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“Connecting Terms of the New Message” Part 4 “Beyond the Token Age”. II THESSALONIANS 1:4 We get our reward in you, the chosen of God, and our strength comes from your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure:
“Connecting Terms of the New Message” Part 4 “Beyond the Token Age”
II THESSALONIANS 1:4 We get our reward in you, the chosen of God, and our strength comes from your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure: II THESSALONIANS 1:5 It is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, and you are counted worthy of the kingdom of Godthat you are suffering for:
Terms of an anointed message can free your understanding or bind you in confusion. Terms have a two edged sword and can quickly bring you to life or death depending on your Throne Room within. If Christ has taken the throne room then you will quickly turn to the Word when you see and hear the message for your day. If Satan, the human spirit, is sitting in that throne room you will not pass through the veils that he has created in your carnal mind.
Think of the two messages of Jesus Christ and Peter and that should say all that is required to understand terms. Jesus said, “Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost”, and Peter said, “Be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ.” Look at that simple revelation of terms and then look at the confusion across the world about those terms.
"The Token Age" term was used to describe what age the true church was living in at that present time. "Token" was used to help the Bride recognize Her day. Being espoused to her Husband she needed a Token, a Ring, or a Staff to understand his love. We are beyond that interval of the Son of Man now and we have the Life Manifested in this “Revelation Age”. We are not waiting to use The Token. We have boarded the train and displayed our Token.
We are back now in the White Horse of Authority. We are now in the Return Ministry from Sunset Mountain and the Chief Rider is Jesus Christ as he is enthroned in the Son of David and has called his Wife to sit in his Throne with him! There are a few places that this term is used in the Bible, and also used in Brother Branham's messages. The "Token Age" was the Bride attribute.
We have now transitioned into the “Age of Maturity” wherein the Wife of Christ is on display in her Kingdom. Moving through the Token Age was a work of God’s grace by supplying us with what was needed in mediation and intercession. The propitiation of our redeemer was enough and he put it in our hand to board the train. Look at the words of William Branham and how he identifies us in his message:
“THE TOKEN AGE” TOKEN_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-19 SUNDAY_63-0901M 89 There's only one thing I am responsible: is to preach it. It's God's business to look out for that predestinated seed. They're going to be there, all because... They're going to be there each one of them, one with the other: the water age, the blood age, and NOW THE TOKEN AGE of the Holy Ghost.
Now we can add to that and say, “And the “Age of Maturity”, the Son of David Age or the Third Testament. In the days of Moses, when the people were in Goshen, the last plague was manifested, and it was time for deliverance. Moses had only one thing for the people to do in order for the firstborn to escape death. He said that a “Token" of lambs blood must be applied to the door-post and lentils of every house wherein there was firstborn living.
The death Angel passed over the firstborn of every creature if the blood was applied. The death angel held no favorites. He would strike any of Israel's firstborn as quickly as Egypt’s if the blood was not applied. Everyone that was in the land was subject to that death angel. Provisions were made for the people of God. It was a way to bypass the death angel! Their way out was to unite with the word of their prophet, Moses, and do as he said.
It wasn’t lamb’s blood that Israel came under the protection of in that day. It was hearing the prophet Moses, accepting what he said, and acting upon what he said. Otherwise every firstborn male child died. Had Pharaoh listened to Moses that night and told Egypt to strike lamb’s blood on the doors of their house they would have all been bypassed too.
However, the word of Moses was rejected by Egypt and they paid the consequences of not listening to a prophet of God in the land. It is always obedience to the Word of the Day that makes the difference. Adam told Cain, “Do as your brother Abel and your sacrifice will be accepted.” However, sin was at the door of Cain – he didn’t believe.
It was the day of Israel’s deliverance. It was their Evening Time in Egypt. The Evening Time Message, the Token, was coming into existence. The Evening Seal was breaking to move them into greater light. That age is finished and we have been delivered out of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Now we moved into the Third Coming of Jesus Christ as that placement brought us back to earth in a return that enthroned us in the Son of David Ministry.
“THE EVENING TIME LIGHT - SEAL” TOKEN_JEFF.IN V-2 N-19 SUNDAY_63-0901M 73 The lamb was killed in THE EVENING TIME, after being kept up for fourteen days. And then the lamb was killed and the blood was applied in the evening time. You get it? The token never come into existence until the evening time. And this is THE EVENING TIME OF THE AGE that we live in. This is the EVENING TIME FOR THE CHURCH.
This is THE EVENING TIME FOR ME. This is THE EVENING TIME OF MY MESSAGE. I'm dying. I'm going. I'm moving out, in THE EVENING TIME OF THE GOSPEL. And we've come up through justification, and so forth, but this is the time that the Token has to be applied. …It's got to be done. If it's ever going to be done, it's got to be done now. Because, we can see that the wrath is about ready to pass through the land, and everything from under that Token will perish.
It was also used in Joshua's ministry in the same manner. Just before Jericho faced destruction a harlot named Rahab was offered an escape for her and her family. But the way out is of no use, unless it is accepted. A pardon is not valid unless it is taken at face value. The whole church world today is looking for what they think God will look like, and are walking right by Him everyday.
They have their own ideas about how He will return, and what He will look like, and are not satisfied with Him dwelling in flesh again in the Third Coming of Jesus Christ. The message followers today are still looking to the future for the Coming of the Lord when he has already come, displayed his power in the call to the meeting in the air, and returned setting up his Kingdom in earth.
That harlot, (Rahab) had no good works and was condemned by the law of Moses, but there was a way. Even through she had all of her issues there was a way made to the predestinated seed of God. God will not forsake His own. Even if it all looks bad, and the world is putting the Wife of Christ in a vice, she always comes out victorious. The thread of scarlet itself did not save her, it was the obedience to the WILL OF GOD in Joshua that did it.
