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Unit 6 The Pace of Life. College English Integrated Course 4. Text A Old Father Time becomes a Terror. 1. Before-reading. 2. Global reading. While-reading. 3. Post-reading. 4. Contents. Warm-up. Text-related information. Text organization. Further understanding.
Unit 6 The Pace of Life College English Integrated Course 4 Text AOld Father Time becomes a Terror
1 Before-reading 2 Global reading While-reading 3 Post-reading 4 Contents • Warm-up • Text-related information • Text organization • Further understanding • Language focus • Difficult sentences • Reading & writing strategies • Time for fun
Warm-up Video Q & A 1.Is the pace of Haikou life busy? Why? No, Haikounese enjoy many activities. 2.What can we explore the Haikou life? Surfing ; walk in the beach.
. Warm-up Video Q & A 1.Is the pace of Haikou life busy? Why? No, Haikounese enjoy many activities. 2.What can we explore the Haikou life? Surfing in the sea, walk in the beach, visit the Nanyang Building.
Text-related information Stress in Workplace The problem of stress is not likely to go away. As the pace of change continues to increase, the demands upon us will also increase. We will have to make more and faster decisions ; have to learn new skills, adapt to new situations, and cope with new threats. As a result we will find ourselves becoming more hostile, more anxious, more depressed, suffering more ill-health, and having more accidents. If we are to survive in an ever-accelerating world, it is imperative that we learn to cope with the increasing pressures of change. If we do not, breakdowns and burnouts will become the norm.
Text-organization Part division The author gives three reasons why we feel so time-pressed today. Part I (Para. 1- 11 ) Not every one is time-stressed, and in the case of Americans they have actually gained more free time in the past decade. Part II (Para. 12-18) The perception of time-famine has triggered a variety of reactions. Part III (Para. 19-23) The author pins down the crux (症结) of the problem and puts forward a remedy for the stress we feel. Part IV (Para. 24-28)
Further understanding For Part One Scanning Scan part one and find out three reasons why we feel so time-pressed today. And make a note of the transitional devices used there. Three reasons: 1.Technology 2.Information explosion 3.Rising prosperity Transitional devices: …… apart, …… a second reason …… (Para. 7) There is another reason…… (Para. 11)
Further understanding Blank-filling Facts are valuable evidence that enhances the persuasive force of an argumentative paper. In stating the first reason, the author lists a number of facts to try to convince the readers of the unfavorable effects technology has had on our lives. Now could you find some more supporting facts apart from the one given below, and put them down?
Further understanding 1.The motorcar brings more traffic problems than it promises to solve. 2.The aircraft creates a high demand for time-consuming journey that we never dreamed of. 3.The washing machine, contrary to our expectations, multiplies the hours spent on washing and ironing. 4. Instead of making our lives easier, technology goes so far as to cram extra work into our leisure time. 5.Technology produces the new burden of dealing with faxed, e-mails and voicemails. 6. Technology eats further into our time by forcing us to handle software glitches on computers and filling our heads with useless information from the Internet.
Further understanding For Part Two True or False 1)It is too convenient to say we are all lack of time. ---It is too genel to say we are all lacking in time. 2) About 50 percent of people will tell you they never have enough time to get things done. ---About 50 percent of unemployed or retired people will tell you they never have enough time to get things down. (F) (F) 3) In the U.K., working hours have risen only slightly in the last 10 years. 4) The gains of free time were unevenly distributed only because different groups of people gained different amount of free time. ---There is also a gender issue here. (T) (F)
Further understanding For Part 3 Table-Completion Fill in the chart with a variety of reactions provoked by the perception of the time famine and the trouble with all these reactions. Pay attention to the transitional devices, too. An attempt to gain the largest possible amount of satisfaction from the smallest possible investment of time Trying to buy time The growth of the work-life debate
Further understanding Table Completion Fill in the chart with a variety of reactions provoked by the perception of the time famine and the trouble with all these reactions. Pay attention to the transitional devices, too. Liberating time is useless if the hours gained are immediately diverted to other purposes. 1. One is …(Para. 19) 2. …also…(Para. 21) 3. A third reaction…(Para. 22)
Further understanding For Part Four Questions and Answers 1.What is the crux of the problem the author points out? The author points out the time stress we feel arises not from a shortage of time, but from the too many things we try to do. 2. What is remedy for the stress according to the author’s opinion? A possible remedy is that we should understand the problem and realize that it is not more time we need, it is fewer desires.
Difficult sentences (L. 2-3, Para.1)Machines were expected to do our work for us, leaving us with ever-increasing quantities of time to waste away on idleness and pleasure. ●Paraphrase the sentence. ●Translate the sentence into Chinese. We once hoped that machines would do our work for us, then we would have more and more time to spend on idleness and pleasure. ‘leaving us with …and pleasure’ is a present participle phrase used as an accompanying adverbial. 我们觉得机器会替代我们工作, 我们则有越来越多的时间休闲娱乐.
