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Perception (الإدراك)

Perception (الإدراك). Perception*. Giving meaning to a sensation (i.e. getting to know the environment by the use of senses.) العملية المعرفية التى تعطى معنى و دلالة على المنبهات (المثيرات) التى نحس بها ، ( أى تفسيرالمنبهات الحسية بطريقة تمكنا من فهمها)

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Perception (الإدراك)

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  1. Perception(الإدراك)

  2. Perception* • Giving meaning to a sensation (i.e. getting to know the environment by the use of senses.) العملية المعرفية التى تعطى معنى و دلالة على المنبهات (المثيرات) التى نحس بها ، ( أى تفسيرالمنبهات الحسية بطريقة تمكنا من فهمها) • We receive signs (نستقبل علامات) and perceive meanings (ندرك معانى). • Signs= environmental stimuli

  3. Signs (علامات) are of two types: • Symbols (رموز): Stimuli (مثيرات)which stand for(ترمز) an object (للأشياء) e.g.: a name of any one stands for the person named., or a word “FIRE” • Signals (إشارات): Stimuli received from the object e.g. smoke (الدخان) is a signal (إشارة) for fire (حريق). We perceive objects and relations between them • We perceive sounds, distance and time. • We perceive ideasأفكار conclusionsإستنتاجات and concepts مفاهيم which are our tools of thinking. • We perceive our body(body image, e.g. in relation to space “spatial” where is my toe ) & some bodily functions. e.g. sense of micturition ) • We perceive our psyche and its functions like emotions and thoughts. and our motives Perceives: positionالوضع, category of objectالتصنيف, plasticityالمرونة, movementالحركة, capacityالقدرة (for me to use, of it on me),

  4. Gestalt laws* l. sum is greater than its parts الكل أكبر من مجموع أجزاؤهll. figure ground relationsالشكل و الأرضية أو الخلفية

  5. lll. grouping tendenciesقانون الميل الى التجميع(Competition and cooperation ) In every stimulus pattern, the elements of stimulus have some degree of proximity , similarity, continuity etc. At a time all kind of grouping tendencies are at work.

  6. Factors affecting perception • Figural الأشكالfactors (Objective Factors) • Subjective الأشخاص factors (Personal Factors)

  7. Figural factorsالأشكال: 1. Similarity (التشابه) : Similar stimuli tend to be grouped together. 2.Proximity (التقارب) : Proximate objects tend to be grouped together. 3.Closure (الإغلاق) : Stimuli tend to be grouped together in order to perceive a defective whole as a closed one. 4.Symmetry التناسق : For example asymmetric triangles are liable to be perceived as symmetrical ones.

  8. 5. Approximation (بالتقريب): There is a tendency to perceive the poor figure as if they were exact and good. 6. Good continuation ( التكملة) : In the figure we see how we tend to continue lines to make rectangles instead of perceiving lines separately. 7. Context (السياق) :

  9. Subjective(Personal) factorsشخصية * • Mood (emotion) المزاج Our mood influences markedly our perception e.g. when you are sad you perceive every thing as bad • Need: الإحتياج when we are hungry we selectively perceive(smell) odors of food. • Interests: الإهتمامات every one perceives what he is interested in more than any other thing. • Mental set: الإستعداد الذهنى as much as you are prepared to do something or to find something, it is likely to do it or find it and to overlook other things • Habit &Familiarity التعود و الألفة habit is based on past experience. ….E.gYou read AMATONY as ANATOMY out of habit. • Aesthetic factors عوامل جمالية (the same as good form in figural factors): The pleasant figure will be perceived where as an irregular figure will be overlooked.

  10. lV. Perceptual Constancy* =Relatively stable perception of an object Definition: An object will be perceived as the same one, In spite (بالرغم من) of different stimuli which it sends to you under different conditions e.g. illumination on it, position (angle) from which it is viewed or the distance at which it appears.

  11. Constancy depends largely on age and learning, therefore it is less apparent in children • Disturbed constancy is an early phenomena in psychosis.

  12. 1) Color constancy Tendency to see the colour of a familiar object as the same regardless of the actual light conditions • 2) Shape constancy Tendency to see an object’s shape as unchanging regardless of the viewing angle (despite the shape of the retinal image) • 3) Size constancy Tendency to see an object as having the same size regardless of distance 4) Location constancy Tendency to see an object as retaining its same position even if we move around

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