That Token Message was God's provided way for an entrance, a door of utterance, into the third coming of Jesus Christ. Don’t try to present a Token today and seek his presence and blessing. He is already married and we are his Queen with all of the authority that the Token brought to us in that little interval age of the Son of Man.
“HEADSHIP TO THE BODY” CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY_63-0728 517 And the Head is revealed, and come back with Eternal Life; and the Body must follow that, because it is Husband and Wife again. Amen! And as long as you're pregnated with the same Word, which is His Body; you've took His Body, become in Him, when you took the Word. Not the creed; the Word!
519 Don't you fail this. THE BODY, THEREFORE, CANNOT RECOGNIZE ANY OTHER HEADSHIP BUT THE WORD.Cause, THE HEAD IS CONNECTED WITH THE BODY, AND THE HEAD IS THE WORD, AND IT'S THE SAME WORD, ONE HEADSHIP!Therefore, denominations, and holy fathers, and everything else, is dead dung. There is one Headship, that's Christ. The Body only recognizes one thing, the Word!
“THE PROPHETIC CAPSTONE MINISTRY” 328-3 LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE - C.A.B CPT.9 We will have the Word once again as it was perfectly given, and perfectly understood in the days of Paul. I will tell you who will have it. It will be a prophet as thoroughly vindicated, or even more thoroughly vindicated than was any prophet in all the ages from Enoch to this day, because this man will of necessity haveTHE CAPSTONE PROPHETIC MINISTRY.
“THE TRIUMPHAL CAPSTONE” 152-3 SMYRNAEAN.CHURCH.AGE - C.A.B CPT.4 And once a true son of God hears the cry of the Spirit by the Word, he too, will realize who he is and run to the Great Prophet Eagle and be with Him forever seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. NOW COMES OUR TRIUMPHAL CAPSTONE on the Baptism with the Holy Ghost.
So now we see that something has to be met to actually enter into the revelation. In this case a lamb had to be killed, and the blood of that creature was the sign that the price had been paid. "If I see the BLOOD I will pass over you." Those Old Testament examples, are just a perfect type of what the New Testament Bride Body had to do at the time of deliverance.
The Bride Age sat in their own "Goshen" and was delivered by the promise. We are the product of that deliverance and we are matured, fully dressed for the journey, and arrayed in our Theophany; white robes of fine linen displayed in the meeting in the sky in 1963. We are eating the Word of God as hastily as we can, and our loins are girded.
The prophet sounded and said "The Token must be applied." Now in our message we are sounding the trumpet loud that the Kingdom is here, the Wife of Christ is matured and we are eating on the Feast with all readiness of Mind. The blood of the Lamb (church ages) are finished, the prophet introduced the Bride to the Husband, and the Life of Christ has produced exactly what the union was meant for in this day!
The Pale Horse and his Rider of death are no match now. The gates of hell can’t stand against Her. When the blood of the Lamb was applied, she was married and arrayed in her wedding garment. She responded to the Word Body by going to the Wedding supper in the sky and there is no writ or law that can reverse her growth.
The law of Liberty in Christ Jesus is living in Her and the law of death is removed. The only one that applies is "I'll pass over you"! The blood of God must be applied to your fleshly house. Death and the grave have no hold on your natural body when it has been born again. Think of how Rahab must have felt as Joshua was changing her position by the Word.
She was sentenced by every person in Jericho as filthy and in fact she was guilty. But nothing can overcome the power of the Word and its pure washing. Death was all around her but could not touch her. All it could do is make noise, and threaten, but it couldn’t reside in the same place as the Word. Joshua’s Word was greater than Rahab’s sin. Joshua’s mind stayed on the scarlet thread.
“THE RAPTURED AGE” THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE_65-1125 379 We're entering another age. WE'RE ENTERING THE RAPTURED AGE. …See? It's got to be Something, and It's moving right now, friend. It's on, the move is on for the Bride. That's the Truth. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD.
The message has went out, death and judgment is all over the land, and the Wife of Christ sets in the Kingdom of God protected by her Husband in the throne. It is not the “Token Age” any longer but it was a term that we were so blessed to come through in that Son of Man Age. And now we understand that we passed through the judgment untouched as we entered the Life of the Son of David Age, the Age of Maturity. "Blessed is he that hear the Words of the prophecy".
We, the Headship Age, came through the Token Age to Unite with the Word Body. The Token Age was the small interval of the Son of Man to pull all the straggled loose ends together, which were down thru the ages, and made us one great united transfigured Body of Christ. Wife of Christ, desperation has taken hold of us as we long for the Ones from the Cloud to catch their day and reign with us in this glorious and notable day of the Lord.
“THE HONED AGE” TRYING.TO.DO.GOD.A.SERVICE_65-1127B 179 Watch how close it gets to that RAZOR EDGE now between right and wrong. And remember, it'll fall on one or the other sides; and it comes down sometime like a HONED RAZOR between the difference of right and wrong. It's got to be every Word of God, not just almost every Word, but every Word.
And it's got down today, not to Lutherans, not to Methodists, not to Pentecostals, but to that HONED AGE, in THIS AGE where just the antichrist anointing is so perfectly, it would deceive the very Elected; they'll fall on the wrong side if they don't watch it, like a wedge.Watch. Be careful. We're not living in a Pentecostal age now. WE'RE PASSED THAT AGE.
When the Token is applied and you’ve’ been to Sunset Mountain dressed in fine linen then perfection abounds by revelation. Thank God for a perfect revelation that came through a kinsman redeemer. A person that can understand all of the terms, and roll them up and make them Christ progressing through Church, Bride, Wife and King, has a perfect understanding.