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Avenues of Steel Valley

This document outlines the preliminary recommendations of visiting experts for the revitalization of the Avenues of Steel Valley. The recommendations include creating a unified vision, expanding collaborations, capitalizing on community assets, fostering workforce development, and connecting the Waterfront and the Avenues. Concrete tasks are provided for each recommendation.

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Avenues of Steel Valley

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Avenues of Steel Valley Preliminary recommendations of visiting experts Public Meeting June 4th, 2008 Facilitated by the Western Pennsylvania Brownfields Center at Carnegie Mellon

  2. Outline • Overview of Workshop Process • The Recommendations • Concrete Tasks

  3. The workshop at a glance • Homestead and West Homestead, Pennsylvania May 27-30, 2008 • Enlisted panel of six experts to form recommendations and concrete tasks • Brought together over 150 + participants including property owners, the community at large, state county and local elected officials

  4. The Workshop Planning Committee • Drew Borcik, Homestead Council President • Patrick Earley, Allegheny County Economic Development • Deborah Lange, Brownfields Center at CMU • Meredith Meyer Grelli, Brownfields Center at CMU • William Roth, West Homestead Engineer • Jeffrey Schaffer, Office of Congressman Mike Doyle • Charles Starrett, Steel Valley Enterprise Zone • David Weir, West Homestead Council President • Doug Van Haitsma, Mon Valley Initiative

  5. The workshop at a glance cont’d Experts and fields • Deeohn Ferris, JD, Equitable Development • Susan Hannegan, Historic Designation • Sheila Jackson, Community Safety • Robert Richardson, Redevelopment Strategies • Terri Smith, Marketing and Changing Perceptions • Marshall Williams, Railroad and Strategic Connections

  6. The workshop at a glance cont’d • Events • Open reception at Mitchell’s • Meetings with property owners, Down Street Coalition and 6th and 7th Avenues • Reception at Pump House • Public meeting at library • Meetings with government and community based organizations • Dinner at Bulgarian Macedonian National Education and Cultural Center • Press conference

  7. Strengths and assets • Steel history • Labor History • Ethnicity • National/Local Register District • River • Proximity/Pittsburgh/Airport, Universities • Carnegie Library • Historical architecture • Character/Hills/Views • People • Tightly knit/walkable • Churches

  8. The Recommendations • Create a unified three community vision for The Avenues • Expand on existing collaborations • Capitalize on community assets • Foster workforce development • Continue to connect the Waterfront and The Avenues • Empower leadership group to evaluate and execute these recommendations

  9. Concrete tasks Create a unified three community vision for The Avenues • Evaluate and update existing Comprehensive 2000 Urban Design Plan • Request representative from Federal Government to further focus on Brownfield development issues • Celebrate successes with ribbon cuttings • Create image by leveraging heritage and on-going historic programs • Develop design standards for consistent Historic District

  10. Concrete tasks Expand on existing collaborations • Expand the Workshop Planning Committee to represent more stakeholders in the community • Evaluate shared services • Engage lending institutions/banks and Churches • Convene regular gatherings of stakeholder groups

  11. Concrete tasks Capitalize on Community Assets • Create a network of public activity places • Establish a celebration of heritage and diversity of the boroughs • A yearly regional celebration that draws people from outside communities • For consistency hold it same time every year

  12. Concrete tasks Foster workforce development • Expand and promote a “training center” in the downtown area • Consider program centered around redevelopment

  13. Concrete tasks Continue to connect the Waterfront and The Avenues • Provide access to the Waterfront/waterfront • Trolley system • Water Taxi’s • Bike path • Adaptive reuse of former rail station

  14. Media coverage to date • Tribune-Review, May 31, 2008 • Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, May 31, 2008 • The Daily News, May 29, 2008 • Pop City, May 28, 2008 • The Valley Mirror, May 22, 2008

  15. Contact Information Deborah Lange dlange@cmu.edu Meredith Myer Grelli mmgrelli@andrew.cmu.edu Matthew Morehead mmorehea@andrew.cmu.edu http://www.cmu.edu/steinbrenner/brownfields (go to ‘Current Projects’ then ‘Site-Focused Workshops’)

  16. Thank you

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