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SUBMMITED BY : MOUTRISHNA GAYAN CLASS : VII ROLL. no : 9. WORK EDUCATION Project. Topic : symbolic representation. Definition :
Topic : symbolicrepresentation Definition : In different field of life we use to represent different items , actions or events with a simple diagram , this pictorial representation is known as ‘symbol’ . So , symbol means of symbolic representation : 1. The pictorial representations can be understand easily . 2. The symbols can be understand and learned by even illiterates or uneducated .
3. In multi – lingllistic world the pictorial representation develops a universal language. • 4. The pictorial representation emphasis on important expect of things . • Symbolic diagram of wire : the wire is most common thing used in electricity a required . The wire , made connecting material provides path for flow of electric current . • a)Wire joints : To expand the path of electricity a network of wire are inter – connected for the larger the joint of wire are represented in two ways .
In first methods of symbolic representation the joints are represented with normal touch wire lines . In second method a dot is used to show the wire joints. • These way of representation effects of symbolic representation of wires overlapping. • b) Overlapping wires : The overlapping of wire means the wires are crossing each other but wires are not inter – connected . • In some cases the loops are used to represent the overlapping of wires . • In some cases where dots are used to represent the joints of wires , simple crossing of wires used to represent overlapping of wires .
2. Cell : The are source of electrical energy and represented with symbol showing its two terminals . • 3. Battery : The combination of two or more cells is called ‘battery’ . The battery is represented as symbol shown in diagram . • 4 .Direct current supply : The electricity which the current flows in one direction . • 5. Alternating current supply : In A.C electricity the direction of current and value of voltage keeps changing . It is represented by symbol of wave . • 6. Switch : The switch is a device which is used to make or break the electrical circuit . Different types of switches used in electrical circuit .
a) Normal ON / OFF switch : i) Two way switch . ii) Push to ON switch . iii) Push to OFF switch . b) Push to ON switch : In this switch the make ON condition arises when we press on it . c) Push to OFF switch : IN this type of switches the break /OFF condition arises when we press it . 7. Incandescent lamp / bulb : The electrical device which is used to give light .
8. Tube light : The tube light is an electrical devices , which is use to produce light with help of two other devices , named as - Starter . - Chock / ballast . a) Fan : The electric fan converse electrical energy into mechanical energy . 10) Motor : The motor is an electrical device which converts electrical energy into chemical energy .
11. Socket or wall outlet : The socket are open electrical points , which can be used to connect removable electrical appliances . There are two types of sockets . a) Two pin socket . b) Three pin socket . 12. Electrical terminals (in A.C) : There are three terminals in normal houses wiring or electrical system , which are called as – (a) phase – represented with ‘p’ .
(b) Neutral – represented with ‘n’. (c) Earth – the terminal of earth is for safety purpose . 13. Fuse : The fuse is a safety device , which breaks the electric circuit when current flows more than the specified limit .