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Explore how Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBA) and Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIP) can replace punishment and suspension with proactive interventions to improve student behavior and outcomes. Understand the philosophy, purpose, state regulations, and student involvement in the FBA/BIP process. Discover the importance of baseline data, progress monitoring, and student resistance to interventions. Learn about developing targeted behaviors, identifying triggers, determining functions, and implementing personalized interventions. Embrace a continuum of behavioral interventions to support student success.
RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavioral Intervention Plans (FBA/BIP) LARRY SCOTT School Psychologist Ken-Ton School District
Punishment & Suspension • There is no evidence that suspension works- it has been ineffective in changing behavior, it often only worsens behavior • Long-term suspension leads to negative attitudes toward school, poor attendance / work performance, and negative perception of teachers • Suspension is associated with increased defiance, more severe problem behavior, school failure and drop out, and contact with the juvenile justice system
Punishment & Suspension • Black and malestudents are historically overrepresented in suspensions and expulsions • Males are at least twice as likely to be suspended and expelled • Many studies show inequality in disciplinary responses and consequences: Black and male students are more likely to be suspended and more harshly for similar offenses • 66% of Blackmale students who received free/reduced lunch and were in special education were suspended at least once, only 2% of White females who paid for lunch and in regular ed. were suspended (Raffaele Mendez, 2003) • We need to explore alternative approaches proven to work: cognitive-behavioral and restorative justice
Philosophy & Purpose of FBA/BIP • To better understand the function of a student’s behavior in a school/classroom environment. • Environmental/situational factors create and maintain problem behavior. • All behavior serves a function or purpose in an environment, setting, or situation. • To establish systemic interventions to change how a student interacts with the environment and replace problem behavior with pro-social behavior • The FBA & BIP should be viewed as a single, continuous process. • The FBA/BIP report is a “living document” which is not fixed and can be changed. • Intervention should address the function of problem behavior.
State Regulations An FBA/BIP must be considered for students with a disability or for students suspected of disability when: • The student displays persistent behavior that impedes his or her learning or that of others, despite consistently implemented general school-wide and classroom-wide interventions. • Behavior places student or others at risk of harm or injury. • More-restrictive placement as a result of behavior is being considered. • Multiple days of suspension. • If manifestation is found in a hearing. * Parent consent must be obtained to conduct an FBA/BIP
2006 State Amendments Baseline Data • An FBA must include quantitative data that can be used to measure progress of behavior and effectiveness of interventions. • Must include frequency, duration, intensity, and/or latency of behavior across activities, settings, people, and times of day. Progress Monitoring • A BIP must include progress monitoring of the frequency, duration, and intensity of targeted behaviors and behavioral interventions at scheduled intervals. • Results should be documented and reported to student’s parents and CSE. Student Involvement • Student must be involved in the BIP process (Interview, Reinforcement Survey, Motivation Assessment, Interest Survey, Behavior Contract…)
Response to Intervention (RTI) • State regulations on FBA/BIP encompass an RTI approach. Continuum of Behavioral Interventions: Individualized Systems for HIGH-Risk Behavior 5% Specialized Group Systems for At-Risk Behavior 15% School- / Classroom-wide Systems 80% of students
Resistance to Intervention • Previous approaches (i.e. formal assessment) to classifying students with emotional/behavioral needs have been found to be highly unreliable, invalid, and impractical for intervention (Gersham, 1992). • “A lack of change in target behaviors as a function of intervention. Given that the goal of all interventions is to produce a discrepancy between baseline and post-intervention levels of performance, the failure to produce such a discrepancy can be taken as partial evidence for classification (Gresham, 1992).
Limitations to FBA/BIP • Poor collaboration and follow through from home. • Poor collaboration and follow through with community-based professionals. • Severe mental illness that is untreated or mistreated. • Substance abuse and illegal activity. • The Human Factor
FBA/BIP Flow Chart Identify Target Behaviors Collect Baseline Data Determine Triggers and Consequences Determine Function of Behavior Develop Hypothesis Develop and Implement Behavioral Interventions Monitor Progress
Target Behaviors • Specifically identify two of the most problematic behaviors that you want to change. • Must be well-defined, observable, and measurable. • Be objective and avoid opinion statements and personal feelings. • The “stranger test” • Ex. – Johnny is violent (vs.) Johnny punches, kicks, throws objects, bites, destroys objects, spits…)
Collecting Baseline Data Think of data as asking a “how” question: How much, how often, how long, how many… 2 Broad Types of Data Collection: 1. Event Recording and Timed-Interval Recording-Tracking actual target behaviors through direct observation. • Gives most detailed information on behavior. • Requires time, staff, and resources. 2. Outcome Recording- Gathering data available through records (i.e. discipline referrals) and systematic interventions (i.e. classroom-wide behavioral programs). • All behavior produces a response or an outcome. Relative frequency, duration, and severity of target behaviors can be obtained by gathering available data in our schools.
Function of Behavior • Sensory/Perceptual • Gain Desired Item, Activity, Area • Escape/Avoidance • Attention/Control
Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) • FBA and BIP should be viewed as a unit. • FBA data assists the development and evaluation of BIP. They should be viewed as a single, continuous process rather than separate systems. • Interventions should address the various factors that affect a student.
Involving the Student & Intervention • Interview • Interest Inventory • Motivation Assessment • Reinforcement Survey • Behavior Contract • Individualized Behavioral Modification System • Daily/Weekly Report • Incentives: Earn Positive Social Experience • Connections Program • Sports Club • Counseling & Community Resources • Activity & Exercise
Progress Monitoring • Continue to collect data after implementing interventions to assess change in behavior and effectiveness of interventions. • Carefully document interventions implemented. Rule of Thumb:Document anything that you do more of or differently than with most students. • A behavior modification system can be developed in a way that measures target behaviors. • Establish evaluation schedule and team meeting time to assess/modify plan. • Keep parents informed and involved.
References • Gresham, F. M. (1992). Conceptualizing behavior disorders in terms of resistance to intervention. School Psychology Review, 20, 23-37. • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act – Amendments to Rules of the Board of Regents and Regulations of the Commissioner of Education (NYS), Part 200.1 (r), June 23, 2006. • Wright, J. (2006). www.jimwrightonline.com, www.interventioncentral.org