Language focus eat into(L.6)gradually reduce the amount of (sth. valuable); damage or destroy 吞噬;侵蚀;毁坏 ---Acid eats into the metal, damaging its surface. ---His extravagances ate into his inheritances.
Difficult sentences (L.11-12, Para 3)The trouble is, it delivered them. 1) What do “deliver” and “them” here refer to? “Deliver” means to provide or to bring, “them” here refers to“horizens”. 2) What does “trouble” imply? It implies the unfavorable effect of the invention of aircraft, that is, people, driven on by new horizons, would like to spend more time o time-consuming journeys. 3) Paraphrase the sentence. The problem is that the plane expanded the horizons.
Language focus in reality(L.18)in actual fact; really事实上; 实际上 Some famous private schools are theoretically open to the public, but in reality are attended by those who can afford the fees. Collocation: accept reality 承认事实 deny reality 否认事实 面对事实 face reality
Difficult sentences (L.27-28, Para 7)Technology apart, the Internet points the way to a second reason why we feel so time-pressed: the information explosion. ●Translate the sentence into Chinese. 除去技术发展,因特网指出了我们为何感到时间 如此紧迫的第二个原因: 信息爆炸。 Go to Exercise: Structure 1 (P.213-214) (“apart” )
Difficult sentences (L.30-32,Para 8) Today, those heads could not hope to accommodate more than a tiny fraction of the information generated in a single day. ● Paraphrase the sentence. ●Translate the sentence into Chinese. 如今,这些大脑休想 容纳下一天中产生的 新信息中的小小一部分。 ‘generated in a single day’为过去 分词短语,做‘information’的后置 定语。
Difficult sentences (L.39-41, Para 10)“Now, I find myself subscribing to 60 or 70 journals or magazines just to keep me up with what amounts to a minute proportion of the expanding frontiers of scholarship.” • Paraphrase “the expanding frontiers of scholarship”. the ever-advancing development in the new field of academy 2. What is the purpose for the author to quote this sentence? The purpose is to give us a more vivid picture about the information explosion.
Language focus amount to(L.41)be equal to; add up to 相当于; 总计 实际上,你说的那些模棱两可的话等于是拒绝。 --- In fact, your ambiguous words amount to a refusal。 他们的旅费共达700美元。 ---Their traveling expenses amount to seven hundrad dollars.
Language focus stress (L.42) 1. n.pressure or worry resulting from mental or physical distress, difficult circumstances, etc. (followed by on) 压力;重压 他的压力很大因为他的工作太多了。 He is under stress because he has too much work to do. 2. vt.put stress, pressure, or strain on 加压力于;使紧张 I must stress that what I say is confidential. Collocation lay / put / place stress on / upon 着重于,把重点放在…上
Difficult sentences (L.46-47, Para 11) So we suffer from what Wilson calls discontent with super abundance -- the confusion of endless choice. • What does “super abundance” refer to? • It refers to the a quantity of goods and services. • 2. What can we infer from the sentence? The quantity of goods and services is too much, it is endless, and what’s more, it increases our time stress levels. 3.Translate the sentence into Chinese. 于是我们就深受威尔逊所谓的对极大富足不满之苦---即 无休止的选择所造成的困惑。
Difficult sentences (L. 48-50, Para 12)“It’s a convenient shorthand to say we’re all time-starved, but we have to remember that it only applies to, say, half the population.”… ●Paraphrase the sentence. ●Translate the sentence into Chinese. “说我们都缺少时间 只是随意讲讲,我们 应该记住,这种说法大约 约只适用于一半人.” It is easy to say that we all suffer from a severe shortage of time, but we have to remember that this situation isonly true of half the population.
Difficult sentences (L.56-58, Para 14)Paul Edwards, chairman of the London-based Henley Centre forecasting group, points out that the feeling of pressures can also be exaggerated, or self-imposed. ●Translate the sentence into Chinese. 总部设在伦敦的亨利中心预测小组组长保罗.爱德华指出,压力感也可能被夸大 ,或者被强加于自身.
Difficult sentences (L.60-61. Para 14)“It’s almost got to the point where there’s stress envy.” 1. What does “stress envy” mean? If you are not stressed, that shows you are not very successful. 2. Why does the author mention the “stress envy”? To make his argument comprehensive and more convincing, the author revealed the fact that not everyone is overstressed though 50 percent of unemployed or retired people tell you they never have enough time to get things done. 3. Translate the sentence into Chinese. 这几乎到了羡慕压力的程度。
Difficult sentences (L. 64-67, Para 15)…in the U.K., working hours have risen only slightly in the last 10 years, and in the U.S., they have actually fallen -- even for those in professional and executive jobs, where the perceptions of stress are highest. ●Translate the sentence into Chinese. 在英国,最近十年中工作时间只 略微增加, 而在美国,即使对工作 压力最大的专业人士和管理人员 而言,工作时间实践上减少了.
