing the European perspective, (COM(2008)127), 5 March 2008 Relevant documents (1)
General Framework for EU Cooperation with candidate countries and Western Balkan countries in the field of civil protection: Roadmap of activities under the Slovenian Presidency; Information Note Presidency/Commission Note - Outcomes of the Seminar Strengthening cooperation with Candidate countries and Western Balkan Countries in the field of Civil Protection ("Bled Initiative”) Brdo Presidency Statement: New focus on the Western Balkans, 29 March 2008 Council Conclusions (GAERC) on Western Balkans, 28 April – disaster prevention, preparedness and response included Relevant documents (2)
Council Conclusions on cooperation with the candidate countries and potential candidate countries of the Western Balkans in the field of Civil Protection – to be adopted in June 2008 (doc. 9199/08) Relevant documents (3)
Main events • Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection • 24-26 February 2008, Bled, Slovenia • Joint session of the Directors-General for Civil Protection from EU Member States, EEA Countries, the candidate countries and potential candidate countries of the Western Balkans • 19 May 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Regional cooperation • Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Preparedness and Prevention in the South-Eastern Europe, 9 April 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria • Joint Ministerial Statement • Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative from South Eastern Europe(from 2000 on ) – MOU signed in 2007, Secretariat in Sarajevo • Disaster Management Training Programme • Projects (hydromed, trilateral fire-figting unit etc.)
Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection - Aims • Facilitate closer integration of the candidate countries into the Community Civil Protection Mechanism and Financial Instrument • Strengthen cooperation with the potential candidate countriesof the Western Balkans in the field of civil protection
Seminar - General information • 90 participants from: - 16 EU Member States - 3 Candidate Countries (Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey ) - 3 potential candidate countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro) - observing countries - EU institutions - international organizations (UN ISDR, WMO, Red Cross) - regional initiatives (Stability Pact for SEE, DPPISEE) - other (World Bank)
Seminar impact • Platform to gather for the first time EU Member States and the candidate countries and potential candidate countries of the Western Balkans to discuss civil protection issues • Underlined importance of closer cooperation with the candidate and potential candidate countries in the field of civil protection • Enhanced knowledge about EU civil protection instruments in candidate and potential candidate countries • Forum to identify possible areas for further cooperation to the benefit of all EU Member States, Candidate Countries and potential candidate countries in the Western Balkans
General conclusions and recommendations“BLED Initiative" • The cooperation with the candidate countries and potential candidate countries of the Western Balkans should be further elaborated and supported by the EU • Increased cooperation will help the countries: - to improve national disaster management systems - to gradually adhere to European standards of quality • Taking into account existing bilateral, regional and international cooperation activities - to promote coordination and complementarities
Identified priority areas 1. Cooperation in EU Civil Protection instruments (Civil Protection Mechanism and Financial Instrument)2. Facilitating the provision of mutual assistance3. Training, exercises, exchange of experts4. Early warning systems and emergency call number 112 5. Supporting the candidate and potential candidate countries and regional capacity development6. Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) 7. Comprehensive Programme
Further activities • Comprehensive EU programme on cooperation with the candidate and potential candidate countries in the field of civil protection • Support to regional cooperation (through the DPPI SEE) • - Advisory Board • - Seminar on Civil Protection in the EU, autumn 2008, jointly organized • by the European Commission and Slovenia • Cooperation with international actors, bilateral activities - synergies and complementarities in the development of capacities across the region
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