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EDUCATION AND WORK. Presentation to the Northants LDPB 17 December 2009. 1. Introduction 2. Pathway to employment 3. LDPB plans about education and work and how well we are doing
EDUCATION AND WORK Presentation to the Northants LDPB 17 December 2009
1. Introduction 2. Pathway to employment 3. LDPB plans about education and work and how well we are doing 4. Group discussion and voting
Introduction • We want to begin this presentation by talking about something we think is very important • It is called the pathway to employment and explains how young people with learning disabilities can be supported into work
Transitions -Moving on from school In year 9 (13-14 year old) students have a transition or ‘moving on from school’ review meeting. • The young person, their family and friends, school teachers, a Personal Adviser from Connexions and other important people are invited to attend this ‘person centred’ meeting. • The Transition Review is a way to find out what a young person wants to do when they leave school – things like paid work, training, housing, money, health, travel, relationships, communication and leisure. As young people move through the school there will be many changes and new opportunities. There will be further reviews for the young person and the plans can be changed. A Connexions personal adviser can help to find the best advice.
Leaving school - age 16 to19 Learning and Skills Council (LSC) funds colleges for further education for young people College – a young person can choose to go to a local Further Education college or to a Residential Specialist College ( this may be further away) • Where possible the courses can help prepare someone to get a job. • If there is not a course suitable at a local college there is some funding available to pay for a person to attend a Residential Specialist College. • Connexions will arrange to work with the LSC and partners to decide if this is the best choice
Job Centre Plus Job Centre Plus is a government agency which helps people into work by providing training and help with job searching. • People who go to Job Centre Plus have regular meetings with a Disability Employment Adviser (DEA) who will provide advice about benefits and looking for work (jobsearch) • The DEA can explain what will happen to your benefits if you start work and explain how much better off you might be if you have a job. • The DEA can refer you to partner organisations for example EADs or specialist colleges who can help you learn new skills
Finding Work Advice on Employment NCC Employment and Disability Service (EADS) • A young person from age 16 can be supported into work • If you want to work for more than 16 hours a week you can go to EADS and ask the Employment Development Officer for advice and support. EADS provides special programmes such as; • Work Step – This is support in paid employment of more than 16 hours per week. • Work Preparation: a chance to try different types of work before making a decision on which is best.
Pure Innovations Employment • Pure Innovations is a supported employment organisation that works with people with learning disabilities. • The County Council has asked Pure Innovations to help people from 14 years old upwards to find jobs. They will support people who go to day centres who would rather work to find a job. They will help people if they have problems with their mental health and younger people in school or college who might want an after school, Saturday or holiday job. • Usually people go to Pure Innovations because their Care Manager knows they would like to find a job. • Pure Innovations have Employment Advisers who work with people with learning disabilities to find out what they are good at and what type of job they would like to do. They will speak to employers to find the best job for that person and support them to do it well
So the employment pathway to work for young people is: 1. Make your plan 2. Get the right training 3. Get good support to find a job And remember: Access to Work– this is money to help when you have a job to pay for special equipment or to make changes to the building you work in so that it is easier to work. It can also be used for transport to get to work or for a support worker in the work place.
The LDPB wrote a plan for 2009 that said: 1. Northamptonshire will have a new employment plan 2. At least 20 people will have paid jobs and more people will be able to volunteer if they choose 3. The County Council and the National Health Service (NHS) will employ more people with a learning disability 4. Less young people will leave Northamptonshire to go to college as local services will meet needs and wishes
The LDPB plan said: Northamptonshire will have a new employment plan
The Northamptonshire employment plan has been written jointly (co-produced) by lots of people involved in employment, including people with a learning disability and family carers, after a very successful event in September. There is a display of photos and information about the Big Plan Day. We took this to the regional launch of Valuing Employment Now in Nottingham.
The LDPB plan said: At least 20 people will have paid jobs and more people will be able to volunteer if they choose • As part of the Local Area Agreement ,Northamptonshire has chosen an improvement target called NI 146 • National Indicator 146 is about increasing the numbers of people with learning disabilities known to social services who are in paid work • Northamptonshire County Council keeps records of people with paid jobs known to Social Services and those involved in volunteering.
In Northamptonshire in 2008 there were 31 people with learning disabilities in employment. We think that by the end of 2009 there will be 70 people • In Northamptonshire there are 111 people who use day services in Northamptonshire who are involved in volunteering • Delos run a Supported Volunteering project The LDPB Daventry/South Northants questionnaire in 2008 showed us that lots of people with learning disabilities want to get paid work
The LDPB plan said: Northants County Council and the National Health Service will employ more people with a learning disability
Plans to increase the numbers of people employed will be written. • NCC are trying to change their policy so that they can employ more people with a learning disability. The LDPB have helped with suggestions about how to make application forms and interviews more accessible. • NCC are setting targets to make sure more people with a learning disability get jobs in the Council in 2010
The LDPB plan said : Less young people will leave their homes to go to college as local services will meet needs and wishes
Discussions and Voting We are now going to talk in groups about the 5 big areas from the Northamptonshire employment plan ‘We can work it out’ and vote on how you want to consult on the plan • The things we are going to talk about are written on flip charts • Only partnership board members can vote