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RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION. Liza Guerrero Data Research and Compliance Administrator. Producing Excellence!. What is RTI?. Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tiered approach to providing instruction, services, and intervention at increasing levels of intensity to struggling learners.

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  1. RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION Liza Guerrero Data Research and Compliance Administrator Producing Excellence!

  2. What is RTI? • Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tiered approach to providing instruction, services, and intervention at increasing levels of intensity to struggling learners. • RTI provides framework for: • PREVENTION of learning difficulties • INTERVENTION when students do not learn at the expected rate for grade level • IDENTIFICATION of students who need intensive interventions in addition to quality instruction in the regular classroom

  3. Why RTI? • The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 require districts and campuses to provide additional support for struggling students at the earliest signs of difficulty. • IDEA 2004 requires general education to monitor and measure a student’s response to an individualized intervention plan in the general education classroom.

  4. Why RTI? • The purpose of RTI is to provide… • Quality instruction to ALL students • Focused interventions for students who struggle • Frequent monitoring of each student’s response to the instruction and focused interventions

  5. RTI Essential System Components • High-quality instruction for all students, demonstrated through scientific research and evidence-based practice to produce high rates of learning for most students • Universal screening of all students with periodic monitoring of students’ progress in the curriculum • Interventions for struggling learners provided at increasing levels of intensity and matched to individual student need

  6. RTI Essential System Components • An integrated system of assessment and data collection for identification of students struggling to meet academic and behavioral expectations • Mechanisms for monitoring students’ learning rates and levels of performance and using that information in ongoing problem solving and decision making • An approach for determining which students need additional help and about the intensity and likely duration of interventions, based on each student’s response to instruction across multiple tiers of intervention (identification)

  7. What does RTI look like?

  8. Tier 1: Core Instruction • Core instruction for all students • Should fully meet the needs of 80% to 90 of students • Ongoing universal screening (3 times per year in JISD)

  9. Tier 2: Targeted Group Intervention • Students identified as at-risk, performing below expected levels or needing specific support to make adequate progress, in addition to Tier 1 instruction • Interventions can be done in small groups • Meets the needs of 5% to 15% of students • Requires frequent progress monitoring (minimum monthly)

  10. Tier 3: Intensive, Individualized Intervention • Students who continue to struggle without measurable progress after Tier 2 intervention • Increase in frequency and duration of intervention • Interventions is usually individualized • Meets the needs of 2% to 5% of students • Requires more frequent progress monitoring (minimum weekly)


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