Difficult sentences (Lines84-85, Para 19)Inequalities apart, the perception of the time famine is widespread, and has provoked a variety of reactions. ● Paraphrase the sentence. ●Translate the sentence into Chinese. Apart from free time being unequally spread among people, the opinion that we are extremely short of time is held by many people, and has caused all kinds of reactions. • 空余时间分配的不平等,缺乏时间的感觉也普遍存在,并引起了各种反应.
Difficult sentences • (L. 94-95,Para 21)Anything that helps streamline • our lives is a growth market. • ● Paraphrase the sentence. • ●Translate the sentence into Chinese. 任何能帮助我们提高生活效率的事物都有越做越大的市场。 Anything that helps make our lives more efficient and effective has become a growing market
Language focus domestic (L.96) adj. 1. of the home, household or family 家庭的;家务的 ---The cat is a domestic animal in many countries. 2. of or inside a particular country 国内的 This is China’s domestic affairs.
Difficult sentences (L. 104-106, Para 23)The trouble with all these reactions is that liberating time — whether by making better use of it, buying it from others or reducing the amount spent at work — is futile if the hours gained are immediately diverted to other purposes. ● Paraphrase the sentence. ●Translate the sentence into Chinese. The problem with all these reactions is that if you spend the hours you have gained on other purposes right away, having more time free from work is useless— whether you get the free time by making better use of it, saving it by hiring others to do the things or reducing the amount spent at work. 所有这些反应的问题在于, 把时间解放出来—无论是 靠更充分地利用时间,靠购买 他人的时间,还是靠缩短工作 时间—是没有意义的,如果赢得 的时间又即刻被用于其他目的。
Difficult sentences (L.118-120, Para 27)But the global village is a world of limitless possibilities, and we can never achieve our aim. ●Paraphrase the sentence. ●Translate the sentence into Chinese. But the global village is a world, which offers limitless choices, and we can never realize our purpose of making all the choices. 然而,地球村是一个有着无限 可能的世界,我们永远无法 实现满足自己想做任何事情的 目标。
Language focus Useful expressions eat into 吞噬 stuck in traffic jams 困于交通堵塞 the transatlantic shopping expedition 越洋购物旅行 in most cases 在大多数情况下 free sb. from 使…摆脱
personal grooming 个人的穿着打扮 fix software glitches 处理软件故障 technology apart 除去技术发展 the information explosion 信息爆炸 from every corner of the world 从世界各个角落
in the whole world of scholarship 在整个世界学术界 driven on by 在…的推动下 apply to 适用于 forecasting group 预测小组 be unevenly distributed 分配不均匀
nurture offspring 抚养子女 take paying jobs 做有报酬的工作 household chores 家务杂活 a growth market 越做越大的市场 concierge services 家政服务 make better use of 更充分地利用 industrial revolution 工业革命 be doomed to 注定
Writing strategies In many ways, the style of this piece is typical of a certain variety of journalism. It is clearly not a new story, but nonetheless belongs within the pages of a newspaper. Such writing finds its home in the editorial or comment section where journalists and others contribute regular or occasional columns reflecting on topical issues.
Writing strategies This is frequently achieved by employing concession. Thus, here the writer, having outlined the problem of the pressure of time, goes on to concede that not everybody is affected to the same extent. He then details the differences that exist before returning to his more general point and concluding with his solution, another characteristic ingredient of such editorial articles. His general conclusion is hardly new, having been advice offered by philosophers for as back as one cares to go, but gains novelty set against the context to recent technological developments
Writing strategies Although not a news story, the article nevertheless shares with newspaper reporting in general a taste for seeking support from the use of direct quotations from a number of different people. These quotations are provided together with the name of the person and background information on them.These details add human interest and support the argument by reference to the utterances of someone who appear to be in a position to know. As the quotations record spoken rather than written English, the tone of language is often colloquial. The frequent peppering of an article with this type of direct quotation stands in contrast to what is usual in a more purely academic essay.
Time for fun Proverbs and Quotations • The greater wealth is contentment with a little. • 人生最大的财富是知足。 2. Too much curiosity lost paradise. 太多好奇心,逐出天堂门。
Proverbs and Quotations 3.We always have time enough, if we will but use it aright. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet 只要我们能善用时间,就永远不愁时间不够用。 -- 德国诗人 J. W. 歌德 4.Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify it, simplify it. -- Henry David Thoreau, American writer 我们的生活都被琐事浪费掉了,简单点,简单点。 -- 美国作家 H. D. 梭罗