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Perception. The Cognitive Perspective. Perception. The mental processing of sensory information There is no fine line between sensation and perception OR between perception and cognition. Bottom-Up Approaches. Direct perception

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  1. Perception The Cognitive Perspective

  2. Perception • The mental processing of sensory information • There is no fine line between sensation and perception OR between perception and cognition

  3. Bottom-Up Approaches • Direct perception • Array of information in sense receptors, including context, is all we need to perceive anything. • Template theories • Recognize highly detailed models for patterns • Prototype theories • Average of a class of related objects or patterns • Feature theories • Match features to those stored in memory • Structural-Description Theory • Manipulation of a few 3D geometric shapes (geons)

  4. Top-Down Approach • Constructive perception • Perceiver constructs a cognitive understanding of a stimulus • Not incompatible with Bottom-Down Approach Computational Theory • Raw sense data is organized through the use of three features: • - edges, contours, regions

  5. Perception Deficits • Agnosias • Severe deficit in ability to perceive sensory information • Color Perception Anomalies • Genetic link • Protanopia • Extreme red colorblindness • Tritanopia • Blindness to blue • Achromacy • Absence of any color perception

  6. Akinetopsia • Selective loss of motion perception • Extremely rare

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